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Why you should upgrade to Full Membership

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#1 Aegist

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Posted 24 February 2007 - 01:45 PM

I thoroughly recommend that all of the basic members at ImmInst upgrade to Full Membership. Really... I do.

Really, think about it, not only is this one of the best high quality forums online with some of the most intelligent conversation available, but it is a non-profit organisation which has a single-minded purpose of fighting for our lives. The very purpose of this website is to fight for us! This website is a user-defined extension of our own personal desires, goals and objectives. As a community we can acheive so much more than we can alone, and through realising that and dedicating yourself to being part of the community completely, you are helping yourself, and every single one of us.

For me, I simply realised that this community represented absoluty everything that my life was about. Now maybe that won't be true of all of our members, but you can't deny that you are here because a natural lifespan just isn't good enough. And as long as we are here to stop that, then we represent something that is of critical importance to your life...life itself.

So by making the measly $5 donation for a month, or committing yourself to just one year for the insignificant amount of $20 or $50, you are doing more than just helping the community out (which I will get to in a moment) but you are making a stand for yourself. You are stating absolutely that you do not want to give in to the status quo. You are willing to commit to the struggle of life, for as long as you can.

And really, think about it, I spend $5 on lunch every day at work. You've probably been drunk and spent more money buying rounds of beers for strangers than you will spend on supporting the most important organisation you will ever belong to. $50 really won't affect your life, but it will have an affect on ImmInst. Thanks to those small donations, ImmInst can be empowered to reach out to a much larger audience, bring together scientists, introduce talented individuals to productive research, and promote longevity research to the people who can make a difference.

There is more to ImmInst than just intelligent conversations and news stories in a website forum.

Not only does ImmInst produce informational material for the public such as the the ImmInst book: "The Scientific Conquest of Death" and the ImmInst film: "Exploring Life Extension" and organising the ImmInst conference(s), but there are many other projects which the leadership are constantly working on which money is consistently a limiting factor. For instance a Scholarship for longevity research is something many are very keen on organising. There is also the desire to expand into a real world office space and start campaigning congress in the USA, not to mention expanding into the UK, Europe, Australia and every other major power on earth.

What I want everyone to realise is that alone, we are useless. But as a group, we can initiate change in awareness, then change in perception, then change in opinion and finally a change in urgency. This is urgent.

So once again, I urge you to take the insignificant step of parting with a small sum of money, and realise the very significant results that you are contributing to achieving.

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#2 Ghostrider

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Posted 24 February 2007 - 06:08 PM

And also, don't neglect contributing to SENS / Mprize funds as well. Any amount really does make a difference as we need a large following as well as money. Large following attracts more attention.

#3 Live Forever

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Posted 24 February 2007 - 06:28 PM

And also, don't neglect contributing to SENS / Mprize funds as well.  Any amount really does make a difference as we need a large following as well as money.  Large following attracts more attention.

I agree and I have heard Aubrey make this exact point before. Even if you only donate a little bit of money, your name is added to the list of people that support it (or in the case of ImmInst, the amount of membership is increased). Showing people that there are a lot of people wanting to defeat aging is important.

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#4 Aegist

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Posted 04 March 2007 - 11:58 PM

As far as I can see, for the short term, building support is the best thing we can do, and possibly the only real activity worth pursuing.

One of the most impressive things about ImmInst is the number of actual real research scientists who work on this topic every day, and offer their knowledge here regularly. That is very impressive, but they alone won't get the job done. Simply having the support of other members here at ImmInst won't allow the real research scientists to suddenly find an answer. There must be a much more concerted push on behalf of the rest of us to initiate public, and government, support for research on longevity and extended healthy lifespans. Without that public and government support, lifespan extension will always be a fringe pursuit struggling to justify its existence.

Without the support, money will cease to flow, and without money, no number of brilliant scientists will be able to solve the problems we face, because there will be no labs or equipment for them to do their research with.

ImmInst not only allows us to mix ideas and brainstorm potential solutions on the scientific level, but ImmInst allows the common person, educated, uneducated, from poor background, from rich background, europe, asia, australia, america, africa alike. Regardless of who you are, where you are from and what you know, ImmInst allows all of us to make a difference by allowing us to put our united voices behind the research.

I appreciate every single member of ImmInst because of that, and every member, full and basic member alike makes a difference. However upgrading to full membership just crosses that line, for both yourself, and for the outside observer. Upgrading simply indicates that you are no longer an observer of this phenomenon, but you are in complete support of it.

#5 zoolander

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Posted 05 March 2007 - 12:34 AM

Members: 4614
  Full Members: 237

0.5% of our total members are full members. Why? call me pessimistic but it seems that Life extension is a self absorbed journey for a lot of people. Rather than join the fight to eliminate suffering/death for all they would rather just save themselves.

Of course this is a massive generalisation. However, this is what "I" feel is the case sometimes.

Edited by zoolander, 19 February 2008 - 12:21 AM.

#6 zoolander

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Posted 05 March 2007 - 12:36 AM

Although I can't really outline what I exactly do, I spend a significant amount of time keeping the full members updated with the latest research. Full members know what I am talking about :)

#7 futureofscience

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Posted 05 March 2007 - 11:39 AM

I've been considering upgrading to Full Membership but I'm a bit confused - where does my money go ?

Okay so I know you need money to keep the domain name/server and the technical side, but what is it the rest ACTUALLY spent on ? Why should I donate to Imminst as opposed to the M Prize/SENS research which have clearly defined financial goals ?

#8 Bruce Klein

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Posted 05 March 2007 - 11:55 AM

ImmInst Treasurer, Mind, posts monthly a detailed account of spending to Full Membership. In brief, we've recently allocated monies to upgrade the forums (around 2K of our current 38K balance). In the past, we've used dedicated donations to fund the film and conference projects. Going forward, we may allocate funds to spur writing projects, prizes, or research projects. Optimally, we need to think more about how to use current funds to fuel more income so as to move beyond a successful online social network and into the realm of practicable application!

#9 Aegist

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Posted 05 March 2007 - 12:11 PM

I've been considering upgrading to Full Membership but I'm a bit confused - where does my money go ?

Okay so I know you need money to keep the domain name/server and the technical side, but what is it the rest ACTUALLY spent on ? Why should I donate to Imminst as opposed to the M Prize/SENS research which have clearly defined financial goals ?

Brilliant question FutureOfScience!
All you need to do is upgrade to full membership you will be able to see exactly what happens with all of the money!


OK, I wouldn't seriously leave it at that. That would be really mean. (and probably counter productive)

But seriously, you raise a good point about the lack of a distinct goal of ImmInst, and this has been discussed quite a lot lately. Particularly since I have started trying to motivate people to raise awareness of our goals in the greater public. We have this distinct problem where I personally think that the biggest impact ImmInst can have is simply by bringing about major social awareness and thereby increasing social support and funding to the real research. IMO, that will be the only way that SENS and MPrize will be able to have the impact it was designed to have.... But then there is our obvious dilemma: Is ImmInst just an organisation set up to get money so that it can continue promoting itself so that it can get more money to promote itself with?

Obviously the desired answer is no. We do not want to be an organisation whose sole purpose is to promote itself. Although, even in saying that, ImmInst is a non-profit organisation, its not like we're taking money in for ourselves or for some sneaky guy at the top (the finances are literally 100% transparent to full members), and its not like promoting ImmInst serves only ImmInst...The fact is, as I see (which is why I am so dedicated to this), is that ImmInst *is* the 'Immortality' community. As far as I am concerned, if you promote ImmInst, you promote lifespan extension. So spending money to promote lifespan extension, so that lifespan extension can bring in more money to promote lifespn extension... yes, I think that is worth it. Because the absolutey definite practical upshot to that cyclical process is that SENS, MPrize, and medical research into lifespan extension in general will ALL benefit.

If the world media were forced to report that "ImmInst, the online community of people who want to live longer healthier lives for an indefinite period of time has had its full membership numbers double every week for the last 10 weeks", then they would also be forced to assume there was something worthwhile going on...they would stop assuming we were a bunch of 'quacks', as it was so elegently put in a thread recently. And when the world's media starts to notice this movement, and is forced to recognise it as a real movement, not sci-fi crazy talk, then the numbers will bring with them money to SENS and MPrize et al far more than you as an individual can donate.

And that is my point. In its entirety.
I, alone, can do very little to make a difference. But if I can bring about change which brings accumulated returns, then I can make a hell of a difference.

While donating $50 to SENS may seem like you are making a direct and definite assistance to the goal, it is *only* $50. While I see my goal here, and the goal of ImmInst to bring about MUCH more than just $50 difference.

With all of that said, I should now explain what else ImmInst wants to do with the money we recieve from members and donations and other profits, so that you don't actually think we are only self-promoting. There are plans to create a scholarship to support innovative research into lifespan extension. There is also the conference which has been held once, and is being considered again for the next event. And of course money went to the Film. Currently more than anything money is being saved until there is enough to do something worthwhile with it. Hopefully you agree that the Book and the Film were two of the best things to come out of ImmInst and the immortality community in general. If you do, then I hope you can understand how I feel abotu supporting ImmInst so that ImmInst can make a much bigger difference in terms of supporting SENS. Our plans are simply to create tools, and knowledge which allows our ideas and goals to spread out into the population so that we are not an isolated little community of freaks...

I'm sure I've typed too much. Can you tell I'm passionate about this?

#10 Aegist

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Posted 05 March 2007 - 12:13 PM

ImmInst Treasurer, Mind, posts monthly a detailed account of spending to Full Membership.  In brief, we've recently allocated monies to upgrade the forums (around 2K of our current 38K balance).  In the past, we've used dedicated donations to fund the film and conference projects. Going forward, we may allocate funds to spur writing projects, prizes, or research projects.  Optimally, we need to think more about how to use current funds to fuel more income so as to move beyond a successful online social network and into the realm of practicable application!

And Bruce manages to say it all in a few lines. Damn I'm verbose.

But yes, trying to use small funds, to bring about greater social activities to bring in more reasonable sources of funds so that some really impressive applications are possible.

#11 futureofscience

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Posted 05 March 2007 - 12:17 PM

Thankyou, Bruce, that's the kind of answer I was looking for. Enough to spur me to upgrade [thumb]

#12 futureofscience

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Posted 05 March 2007 - 12:19 PM

I'm sure I've typed too much. Can you tell I'm passionate about this?

I hadn't noticed.

#13 Bruce Klein

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Posted 05 March 2007 - 12:58 PM

Welcome futureofscience!

#14 Karomesis

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Posted 05 March 2007 - 07:04 PM

I caved in to peer pressure last week after 2 years as a basic member, and if my broke ass can contribute 50$ for the cause then I'm willing to bet most if not all here can as well. [thumb]

in light of the massive number of people dying every DAY (100k+) from aging, even a miniscule early contribution can have huge effects on the number who make it to escape velocity.
many people don't understand the science behind it all, if they did, many more would support the cause.

#15 Aegist

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Posted 05 March 2007 - 10:30 PM

I'm sure I've typed too much. Can you tell I'm passionate about this?

I hadn't noticed.

Sarcasm doesn't carry well through text, but I reckon this might have been sarcastic [tung]

BTW, I shouldn't be the only one who is passionate about it... we're all suffering from the same problem.

#16 futureofscience

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Posted 05 March 2007 - 10:38 PM

Sarcasm doesn't carry well through text, but I reckon this might have been sarcastic  [tung]


I agree, this is why I'm all for making places like this more well known. As I said before, I had thought about living a long time but never knew who/what was out there to achieve these goals. I think the institute promotes some good ideas without being too extremist.

#17 Mind

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Posted 05 March 2007 - 11:10 PM

There are some small perks to full membership...like getting info on new and/or important research before everyone else, but it is more about contributing to the life extension movement in general, and contributions are just as welcome to SENS and MF. We are all in the same battle. MF and SENS are more directly engaged in research while Imminst has been more on the advocacy side of things, but many full members would like to also sponsor research sometime soon and it has been discussed many times.

#18 luminous

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Posted 19 February 2008 - 12:08 AM

Hey, I've noticed a distinct and sudden dearth of (full) member posts of late. Is this my imagination? Are y'all now in your own little world? Or perhaps your posts are there but just dilluted amidst an isidious proliferation of posts from those of us who are mere...let's see, what are we called these days? Proletariat? Serfs? Peasants? Registered (L)users? Enquiring minds want to know.

Edited by luminous, 19 February 2008 - 12:09 AM.

#19 thughes

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Posted 09 April 2008 - 01:03 AM

... Because every time a person joins the forum and doesn't become a full member, God kills a guppy. Think of the guppies.

... Because Mind might cry?

... Because hey wow, talking about things won't make things happen. An organization is only as strong as the effort of its members. If you're serious, contribute! If you're worried the organization may not have the clout to do anything, add your voice to give it more energy.

... And while you're at it, sign up for http://www.imminst.o...gHome-f311.html too. Lets actually get something happening...

- Mey

P.S. Luminous you know you want the pretty blue Member sign, its calling you.

Edited by meyusa, 09 April 2008 - 01:04 AM.

#20 Emelie

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Posted 24 May 2008 - 11:30 AM

I'm new here on the forum and want to be a full member. But the problem is I don't know how to pay. I'm from Sweden and we have kronor/crowns, not dollars and I can't pay with my card over the internet. Can I get a bill to my postbox?

#21 Matthias

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Posted 24 May 2008 - 07:04 PM

I'm new here on the forum and want to be a full member. But the problem is I don't know how to pay. I'm from Sweden and we have kronor/crowns, not dollars and I can't pay with my card over the internet. Can I get a bill to my postbox?

Hi, an easy way for payments across the big pond is PayPal. I have registered at www.PayPal.com for free.

Once in a year I transfer the membership payment in Euro from my bank account to my PayPal account (plus an extra Euro for changes of the exchange rate).

Two days later it appears online at the paypal bank statement. Then I can transfer it in US$ to ImmInst at a daily updated exchange rate.

It's possible to transfer payments in almost all currencies around the world. The account type is called Personal Account.

PayPal takes a low fee from the recipient, but not from the payer. So there is no account maintenance charge for members who use PayPal.

The recipient's "account number" is no number but the following email address:

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Edited by Matthias, 25 May 2008 - 01:01 AM.

#22 Shannon Vyff

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Posted 07 July 2008 - 04:50 AM

I just want to point out, that for anyone who is a registered user and wants to vote on what name to choose, if any, for the rebranding of Immortality Institute (no change is also an option you can vote for) the voting process will be occurring during the next two weeks in the full membership section. For your voice to be heard, and your vote to count--now is a great time to join and further help support our mission. :)

#23 Forever21

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Posted 07 July 2008 - 06:29 AM

I am taking the call and donating to become a Full Member.

I strongly believe in what Immortality Institute is doing and I am here to support.

#24 Forever21

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Posted 07 July 2008 - 06:31 AM

And also, don't neglect contributing to SENS / Mprize funds as well. Any amount really does make a difference as we need a large following as well as money. Large following attracts more attention.


I've started supporting this. I encourage others as well.

#25 Cody

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Posted 25 July 2008 - 07:36 PM

One day I'm going to become a full member. I don't know when that will be. But indeed one day it WILL happen. :~

Also, I want to become one of the 300 and contribute 25,000 in 25 years to SENS. Which, when you think about it, isn't even that much money. I mean, your only giving about $2.50 a day. That really adds up though over 25 years!

I'm glad to see your so passionate about this, man. Keep up the great posts.

Edited by Cody, 25 July 2008 - 07:38 PM.

#26 jCole

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Posted 02 August 2008 - 02:25 AM

Done & done. :)

I've already been a fanatic about my health & nutrition for the past few years, (OCD to a degree, haha) constantly digging & researching the web for hours and hours on end..... but a few weeks on this forum has taken me in new directions in my nutrition, thinking and supplementation that I could of never done on my own.

For this, I am truely thankful to find a forum in line with how I've felt & lived for a good portion of my life.

Aging is a disease... lets find a cure...


Edited by jCole, 02 August 2008 - 02:39 AM.

#27 Moonbeam

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Posted 02 August 2008 - 05:37 PM

"You've probably been drunk and spent more money buying rounds of beers for strangers than you will spend on supporting the most important organisation you will ever belong to."

All right, all right, you talked me into it. ;-)

#28 luminous

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Posted 02 August 2008 - 05:47 PM

"You've probably been drunk and spent more money buying rounds of beers for strangers than you will spend on supporting the most important organisation you will ever belong to."

All right, all right, you talked me into it. ;-)

Me too. Sheesh, I'm such a pushover. Where do I collect my prize?

#29 davidd

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Posted 27 October 2008 - 03:23 PM

*sigh* I was waiting to become the 777th member, but I guess I'll have to settle for 423. I'll have to garner luck through other avenues. :)

*wanders off to become a paid member*

#30 Mind

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Posted 27 October 2008 - 05:50 PM

Just want to say thanks to all the people who have become members through the years. Even though we do draw some money through advertising, member contributions are critical to support things such as the Convergence08 conference, the MFURI scholarship, the F@H prize, etc...

In case you haven't checked it out lately, I rewrote the Donate page to more clearly spell out how member contributions help.

Just as crucial as monetary contributions are forum contributions and help with various projects. Thank you for all the help in that regard as well.

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