LongeCity Newsletter 
June 2015  

Midsummer 2015 upgrade & archiving   
The 28th is a rare -and last possible- timepoint for our newsletter. Around the more 'usual' 18th this month we were embarking on our 'midsummer' upgrade and archive - this is a fairly resource-intensive process and more than usual this year. Hopefully the site is now back to full capacity, but if you notice anything unusual or broken, please report it in the 'Issues' forum.  
Also at this timepoint, the website information has been been archived securely. In fact, this newsletter is all about archiving:          

LongeCity history      
Intrinsic to the idea of wanting to live a long life is to develop a philosophy about the place and value of history.
Critics point out that time and again through the centuries intelligent people felt that they were on the verge of obtaining the ‘key’ to living forever. Conversely, a lot of positive ‘hype’ in life extension is based on an assertion that never before have we been so serious about achieving a breakthrough. You will need to form your own perspective on this - but this cannot be done without an appreciation of some relevant history.
But does this knowledge hold its own dangers? By insisting on an awareness of what has come before, do we stymie the enthusiasm of the next generation? 
This post briefly discusses LongeCity's position on archiving 'historic' conteent. 

Seeking to 'adopt' content 
In following our aim to keep good quality information on life extension widely accessible, we are looking to  'take over' content from websites, blogs, mailing lists, article collections, personal archives etc... that are at risk of becoming lost. See here

Podcast archive 
A new longecity interview with transhumanist pioneer Keith Henson was published earlier this month. 
Also, in keeping with the 'archive theme' of this newsletter, we are looking for help with transferring some 'old' interview files to longecity  in better audio quality. 

Sponsor: MitoQ.com     
This newsletter and some of the work of LongeCity was supported by MitoQ.com - delivering antioxidant protection directly to mitochondria. See here for a special discount only available to Immortality Institute Members.   



The LongeCity newsletter is usually send out on the 8th or 18th day of each month to registered forum users.  
You can find past newsletters here.
If you have any questions or suggestions, we would love to hear from you. Please visit http://www.logecity.org/forum  (>LogIn >Lost Password?) or email info@longecity.org

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LONGECITY -Advocacy and Research for Unlimited Lifespans