Help Topic: Downloads
The download manager can be used to download available files or upload files yourself. To access it, click the "Downloads" tab at the top of any page.
Viewing Categories
Downloads are separated into categories - when you first go to the download manager you will see a list of categories. Click on any category name to view the files in that category.
Some categories may have sub-categories. When you are in the category, you will see a list of files within that category. You can click on any file to view and download it.
Random Files
You may see a strip at the bottom containing random files in the download manager. You can click on any file to view or download it.
Below the category list, you can see statistics of the download manager, such as who is currently viewing the system, the total number of files, the total number of downloads, and the newest file. There are also links to see the files uploaded today and all new files.
Viewing and Downloading Files
File Information
When viewing a category, you will see basic information such as who uploaded it and when, a screenshot (if supplied by the person who submitted the file), and the number of downloads it has had. Below this, you will see a full description of the file.
To download the file, press "
Download File".
If you would like to know how long a file will take to download, you can press the "Estimated Download Times" link in the file information section which will display a pop-up showing estimated download times for different internet speeds.
You may be able to rate a file by selecting one of the stars at the top of the page. After rating, you may be able to change your rating by selecting a different star. In some cases, the stars may not be shown or you may not be able to click on them.
You may be able to add a file to your favorites by pressing the "
Add to favorites" link. If a file is already in your favorites, this will be replaced with a "
Remove from favorites" link. You can view and manage your favorites in the downloads section of your settings panel.
You can email a link to the file to your friends by pressing the
icon. This will bring up a box that will allow you to type in your message. When you are ready, press Send Email to send it.
At the bottom of the file's page, you will see any existing comments on the file - you can add a comment by pressing the "
Leave a comment" button, and you can use the "Reply", "Report" and "Multiquote" links, and the Fast Reply box, just like in the forums.
Adding Files
If you have permission to upload your own files, you can press the "
Upload File" button from anywhere in the download manager. You can select a category to enter the file into if you were not already viewing one, then enter the file name and description.
Normally, you will upload a file from your computer. To upload your file, press the button. A box will appear for you to select the file on your computer that you want to attach. Select the file you want to upload.
You may alternatively be able to enter a URL to your file. You can instead use this to submit your file if the option is available.
Repeat the process for uploading a screenshot. Screenshots may be compulsory or optional - if you do not upload a screenshot, a "No Screenshot" message will be shown when viewing your file.
When you are ready, press Add Submission.
It is important that you do not press the Add Submission button more than once. If your file is large, it will take a while for the file to finish uploading - please be patient during this period.
Once you file has been uploaded you will be taken to it - be aware that you may need to wait for your file to be approved.
You may, after submitting your file, be able to edit or delete it by pressing the "
Edit file" and "
Delete file" buttons respectively. Edits may also need to be approved.
Viewing Categories
Downloads are separated into categories - when you first go to the download manager you will see a list of categories. Click on any category name to view the files in that category.
Some categories may have sub-categories. When you are in the category, you will see a list of files within that category. You can click on any file to view and download it.
Random Files
You may see a strip at the bottom containing random files in the download manager. You can click on any file to view or download it.
Below the category list, you can see statistics of the download manager, such as who is currently viewing the system, the total number of files, the total number of downloads, and the newest file. There are also links to see the files uploaded today and all new files.
Viewing and Downloading Files
File Information
When viewing a category, you will see basic information such as who uploaded it and when, a screenshot (if supplied by the person who submitted the file), and the number of downloads it has had. Below this, you will see a full description of the file.
To download the file, press "

If you would like to know how long a file will take to download, you can press the "Estimated Download Times" link in the file information section which will display a pop-up showing estimated download times for different internet speeds.
You may be able to rate a file by selecting one of the stars at the top of the page. After rating, you may be able to change your rating by selecting a different star. In some cases, the stars may not be shown or you may not be able to click on them.
You may be able to add a file to your favorites by pressing the "

You can email a link to the file to your friends by pressing the

At the bottom of the file's page, you will see any existing comments on the file - you can add a comment by pressing the "

Adding Files
If you have permission to upload your own files, you can press the "

Normally, you will upload a file from your computer. To upload your file, press the button. A box will appear for you to select the file on your computer that you want to attach. Select the file you want to upload.
You may alternatively be able to enter a URL to your file. You can instead use this to submit your file if the option is available.
Repeat the process for uploading a screenshot. Screenshots may be compulsory or optional - if you do not upload a screenshot, a "No Screenshot" message will be shown when viewing your file.
When you are ready, press Add Submission.
It is important that you do not press the Add Submission button more than once. If your file is large, it will take a while for the file to finish uploading - please be patient during this period.
Once you file has been uploaded you will be taken to it - be aware that you may need to wait for your file to be approved.
You may, after submitting your file, be able to edit or delete it by pressing the "