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How to fix premature aging and bad skin after drug abuse?

drugs weed lsd collagen drug abuse drug addiction addiction skin young youth

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#1 MoriensRecovery

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Posted 01 July 2019 - 10:02 PM

I'm only 23 years old but my skin looks about 10 years older than what it did just about 2 years ago. Before I was always told that I looked younger than my age and had to show ID all the time.
Now I look so disgusting and ugly :( with a lot fine lines and wrinkles under my eyes and just really overall disgusting and saggy skin and it's killing me. I've lost so much elastin and collagen it's crazy.

I abused benzodiazapines and z-drugs such as zoplicone and ambien along with alcohol, weed and tobacco for years to make myself look this horrible. Most of my rapid aging tho came from when I was in a severe drug withdrawal off from benzos and didn't sleep a single night for 2 weeks straight (I'm not exegerating I legit almost died).

I haven't looked the same since and even though I'm finally almost done with my benzo taper and quit smoking both weed and tobacco and rarely drink and sleep a lot better now I only notice very slight barely noticable positive changes in my skin.

I'm very depressed over the fact that I have permantely destroyed my looks at such a young age forever over some bad desicions I made when I was barely a legal adult and couldn't think straight.

Is there anything I can do? Or is plastic surgery + Co2 laser/chemical peels and perhaps a facelift the only realistic way for me to look the same again?

I really hate being in my early 20's and have skin that looks like someone in their mid 30's it makes me wanna kill myself.
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#2 sthira

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Posted 02 July 2019 - 01:06 AM

...makes me wanna kill myself.

I’m sorry, that’s shitty. Know the feeling though, I’m in your tribe. Congrats for getting out of the evil, though, be proud of yourself, not everyone gets out from under the grips of addiction. Pat on yo’ back!

As far as fixing damages, you’ve got regenerative biology on your side because of your relative youth. That’s the good news.

The bad news is no miracle from the shelves of dermatology or any other regenerative science is going to get you where you want.

And I propose to you the cure you’re seeking is quite boring and common. It’s what everyone else should be doing, too, but very, very few people actually do it: focus on a plant-based whole food diet, and stick to it like you mean it. Consistently, habitually, daily — eat broccoli and broccoli sprouts and have arugula salads with some kale, some cabbage, some carrots, beets, avocado, squash, eat loads of mushrooms and jicama and stay away from fast food.

Someone here called me “anal” for downloading the free app “cronometer” listing what I eat and how much I eat, daily, each and every day I’m seeking to hit RDA. Eat vegetables, fruits, legumes, seeds, berries, nuts, and do it and do it and do it and do it. Ignore the fatsos and idiots who call you names for wanting to be healthy and maintain your youth — this is the way out.

If I were you, and you’re able, I’d sign up for a fasting retreat. Somewhere like True North in California, it’s not that expensive when measured against fight diseases you don’t want. There’s a great fasting clinic in a hospital in Berlin. There’s another good one in Siberia. Watch this, be inspired, it’s great: https://youtu.be/t1b08X-GvRs

Anyway: fast. Clean out your body in a supervised setting. Fasting is probably as close to a solution as what you’ve asked for above. Can anyone name anything better? Go to the jungle and fast under medical care with a group of people in a lovely setting with howler monkeys around you in the trees, and who knows, maybe your future wife is waiting for you there now.

But fasting in no cure, either. Fasting will clean you out and set your sails. But then you’ve got consistent dietary work ahead staying with a plant-based RDA diet. And exercise. Am I helping at all? ... lol... I’m rambling.

Stay away from pothead friends and ghostly influences that led you down the path you now regret.

You can do it! Yay you!
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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: drugs, weed, lsd, collagen, drug abuse, drug addiction, addiction, skin, young, youth

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