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The Longevity Industry will be the Biggest and Most Complex Industry in Human History

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#1 Engadin

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Posted 13 July 2019 - 12:53 PM

From Rejuvenation Science News (RSN)



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The Longevity Industry is not just about biotechnology and biomedicine. Rather, it consists of several distinct segments: Geroscience, Biomedicine, AgeTech and Finance. Despite this seemingly clear market segmentation, many of these sectors intersect with various domains of science and technology, such as advanced biomedicine, preventive medicine, digital health, AI, financial systems, pension systems and government national strategies.


The Longevity industry will dwarf all other industries in both size and market capitalization and will require unprecedented sophistication in its approach for assessment and forecasting from the start to neutralize challenges and manifest opportunities.


One of the biggest challenges in assessing the Longevity industry is the extreme broadness of the sector. Hundreds of sectors, industries and domains of science and technology must be analyzed in order to obtain a concrete and comprehensive understanding of the dynamics, trends and direction of the industry. This situation is entirely unique to the Longevity industry. Due to this extreme level of complexity, realistic assessment and forecasting is extremely challenging, and the methods currently being applied for assessment of the biotech and biomedical industries are completely inadequate.


  • The Longevity Industry has both unprecedented levels of multidimensionality and intersectionality and unprecedented prospects for growth and profitability.
  • Currently, only the most advanced scientists work on the forefront of Longevity R&D. In the coming years entrepreneurs and investors will gravitate to the Longevity industry when they realize its extreme potential for profitability, and the fact that it is the most ethical form of business with the potential for the greatest positive impact for humanity.
  • The level of complexity also presents substantial risk given that it significantly complicates the ability of companies, investors, and even national governments to anticipate challenges (such as risk of fraud) and recognize opportunities.
  • These challenges will be addressed in national Longevity development strategies that various nations are currently devising in response to the pressures of the looming Silver Tsunami.


Although challenges to realistic assessment and forecasting are great, they are not insurmountable. Established practices for forecasting and assessment already exist in other complex high-tech industries, and progress in big data analysis and AI for modeling can be adapted for use in Longevity. It is precisely this mission - the formulation of relevant, quantitative, analytical frameworks for Longevity industry assessment, benchmarking, forecasting and optimization - that has been a central component of the mission of Deep Knowledge Ventures and it’s Longevity-focused analytical subsidiary, Aging Analytics Agency, for the past several years.


This is the first in a series of articles on the Global Longevity Industry which will provide an overview of the scope and dynamics of this area, discuss current challenges and opportunities, and introduce new approaches to tangible and relevant assessment and forecasting. 








The Longevity Industry has a broader scope than any other industry. A concrete understanding of hundreds of distinct sectors, industries, and domains of science and technology is required to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the industry's dynamics necessary to make optimal strategic decision making in the face of the sector's overwhelming complexity and multidimensionality.





The Longevity Industry landscape has grown in the past 4 years from a neglected and underfunded domain of R&D into a towering industrial behemoth spanning thousands of active companies across almost every continent in the world. Today, its extreme trajectory of growth and diversification is unquestionable, which is exemplified most prominently by the fact that the topic of Longevity has in the past few years been embraced by the world’s top business and financial media brands, by large financial institutions and investment banks, and now, within just the past year, by conservative politicians and parliamentarians. 



GEROSCIENCE R&D (Science of Aging)


The first sector of the Longevity industry consists of advanced biomedical approaches to understanding the underlying mechanisms of biological aging, and constructing therapeutics that act upon those mechanisms directly to slow the process of biological aging at its source. It is by necessity the earliest-stage segment of the industry, and the domain farthest away from market-readiness.



P4 MEDICINE (Personalized, Precision, Preventive and Participatory)


The second sector of the Longevity Industry consist of P4 (Personalized, Precision, Preventive, Participatory) Medicine. It consists of the leading edge of advanced biomedicine already at the level of practical, real-world implementation and use. It represents the ongoing shift away from treatment-based one-size-fits-all blockbuster drugs and towards increasingly personalized, precise, preventive, participatory treatments tailored to individual patient cases.




As AI becomes increasingly integrated into every aspect of biomedical R&D and practical implementation of P4 medicine, the rate of progress is set to increase dramatically. In order to expedite this process and leverage the use of AI for Longevity and Preventive Medicine research to its maximum capacity, Deep Knowledge Ventures is currently supporting the establishment of two AI Centers for Longevity in Europe and Asia.





This shift from treatment to prevention is ultimately leading to a coming age of Precision Health, where patients are empowered with the tools necessary to become the CEOs of their own health through the application of P4 medicine in response to continuous monitoring of fluctuations in biomarkers of aging for the maintenance of the optimal state of health until the very end of life.





The third sector of the Longevity Industry is the AgeTech market, which consists of all digital, IT and technologically-sophisticated but non-medical products and services that can improve quality of life, enhance psychological well being, mental functionality and neuroplasticity, and increase social activity in the elderly. Due to its reliance on completely market-ready technologies, it is one of the sub-sectors that will see the largest levels of growth and profitability on the shorter-term horizon.





The fourth sector of the Longevity Industry is the Longevity Financial Industry, which encompasses all the activities and efforts of large financial institutions to neutralize the economic issues of aging population, manifest the opportunities of Healthy Longevity, and enter new markets of AgeTech and WealthTech relating to the one billion people on retirement globally. In the coming years, this sector will become dominated by tradable financial instruments and novel financial derivatives tied to the Longevity Industry's companies, products, services and technologies.





The high degree of multidimensionality, intersectionality and overcomplexity of the Longevity Industry creates very tangible challenges for realistic and relevant industry assessment, benchmarking and forecasting. This is a very pressing issue considering that this high degree of complexity also creates intensified risks for fraud and other well-intentioned mistakes that could undermine the overall credibility of the industry as a whole.





This extreme level of complexity poses unique and equally-pressing challenges for governments and nations, who are poised to either sink or swim in the face of the oncoming Silver Tsunami depending on how proactively they deploy broad nation-wide government-led programs to increase Healthy Longevity, decrease the gap between life expectancy and Health-Adjusted Life Expectancy (HALE), and neutralize the economic burdens of aging population. The extreme levels of multidimensionality of the Longevity Industry pose substantial challenges to the relevant and realistic formulation and execution of such National Longevity Development Plans.





The analytical methods that have proven adequate for biotech, advanced biomedicine, and related industries will not remaining relevant under the pressures of the Longevity Industry's broad scope and extreme levels of complexity and intersectionality. In order to conduct practical and applicable strategic decision making, industry players, as well as governments and nations, must adopt entirely novel approaches to analytics, assessment, and forecasting if they wish to neutralize the challenges of aging population and manifest the opportunities of Healthy Longevity.





The challenges and opportunities described in this article are set to occur not in the distant future. Instead, they are poised to culminate within the next 7-10 years, which means that such novel forms of industry analytics need to be developed and adopted now in order for industry stakeholders and the governments of developed nations to act within their current window of opportunity, and to progress rather than stagnate under the oncoming wave of the Silver Tsunami.



AGENDA 2019 - 2020


Deep Knowledge Ventures will continue to support the ongoing expansion, development and optimization of the global Longevity Industry through its investment activities, the establishment of AI Centers for Longevity, and the launch of the Longevity-focused hybrid investment hedge fund Longevity.Capital. Meanwhile, its analytical subsidiaries Aging Analytics Agency and Deep Knowledge Analytics will continue to develop, expand and refine the relevance and sophistication of their analytical frameworks for Longevity industry assessment, benchmarking and forecasting, while also extending them to additional emerging domains of the Longevity industry, including the Longevity Financial Industry and government-led National Longevity Development Plans.





Most people naturally equate the idea of Longevity with progress in the science of advanced biomedicine - the study of aging with the ultimate aim of delaying its diverse diseases. In reality Longevity consists of many more distinct and intersecting fields.



UNABLE TO POST STUDY'S IMAGES HERE. Please, go to LinkedIn  to keep on reading it. Thanks. (Any tip on how to get to post the images of this study here will be highly appreciated).






Edited by Engadin, 13 July 2019 - 12:56 PM.

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