LongeCity Newsletter
October 2011

Message from the Chairman:

As a reminder, this year we have two mayor objectives: the LongeCity redesign and the Science Initiative.

This month, I have worked all the other news into a longer editorial reviewing the science initiative.  Its maybe slightly to long for a newsletter, but well worth the read --  in it, I also I touch on news about recent projects an developments that you would normally find here.  

The other reason to just send you to that link is this: the interface you find there is set to replace the old 'imminst.org' way of rendering non-forum articles. It integrates better with our forum software and is easier to edit for volunteers who want to help. (And that is the main news in redesign this month.)   

So for this newsletter, a single link can suffice.  
Hope to see you there!


The LongeCity newsletter is usually send out on the 8th day of each month to Members and registered forum users.  You can find past newsletters here.

If you have any questions or suggestions, we would love to hear from you. Please visit 
http://www.logecity.org/forum/  (Log In / Lost Password?) or email support@imminst.org

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LONGECITY -Advocacy and Research for Unlimited Lifespans