LongeCity Newsletter 
August 2014  

Ask an Expert - Trial

In this new forum section Full Members can ask questions that are of special interest to them for anyone to answer. The best responses are rewarded with "₮hank You Points".  
Visit the new section here 
New 'Mayor' of Israel and Middle East Forum 
Veteran LongeCity member Dr.Ilia Stambler has taken the helm of the 'Israel and Middle East' Forum under the new Adopt a Forum Scheme. A challenging post for a volatile part of the world where death still holds too much sway. Ilia's particular hope is to encourage contributions from those parts of the region where little or no activism and content creation about life-extension existed. Among other activities, he hopes to encourage local events in Egypt and Iran and/or Kazakhstan. And this ties in with:
Fundraiser: Local Meetings   

This dedicated fundraiser- also overseen by Ilia- has been established to support local meetings during for the International Longevity Day and beyond.  
Donate here 
Fundraiser: Rewards for Posting  
One way of getting "₮hank You Points" (or losing them) used to be when someone 'liked' your post. Since the advent of nuanced post feedback this link has been broken. This fundraiser is to re-establish it in a regime where different types of likes/dislikes bring different amount of points. We aim to hire IT help to achieve this.
Donate here
'Member's Layout' option   

Immortality Institute Members are invited to try out an alternative layout for the LongeCity website. This layout has a more condensed look that might be preferred by some users. And no pesky left sidebar! 
To select the new layout, scroll to the bottom of any page. Where you see "Change Theme" on the left select "Members2014a".  
Feedback here  (Members only)      

Upcoming podcasts:
Scheduled for interviews are the longevity activist and hip hop artist Maitreya One and research technician Eric Zluhan, who received a LongeCity sponsored internship at Ichor Therapeutics. 
Visit the podcast section to suggest interview questions and new gests and listen to previous shows. 


LONGECITY -Advocacy and Research for Unlimited Lifespans

The LongeCity newsletter is usually send out on the 8th or 18th day of each month to registered users.
Find past newsletters here.
If you have any questions or suggestions, we would love to hear from you. (>LogIn >Lost Password?