LongeCity Newsletter 
July 2012    
A slightly different format to the newsletter. While a bit less colorful, hopefully it will display better in different email inboxes. 

This month, I'd like to draw your attention to two new articles in the 'portal' section: 

Firstly, in the last newsletter, we mentioned that a recent paper reporting a remarkable lifespan extension in rats related to 'buckyballs' in olive oil had generated some interest. Since then, a lively discussion has developed at LongeCity, with some even starting their own experiments at home. Meanwhile though, the authors of the article had to retract and correct the original publication in part. 
--> Read more about this in a critique here

The second piece is looking inward and out: A short treatise on how LongeCity views itself in relation to 'others' – individuals, initiatives and organisations. While much of what is stated in that article has been implicit, we thought it might be useful to articulate these positions clearly and as a reference point.
--> Article about LongeCity & Others here  

These are just two of the recent publications on the site. In other articles, we have begun to move some of the 'old' entries over from ImmInst, and this will continue over the summer. In blogs, Mondey has reported on progress of he crowdfunded microglia stem cells trials
All this points to our interest in developing the site content alongside the daily forum discussions. For seamless integration and ease of reference, entries elsewhere on the site are usually flagged in or accessible through the forums. 
To give a boost to this type of content, for a limited time only, we have two current initiatives: The '∅ share rewards' scheme and the '∅ $10 re-post' initiative.
Get involved! 


The LongeCity newsletter is usually send out on the 8th day of each month to Members and registered forum users.  You can find past newsletters here.

If you have any questions or suggestions, we would love to hear from you. Please visit  http://www.logecity.org/forum  (>Log In Lost Password?) or email support@imminst.org

How to unsubscribe: Visit the link below and ensure that the box for 'Send me any updates sent by the board administrator' is unchecked and submit the form.

LONGECITY -Advocacy and Research for Unlimited Lifespans