LongeCity Newsletter 
December 2016  

A year-end edition  

FightAging!SENS patron initiative

ACT NOW for a last chance to become a SENS patron and have the first year of donations matched.  
⇒ further info at FightAging!

Article: the microbiome of the gut
As part of his new column "Sven's Science Corner" Sven Bulterijs discusses novel insights into the crucial role gut bacteria seem to play in health, disease and aging. ⇒ read the article here.    

Affiliate Labs Review

After our new funding scheme for Affiliate Labs has had some time to bed in, we will be looking at what the Labs have been up to and where they are planning to go with their life extension research. Everyone in the LongeCity community is invited to ask questions to be picked up by the affiliate scientists. 
The best place to register questions would be in the respective ⇒ sub-forums for each lab. Alternatively, you can  ⇒ use our contact form

podcasts: suggest a guest  
In 2016 we continued our regular interview podcast with academics, activists,  entrepreneurs, experts, interns and veterans across the life extension scene.  To listen again  ⇒ visit the podcast archive, and you can ⇒ share your suggestions for future guests.  

paypal troubles?

We have recently managed to resolve a technical issue with paypal. We think Member donations were unaffected, but if you have experience any troubles, please  ⇒  get in touch

Longecity thanks its Sponsors that during 2016 helped our Members to keep the site running. This newsletter & some of the work of Longecity was supported by MitoQ.com - delivering antioxidant protection directly to mitochondria and CrackAging.com - telomarase activation supplements. 
⇒Join as a sponsor or book banner space. 


LONGECITY -Advocacy and Research for Unlimited Lifespans

The LongeCity newsletter is usually send out on the 8th or 18th day of each month to registered users.
Find past newsletters here.
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