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Biological Complexity is not Infinite 09 March 2008

The fact that human biology is finite in it's complexity means that aging can be defeated. By reverse engineering the molecular components that wear out and by studying the processes that contribute to the breakdown of function, we can develop new and more sophisticated treatment alternatives for the many diseases of aging.

With enough knowledge and diagnostic tools we should be able to even slow or halt the aging altogether by detecting faulty gene expressions and other cellular damage that currently goes undetected for years or decades. This isn't an intractable problem. It's a continuation of what we do today. We study microbiological function. We build better tools to comprehend the scales and speeds at which biological components work. The result is data which can be translated into useful information and then in turn can be used to build predictive models which allow us to then go back and build even better tools to capture even more accurate data. This cycle will continue until we know absolutely everything there is to know about the biological process of aging. We will also increasingly be able to predict what changes and fixes are necessary to navigate biological function towards more youthful levels.

Halting and even reversing aging is not impossible. Those that argue that it is would have to demonstrate that biological complexity is infinite. The ball in is in their court to do so. The ball is in our court to continue to research into how we can design therapies that slow, halt and reverse the changes that accompany aging.


carlh49, Jan 02 2011 02:15 AM

I think animal fats from cattle,chickens,pork-anytype of consumed animals is the reason for pre-mature aging.Sit and think for a moment the conditions animals live in, feed at, most person couldn't stomach walking thru a barn or chicken coop.,They eat and breathe in their toilet waste., I you trimmed off the white-ish fat from the meat---thats the disease---thats the reason why people grow old---thats the reason why after about 40 years of age persons become deformed in their appearence., Skin wrinkles,sagging skin,white hairs...thats all animal fat underneath the skin, it causes the malformation of growth of a persons DNA.I am tring to use MCT oil and Apple cidar vinager drinks to nutralize the toxic poison of animal fats...this fat isn't normal...its acually a disease., I body needs fat,fat storage---but thats not the fat we should have...fats like omega 3,6,9,7 and plant fats,fats from vegibles...not cheese and milk inwhich is also poison that causes aging.,

carlh49, Jan 07 2011 07:38 PM

Carl---persons don't understand your concept of health and immortality.,You wonder and ponder of thoughts that far-out-reach the common IQ of others.,Remember your prayers to God asking for immortality...sitting in the morning summer sun energizing yourself, your body becoming new...all the cells are regenerated,you ask God again and again,God grant me to become a healthy,attractive,youthfull in physical appearence as a 32 year old, forever learning for God wisdom and teaching, that I may never grow old or to age, no skin wrinkles,no white or grey hairs,And God teach me about medicines to cure me of any type of age-related illnesses that I may obtain bodily immortality.,Yes Carl life will be long for you...