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chrono's Photo

hmmmm that twitter site broke somehow! https://twitter.com/ChronoFrisson

5IMON's Photo

Hey chrono! Whats your current noot stack?

chrono's Photo

Well, thanks for the compliment!

chrono's Photo

You've made some great posts this week. I'm working toward some features and restructures that will (hopefully) facilitate more advanced discussions, and it's nice to know there are people here already doing this. Thanks for being a person who puts out consistently advanced and well-thought-out posts.

babcock's Photo

Ohh and I've just been finding the noots forum to be a constant repetition of the same topics over and over. IMO we really need to pin good threads that cover the standard noots since people never seem to be able to use the search.

babcock's Photo

Time has been scarce lately :-(, took my picture down in case someone from work might accidentally stumble across the forums and make the connection between the time I'm posting and my workday :-P

chrono's Photo

Hay! What happened to your tankard!? Your posts are suddenly much less jovial ;)

chrono's Photo

Static in my attic from Channel Z

chrono's Photo

Thanks for the complement! Means an awful lot, coming from someone making such an awesome contribution on so many boards...and whose science is so *tight* ^_^

chrono's Photo

And now: Don Knots, starring in "Too Many References!"

medievil's Photo

One of the best contributers on the forum, keep up the good work!

chrono's Photo

Dear Elsevier; Why not shell out a few bucks, and hire some interns to proofread your OCR data. kthx.

chrono's Photo

Come on over; do the twist!