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gray.bot's Photo

Hey you've come out of nowhere and are totally awesome! I friendededed you.

gray.bot's Photo

the brain have multiple directions not just forward glutamate is more vertical spike amplitudes

gray.bot's Photo

Can't PM you because of daily PM limit. So msging you instead :)

YodaTW's Photo

UFO Enters Atmosphere Over Russia At Night, Frightens Public, Jan 21, 2013. VIDEO, UFO Sighting NEws. http://t.co/hrPVYDYJ tech

gray.bot's Photo

Ahh I figured it out: I spam to cause trouble. You spam to rally people to the cause. I now have the secret sauce of awesomeness...

YodaTW's Photo

Alien Base Discovered On Moons Surface In Old NASA photo, Amazing Detail. Photos, UFO Sighting News. http://t.co/TQm058NN #astronomy

BLimitless's Photo

How do you get there?

gray.bot's Photo

Discovered reputation page... happy it seems to be having technical errors and isn't reporting my possible problematic reputation...

gray.bot's Photo

Discovered profile feed... wondering if anybody actually reads it...

YodaTW's Photo

UFO Enters Atmosphere Over Russia At Night, Frightens Public, Jan 21, 2013. VIDEO, UFO Sighting NEws. http://t.co/hrPVYDYJ

YodaTW's Photo

UFO Sighting Near Space Station On Jan 2013, Video. #ISS #NASA http://t.co/wt9esN38

YodaTW's Photo

Unmasking The NASA Cover Up, Digitally Enhancing NASA Images To See The Truth! VIDEO, UFO Sighting News. http://t.co/OeQAgzOj #tech

Lister's Photo

Do I understand everything that's discussed here? Not a chance! I don't get most of it but I want to be part of it and you should too!

Wilmore Labs's Photo

Wilmore Labs
Study casts doubt on link between cannabis, teen IQ drop. http://t.co/22IvsZuO

Brain Forza DS's Photo

Brain Forza DS
Anyone #studying or #cramming? Check out @studyjuice, might be able to help you out ;) http://t.co/DoMJ8OGu #studyjuice