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Stack Details

  • Submitted: Oct 31 2015 09:14 PM
  • Views: 2015

Herbal Brain Tonic

* - - - -
bacopa gotu kola schisandra ashwagandha


All ingredients to be ground and capped together. I would appreciate hearing anyone's thoughts on any potential dangers over taking this in the long term.

Ingredient Dosage Frequency Administration
Bacopa, 400 mg twice daily No instructions provided.
Gotu kola 400 mg twice daily No instructions provided.
Schisandra 400 mg twice daily No instructions provided.
Ashwagandha 400 mg twice daily No instructions provided.



98NSX, Nov 02 2015 11:08 PM

Looks like a pretty good stack. 

The gotu kola dosage may be a concern.

Evidence has shown that excessive dosages of gotu kola may cause stomach pains and dizziness.

Kenpachi Zaraki, Dec 01 2015 05:40 PM

98NSX : Yes but not for everyone...