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Early adoption of new marketing technologies yields higher dividends compared to competitors (Part 2) 10 October 2014

Louis Gudema has been working in marketing for decades now, and has learned a thing or two when it comes to beating out competition in a competitive market. In his own biography, he describes himself as a “social media early adopter” and was LinkedIn member 58,795 out of what is today a membership of over 300 million people.

What it means to be an “early adopter”

This impressive resume makes him uniquely qualified to comment on how to make the most of digital marketing technologies. In the previous article, he described how Google keyword bids increase with keyword popularity, giving early adopters of hot search terms an advantage over competitors.

He also compared the spending of three home security companies on Adwords over time and what it means to be the first or one of the first companies in your sector to adopt a new technology. AFA was the first of the three to start using Adwords and was able to report a 10-fold increase in its marketing revenue overall.

Study points to low marketing tool adoption overall

Now it’s time to look at the results of his study on which data-driven marketing technologies are being utilized most commonly, and which ones may provide you with the niche market you’ve been looking for.

Gudema’s study included 351 mid-market B2B companies, 85 of which were software companies. These companies he characterized as outliers, though other categories of companies might have varying levels of tool usage as well. He found that software companies tend to adopt digital marketing technologies ahead of the rest of the market, with 67.1%% of software companies using search engine optimization compared to 35.7% of other companies.

Analytics programs are most popular marketing tools

So if you’ve yet to take up SEO as one of your digital marketing practices, take heart, you may still be ahead of the curve for your sector. Of the 9 tools Gudema studied, website analytics has the highest adoption rate with 87.2% of companies employing some type of analytics program. No other tools even approached that number, however, with only 21.8% using marketing automation, 21.1% having mobile-ready websites, 18% content marketing, and 13.2% using social media.

“There are various reasons for this low adoption rate,” Gudema explained in his report, “but for companies in most industries there is still a great opportunity to get a jump on the competition and reap the kinds of results the AFA reported.”
compared to what you could make when no one else in your field is doing what you’re doing.

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Source: venturebeat.com/2015/01/12/how-regular-companies-can-gain-a-competitive-advantage-with-marketing-technology/

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