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Caffeine causes short term anxiety and wor...

Grandmaster's Photo Grandmaster 03 Mar 2019


So im addicted to caffeine and i usually take it in form of guarana extract tablets standarised for caffeine(so its 500mg of guarana with 110mg of caffeine) or drinks with caffeine but not coffee since it makes me sleepy.


Caffeine makes me often anxious and causes mood swings 5 minutes after taking to like 3-4 hours abut after that time i feel nice mood and energy boost without those issues(usally at 10pm). I tried dozens of different things(legal ofc - supplements and nootropics) that should boost energy but they never worked properly, or worked but lost its effects because of tolerance like phenylpiracetam.


I have slight histamine intolerance but caffeine itself and other methylxanthines are mast cell stabilizers so im not sure that may be the cause(but i know caffeine reduce DAO though). 


I tried different caffeine sources like yerba mate, ilex guyausa, yerba extract, kola nuts, pure guaran powder but in every case anxiety is present. Stacking it with magnsimum citrate and 1-2 grams sometimes remove part of caffeine side effects but this stack cause diarrhea and is unpredictable. Stacking it with l-ornithine completely removed energy boost so i also dont take it anymore.


Any dose of l-theanine make me sleepy and spaced out even if stacked with caffeine so please dont suggest it.


I tried expensive substitute for caffeine - theacrine but it only made me sleepy and unmotivated.


Plase help me with this issue as im struggling with it since like 3 years and it makes me unproductive and miserable. Also when i dont take any source of caffeine i sometimes feel pretty good during the day but im always exhausted at late afternoon so thats why cutting off caffeine and stopping to take anything is out of the question.


MankindRising's Photo MankindRising 03 Mar 2019

Have you looked into caffeine its metabolites before? CYP1A2 is what mainly controls this.


Also to me it would make sense that when the caffeine concentration in the brain is on a downward trend that the receptor sensitivity of adenosine and gaba would go up. Have you tried cordyceps before? if so how did you respond to that.


Grandmaster's Photo Grandmaster 03 Mar 2019

Have you looked into caffeine its metabolites before? CYP1A2 is what mainly controls this.


Also to me it would make sense that when the caffeine concentration in the brain is on a downward trend that the receptor sensitivity of adenosine and gaba would go up. Have you tried cordyceps before? if so how did you respond to that.


I have looked into caffeine metabolites - i know theobromine has longer half life than caffeine itself but taking raw cacao made me just sleepy plus its  high in histamine. 


I havent tried cordyceps before but i was thinking about trying it - what type of cordyceps would be good for this? Miltiaris? Sinensis? First one is very expensive and hard to get where i live though.


MankindRising's Photo MankindRising 04 Mar 2019

Depends on your budget, but Imo militaris was far better for me (especially realmushrooms one).


Grandmaster's Photo Grandmaster 04 Mar 2019

Depends on your budget, but Imo militaris was far better for me (especially realmushrooms one).

Its very hard to buy it where i live and i would proably have to buy it from US which would take some time and be way too expensive for me. How that would help me anyway? Cordyceps is a natural source of adenosine and that would eliminate anxiogenic effects of adenosine antagonism?


Speaking about CYP1A2 - so it would mean that i have slow caffeine metabolism? in my case its like just after taking caffeine in most sources i feel anxiety and sometimes(especially after guarana) im sleepy after that i feel good procognitive effects but small anxiety is still there and usually after few hours, in the evening i feel mental clarity, energy and mood boost but its often so late that i cant use it in producitve way. 


Finn's Photo Finn 05 Mar 2019

Caffeine is vasoconstrictor, theobromine is vasodilator. So while in certain aspects they are similar, in certain aspects they are opposite and might balance each other out. Maybe at that few hour point enough of caffeine has been broken down to theobromine and other products so that theobromine is able to balance out the negative aspects of caffeine.


Grandmaster's Photo Grandmaster 06 Mar 2019

Caffeine is vasoconstrictor, theobromine is vasodilator. So while in certain aspects they are similar, in certain aspects they are opposite and might balance each other out. Maybe at that few hour point enough of caffeine has been broken down to theobromine and other products so that theobromine is able to balance out the negative aspects of caffeine.

So that would mean that i should take caffeine source that is rich in other methylxanthines like theobromine but pure, raw cocoa powder makes me feel sleepy. Same with yerba mate extract i tried and ilex guyausa(amazonian yerba with larger caffeine content) makes me feel unable to focus but doesnt give anxiety(its useless anyway). 


i dont drink coffee anymore or energy drinks because energy boost sometimes is non existent and anxiety is pretty big. I noticed yesterday that when i crush guarana tablet standarised for caffeine(in one tablet there is 400mg of guarana extract and 100mg of caffeine) i get less anxiety than when i swallow this tablet. What does it mean? That its better for stomach this way? Maybe it inhibits DAO(enzyme that breaks down histamine) less(i usually take any caffeine with vitamin C, it seems to remove some of anxiety, also large dose makes cortisol and histamine levels lower)?


Grandmaster's Photo Grandmaster 19 Mar 2019

Refresh, still havent figured it out. I tried ginkgo and it seems to have some effects but at the same time it often makes me tired after few hours so thats bad.


I cant find good quality cordyceps militaris in my country, only some powder that is cheap and its impossible to be a pure mushroom so that would be a waste of money.


I noticed that powdered caffeine source causes a lot less anxiety in my case than tablets or energy drinks? What can it mean? Absorption issues? Allergy?
