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Chelation with EDTA

edward's Photo edward 11 Apr 2007

This was brought up in an old thread but as far as I could see no one tried it with the aggressive methods like EDTA. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with chelation using aggressive methods like EDTA eiter high dose oral or IV.

edward's Photo edward 13 Apr 2007

From a steady diet of fish, amalgm fillings and I did smoke for ten years (quit 4 years ago) I am sure I must have accumulated mercury, lead other heavy metals and toxins, a course of chelation seems to make sense so I've ordered some oral EDTA and I am looking into clinics that offer IV sessions and I'll keep you all posted. Think I'll give blood too to reduce my iron level while I'm on the anti-heavy metal kick. [thumb]

13 Apr 2007

We have used the topical DSMA. I would suggest that you be very careful with the high dose of chelation. It can cause kidney and liver damage. If you choose this route make sure you have blood work regulary to make sure that it is not affecting your kidneys and liver. I would highly recommend you stay away from the IV chelation. That can be dangerous. You might want to look into having your amalgm fillings removed. Make sure it is by a denist that practices mercury free denistry. I would also recommend avoiding any more immunizations, if possible. You will also need to do blood test to see what metals are being pulled out. Mercury is the last to be discreted from the body. Also I would suggest you do this under a DAN doctor's supervision. Good luck!!!

niner's Photo niner 14 Apr 2007

Edward, I agree with wonder. Without actual evidence of heavy metal toxicity, I wouldn't dream of trying chelation with EDTA. Lipoic acid is a more gentle chelator. Try that instead. Find a lab that is capable of doing an accurate heavy metal analysis on you, and see what your levels are. Lead is commonly done, so you could get that done at any hospital. I don't know if mercury is easy to test for or not. Probably wouldn't hurt to give blood. I'm going to do that myself. I'm O-neg so they love me.

Mixter's Photo Mixter 14 Apr 2007

Oral EDTA is also quite expensive, either go for mild oral chelation - after a long ago amalgam removal, I did that mostly with Chlorella and MSM (methyl-sulfonyl-methane). In your case, maybe do blood tests, and IF they confirm a serious heavy metal problem, you can do a regular-phyisician-assisted chelation, probably the best way to go in that case.

checkinguy1's Photo checkinguy1 14 Apr 2007

I ordered some EDTA from Iherb - an MRM product. You don't want to go on long term edta as it is supposed to pull the good minerals as well as
the not so good. I tried to make sure that I was eating/supplementing/ of all the minerals needed. No effects to report.

