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Forever and Ever

niner's Photo niner 12 Oct 2007

From the website http://www.foreverandeverthebook.com/ :

FOREVER and EVER is the first fiction title on the topic of gene-based aging reversal and engineered human immortality. Developed over a four-year period with eminent molecular biologists and bioinformatics experts in the SF Bay Area, FOREVER and EVER is a fascinating journey through the unprecedented social dilemmas, intense international power struggles, and bizarre possibilities of unlimited life in a youthful state.

I just finished this book. It was a great read- very fast moving, fun, exciting. The science is not too bad, although despite the "eminent molecular biologists and bioinformatics experts" I still spotted a couple howlers. Still, it's a great story and might help to put the meme out there. I think that most of you would love it. Warning: If you take kindly to George Bush and the "Religious Right", you may want to pass on this one.

Shannon Vyff's Photo Shannon Vyff 12 Oct 2007

you want to give a synopsis? ;)

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 12 Oct 2007

"For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory. For ever and ever. Amen."

Sorry, that is the first thing that came to mind when I saw the title of the thread.

niner's Photo niner 13 Oct 2007

you want to give a synopsis?  ;)

Sure... The story is set in the San Francisco Bay Area, where the biotech revolution was born. A middle aged couple work for a big biotech company called Genetechna. The woman, Jasmine Metcalf, is a bioinformatician and protein modeler. Her husband is an MD. Together they develop a treatment for a child dying of progeria, but because of the right wing political climate at the time of the story, they are forced to treat him in secret because the treatment involves stem cells and gene modification. Soon they realize that it could be used to treat normally aged people as well. The get hooked up with a "Garage Biotech" community that flies completely under the radar, and begin to treat several people. I found the Garage Biotech aspect, with labs set up in trailers in the desert and a shipping container in Santa Cruz to be particularly appealing. I don't want to spoil the story, so I wont say too much, but rich and politically powerful players become involved, and there is much intrigue. Also sex [:o], and violence (needless to say...) I found it gripping and fun. I had a hard time putting it down. (Stayed up wayyy too late one night reading it.)

If the book becomes popular, it would help to put the immortalist meme out in the popular culture. It presents life extension as a good thing, while the bad stuff that happens is laid at the hands of the power mad and religious extremists. The technology that they use is all at least plausible. Much of it exists already (like Craig Venter's artificial chromosome) and the rest is at least being explored. In their world, somatic cell nuclear transfer and very reliable gene delivery methods exist and work well. I'm pretty sure that we will see this in our world before too terribly long. On the book's website, they made the point that it was not "science fiction", but was more near term than that. I think that's a reasonable assessment. I think it would make a great movie.

Shannon Vyff's Photo Shannon Vyff 13 Oct 2007

Thanks ;) -- sounds very interesting, science in it sounds good....I'll have to check it out--I like immortalist minded or transhumanist 'hard sci-fi' (not sure what they call it ;) )