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Being Ill For A Few Days

Brainbox's Photo Brainbox 28 Nov 2007

I've been ill for a few day now, some virus got the hold of me. Very tired, massive headaches and flu-like symptoms.
I'm feeling a lot better already and want to start working again tomorrow or Friday.

Anyway, due to the long sleep I slipped into a pattern were I sleep almost all day, get out of bed late afternoon, ultimately finding myself surfing and posting here at midnight (local Dutch time).

Any tips on how to maintain a good day / night rhythm in such unfavourable situations?

eternaltraveler's Photo eternaltraveler 28 Nov 2007

day/night pattern?

That went out the window with med school

niner's Photo niner 28 Nov 2007

Sorry to hear of your illness, but I'm glad you're feeling better. I have a tendency to shift toward the late night hours. When I need to suddenly shift back for some reason, I might take an Ambien (probably only 3-5mg) to reset. Try to get a lot of light in the morning.

Shepard's Photo Shepard 28 Nov 2007

I really don't know any way other than some good stuff (codeine) to maintain a day/night pattern during an illness like that. It might be worth trying some more standard stuff.

What I've found to work very well for me:

B12, UV Exposure, Cold water dousing

No overhead light, limit close electronic exposure ~2 hours before bedtime, Hot water exposure, Block as much light as possible and all sound but white noise, sleep stack as outlined in my supplement regimen thread