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Nootropic Combo

overkillx7's Photo overkillx7 07 Dec 2007

I currently taking a SSRI (Mirtazapine) 30mg, as well as 600mg of Phenibut, 150mg of Picamilion and 100mg of Tramadol daily. I've been getting very arroying headachs almost everyday. If seem's my body can stand the SSRI combo with the Tramadol, but when i take my "anti-anxeity treatment" with the two, i get headachs. My reasoning is Picamilion is a mao-b inhibitor and Tramdol releases more Norepinephrine(N.E.) and Serotonin in the the Neuron. Ultimately leading to Serotoin Syndrome or the "Cheeze Effect". This could be causing my headachs. I dont really know which ones i'm going to take or stop taking. I really like the "anti-anxeity" treatment but maybe ill lose the SSRI. I dont know.

StrangeAeons's Photo StrangeAeons 07 Dec 2007

I don't mean to nitpick here, but it seems like this would more accurately be labeled as a psychotropic drug interaction, and a negative one at that. Your meds are predominately for treating mental health issues, not enhancement. I hope your psychiatrist didn't prescribe these; if they did, I would find somebody else. If you're self-medicating, I would find somebody. Your thread title implies something more along the lines of you discovering a positively synergistic stack, though, so I'd rename it and maybe move it.
Edited by PetaKiaRose, 07 December 2007 - 01:54 AM.

overkillx7's Photo overkillx7 07 Dec 2007

Its all bout finding what works for you, obviously good advice but not what im looking for. Just similar experiences or people with actually knowledge of the subject. ;)

cesium's Photo cesium 07 Dec 2007

Phenibut sometimes gives me a transient headache for some reason, you might want to check that one out. My regimen of nootropics varies quite a bit so I don't want to speculate on possible interactions being the cause, but they do appear most common when I have that one in the mix.

tarbtl's Photo tarbtl 08 Dec 2007

Taking picamilon and phenibut (ESPECIALLY PHENIBUT!) daily is a *terrible* idea. Is it even working anymore at that rate? Hell, I developed a complete tolerance after only 4-5 uses and now I take it maybe once every 2 months and it doesn't do much. Taking it daily can have some pretty nasty consequences and you will go through a severe withdrawal.

Furthermore, picamilon does strange, strange things to the brain. Taken alone, it has zero effect on me, but taken with a benzo, it actually reverses the benzo's anxyolitic effect and induces some pretty severe anxiety and shakes.

overkillx7's Photo overkillx7 08 Dec 2007

Taking picamilon and phenibut (ESPECIALLY PHENIBUT!) daily is a *terrible* idea. Is it even working anymore at that rate? Hell, I developed a complete tolerance after only 4-5 uses and now I take it maybe once every 2 months and it doesn't do much. Taking it daily can have some pretty nasty consequences and you will go through a severe withdrawal.

Furthermore, picamilon does strange, strange things to the brain. Taken alone, it has zero effect on me, but taken with a benzo, it actually reverses the benzo's anxyolitic effect and induces some pretty severe anxiety and shakes.

Hell yeah i agree with that. I never knew how bad the tolerance developed, I just took them daily. Once every two months, that has to do barely anything! I've never tried a Benzo with the combo, thats crazy! It makes sense now although, because I actually took 4x the normal dose and went out to the bars, i must of talked to every single women there haha. Im currently trying this every other weekend, they work very well with alcohol, which probably is really bad. Im gonna cut WAY back on that. Thanks for the replys