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Convergence 08!: ImmInst/WTA/Foresight...

Shannon Vyff's Photo Shannon Vyff 06 May 2008

Here is the main site: http://www.convergence08.org/

This is a planning wiki: http://convergence08.pbwiki.com/

This link provides a special landing page for ImmInst members so that they can receive a 50 dollar discount all the way up till the day of the conference! :) http://www.convergen...org/specialrate

With all the organizations involved, this will be a very large event with many exciting speakers and networking opportunities.

The price is a great deal. I hope that many of you will be able to come and meet up live time for our convergence :)

I look forward to see you there, and highly recommend this for anyone in the area especially!

Cyberbrain's Photo Cyberbrain 06 May 2008

Will the meeting be broad casted live on upstream.tv?

Richard Leis's Photo Richard Leis 06 May 2008

What is the admission price? I looked around the wiki, but do not see a lot of information yet.

Very exciting, btw! I cannot wait to attend. I'm going to make a nice vacation out of it (in addition to helping out during the event.)

Heliotrope's Photo Heliotrope 07 May 2008

can someone just video-record the event for us please , put on ustream??? It's in the middle of the semester and i' d have finals to take.

btw was the 2005 conference video/audio taped? I'd like to watch that conference, the Atlanta one, . I didn't know about imminst back then but it sucks i'd miss out on both conferences. I hope imminst (or whatever new name we come up) exists forever and i'll definitely go to conferences when i'm financially independent and when the times don't conflict with major personal/professional events

seriously i'm still under the control of my parents. even if they have more than enough spare money to pay for the conference fee and enough frequent flyer miles to cover my flights, they wouldn't approve of me attending an immortality-related conference, since i know they don't like to think about immortality/death etc and think the idea is kooky and too out there.
Edited by HYP86, 07 May 2008 - 01:12 AM.

Shepard's Photo Shepard 07 May 2008

can someone just video-record the event for us please , put on ustream??? It's in the middle of the semester and i' d have finals to take.

As far as I know, I'm definitely going. It's a little before my finals...which is less than ideal, but it can't be helped.

I'm pretty sure I've got the equipment to record the conference in decent quality if they don't have more professional plans.

Heliotrope's Photo Heliotrope 07 May 2008

can someone just video-record the event for us please , put on ustream??? It's in the middle of the semester and i' d have finals to take.

As far as I know, I'm definitely going. It's a little before my finals...which is less than ideal, but it can't be helped.

I'm pretty sure I've got the equipment to record the conference in decent quality if they don't have more professional plans.

thanks shepard. If they allow you to record everything, then that's great, just upload it to some secure site . If they want to make DVDs out of it or whatever, I can buy it and hopefully the little money that goes in will help our cause. It's just a couple of weeks before my final exams too, and that's definitely not very IDEAL! If I'm ever going to contribute a lot to immortality, I'd have to get a decent job first.

From polls, i know there're lots of college-aged students on imminst. Was there only one other conf. held before in 05? I heard there were 150 attendees. My best wishes to the success of the convergence and hope you guys break record attendances. I heard from the Susan interview on ustream that the people out in California are more accepting in immortalist views than some other bible-belt states or other religiously conservative places, so that should help
Edited by HYP86, 07 May 2008 - 01:35 AM.

mitkat's Photo mitkat 07 May 2008

Great looking event! I wish I was closer, had money and the time to commit!

John_Ventureville's Photo John_Ventureville 10 May 2008

I like structure at conferences! lol I don't want to get lost & confused, and find myself doing a Lieutenant Barclay and hiding behind a potted fern.

John : )

Brainbox's Photo Brainbox 10 May 2008

Great looking event! I wish I was closer, had money and the time to commit!

Same here.

But I will start looking for cheap flights and accomodation. Is there still a risk that the date will change?

Mind's Photo Mind 10 May 2008

I think a contract has been signed, so it is very likely the date and place will not change. Talk to Shanno to be sure.

If you need to cancel a flight, it usually only costs $50 bucks.

Heliotrope's Photo Heliotrope 11 May 2008

I like structure at conferences! lol I don't want to get lost & confused, and find myself doing a Lieutenant Barclay and hiding behind a potted fern.

John : )

i think the unconference will work well for imminst , create a giggantic event w/ lots of exposures . To achieve anything great, esp anything as important as immortality, we need lots of orgs to work together

Shannon Vyff's Photo Shannon Vyff 11 May 2008

Hi, the price will be up on the site soon. It will be around 45 for students and 95 for non-students. This should include some meals.

Here is a link for accommodations around the Computer History Museum, 1401 N Shoreline Blvd, Mountain View, CA


hotels near 1401 N Shoreline Blvd, Mountain View, CA

JMorgan's Photo JMorgan 20 May 2008

If this is similar to the recent Foresight unconference, then the format makes it very difficult to capture on tape (with often a dozen or more small groups going on at once). I expect to be there and I am willing to record any events I attend. I think Bruce may probably do the same. If anyone else is attending and wishes to help out in that regard, then we can cover more groups at once.

Also, the entire 2005 ImmInst conference was recorded but only a few segments were released (more to do with my own time-constraints and procrastination). I do get the sense however that there is still interest in the content so I will see what I can do in the next few weeks. There should be links to the presentations for Martine Rothblatt, Brad Mellon, Ben Goertzel, Brian Wowk and Aubrey de Grey somewhere.

Edit: For anyone attending the Methuselah Foundation's conference at UCLA in June, it could be a good time to spread the word about Convergence 08.
Edited by JMorgan, 20 May 2008 - 02:50 AM.

ybit's Photo ybit 30 Jun 2008

Does anyone know what time it will begin, early morning, morning, or afternoon? Also, what time will it end? I'm looking into flight and hotel costs at the moment (kayak.com is a great resource).

Not sure on what speakers are planned, but I would like to hear researchers working on BMI(blueprints would be nice ;) ), perhaps someone from the Innerspace Foundation?

Thanks for the Google Maps link Shannon.
Edited by ybit, 30 June 2008 - 12:46 AM.

JMorgan's Photo JMorgan 01 Jul 2008

I wouldn't plan hotel/flights just yet. The details are still being worked out and there may be an additional event on the 14th. Let's first get a sense of how many are interested in attending and go from there.

After the enormous success of the Methuselah Foundation's Aging conference, it has become clear to me that the Immortality Institute must play a key role in this upcoming conference. Convergence will be a great networking opportunity for us and facilitate some needed cooperation between the many immortalist/futurist organizations.

Heliotrope's Photo Heliotrope 01 Jul 2008

Thanks to JMorgan and Bruce Klein etc that will videotape things. Btw, is your real name J something Morgan? Reminds me of JP MOrgan haha, who was at one time about the richest man in the world right?

If the conference and immortal cause can attract some JP Morgans , Warren Buffetts, Bill Gates there, the resources they've got would help cure aging that much sooner. Those guys have incredible standards of living and dont they want to live longer? in Chinese history, at least dozens of emperors/kings died b/c of ingesting toxic substances like mercury , gold sold by alchemists, trying to be immortal but killing themselves. Those emperors of china financed widescale searches for gods and immortals , i don't know why can't the super-rich guys donate a little.

Silicon Valley is a great choice, some younger computer guys like Peter Thiel donated a lot for our cause. Thiel donated millions right? How much did Gates give? bill gates is still fairly young and gates seems like an optimistic guy, maybe he can send one of his many lackeys/cronies there lol j/k
Edited by HYP86, 01 July 2008 - 07:52 AM.

jCole's Photo jCole 22 Aug 2008

If I end up making it, I'll bring along all my photography gear for some snaps. :)
Edited by jCole, 22 August 2008 - 01:36 PM.

Shannon Vyff's Photo Shannon Vyff 19 Sep 2008

From the time stamp of this post--there is one month to get the reduced rate :) http://www.convergence08.org/

Shannon Vyff's Photo Shannon Vyff 19 Sep 2008

Any students in the area should register now while it is $70 :) But the early-bird-rates are very good, every dollar saved right now helps : http://www.convergence08.org/register/

Mind's Photo Mind 20 Sep 2008

I will try to stream as much live content as possible through the Ustream Sunday Evening Update Channel

Heliotrope's Photo Heliotrope 20 Sep 2008

I will try to stream as much live content as possible through the Ustream Sunday Evening Update Channel

will you be able to record and save the video clips to the site too?

Shannon Vyff's Photo Shannon Vyff 27 Sep 2008

We can offer a discount to our full members who will be able to attend. Also, we will be able to get lifetime members in for free :)

RighteousReason's Photo RighteousReason 27 Sep 2008

We can offer a discount to our full members who will be able to attend. Also, we will be able to get lifetime members in for free :)

how much of a discount are we talking about here ... ? ;)

Luna's Photo Luna 30 Sep 2008

Have fun all who is going and good fortune.

Neosapien's Photo Neosapien 01 Oct 2008

can someone just video-record the event for us please , put on ustream??? It's in the middle of the semester and i' d have finals to take.

As far as I know, I'm definitely going. It's a little before my finals...which is less than ideal, but it can't be helped.

I'm pretty sure I've got the equipment to record the conference in decent quality if they don't have more professional plans.


If you do record it, are you going to make dvd's? Would like to get a copy. Am working to do a positive documentary for Transhumanism.


Shannon Vyff's Photo Shannon Vyff 01 Oct 2008

We've been debating the amount of the discount amongst the board, I'll be getting the wording up within the next day.

bryce126's Photo bryce126 17 Oct 2008

when I heard about this event i was giddy like a 3rd grade schoolgirl! I'll be attending, and hopefully with a few other people, it sounds like a blast. Hope to see everyone there!

I'll try to spread the word down here in LA, especially at UCLA

Mind's Photo Mind 19 Oct 2008

Tomorrow, Monday the 20th of October, is the last day you can register with "early bird" pricing and get nearly 50% off. Don't delay, register today!

Shannon Vyff's Photo Shannon Vyff 19 Oct 2008

So far this has been the best offer we can give our members, to keep things fair between Life Boat, the Long Now, Singularity, Foresight, Humanity Plus (WTA) etc.--to give all the members who know of this in advance the early bird pricing. As the publicity gets out more to the general public, the price will be higher. We may be able to get the early bird price though for our members.

Thank you bryce126--that is wonderful that you are in the area, perhaps you could distribute some Convergence flyers and put them up around UCLA? http://www.convergence08.org/overview/

I look forward to meeting many ImmInst members I've only known from our forums :)

bryce126's Photo bryce126 19 Oct 2008

So far this has been the best offer we can give our members, to keep things fair between Life Boat, the Long Now, Singularity, Foresight, Humanity Plus (WTA) etc.--to give all the members who know of this in advance the early bird pricing. As the publicity gets out more to the general public, the price will be higher. We may be able to get the early bird price though for our members.

Thank you bryce126--that is wonderful that you are in the area, perhaps you could distribute some Convergence flyers and put them up around UCLA? http://www.convergence08.org/overview/

I look forward to meeting many ImmInst members I've only known from our forums :)

I can't quite see where the link to the flyer is...i've gone to that link and saw the overview. If i print that, vital information like when and where are missing.