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Our ancestry has brought us to the cusp of...

brokenportal's Photo brokenportal 06 Mar 2009

-We Owe This to Our Ancestors.-
Like we touched on before, humanity has braved the weather many times over the millennia, surviving long enough to invent language, and then fire, each one earth shattering breakthroughs in their time. I mean, language to them was more of a game changing breakthrough than the internet has been to us. We pushed on through famines and wars, the cold, the heat, the wild. We figured out how to harness fire. We learned how to farm so we could live in greater abundance. That gave rise to more free time to invent and explore, and led us through progressions like the bronze and iron ages. This in turn enabled so many other things eventually leading up through times like the great industrial age. Humanity exponentially shifted a gear soon after, and moved on through the technology revolution.

The struggle and strife and hardship and toil that has been gone through to get us here is deeper than I can imagine. I try sometimes, as many of you might also, and its horrifying. The world is filled with graveyards; the soil is drenched in blood sweat and tears. The dreams realized and the dreams shattered echo across the millennia and eons. If we could have collected all the hardship on video to play it in a huge montage then I imagine it might kill us from strife. We owe this to them, we owe the creation of indefinite life spans to them. They have brought us through all that to this great cusp of destiny.

Humanity is a force to be reckoned with. There are few things we can’t do when we work together. One person can do one years worth of work in one year, and one million people can do roughly one million years worth of work in one year, and it shows. When the going gets tough, humanity gets going. We sought out a new land, finding the Americas and then migrating here in droves to escape the persecution and tyranny of the times. When some of the greatest physicists amongst us said we would never take flight there were always those amongst us who knew we would, and they were Wright. When women needed rights the world didn’t sit back and forget about it, say it was too hard, and do nothing, humanity stepped into the fray, faced the challenge and won rights for women. When those amongst us chose to have slaves, we stepped into the long hard tough battle and the slaves were granted their freedom. When workers rights were in jeopardy we stepped up to the plate and formed the great trade unions that have brought fairness to those with less power. When the world was faced with Nazi take over, we stepped up to the challenge and stuck with it until we got the job done. When the moon lay at bay, challenging us with its wonders, we shot a rocket up to it. When our cells and genome lay in shrouds of darkness within us and many thought we would never know them, we did not shy away and think it was too hard, we rose up as a people and brought illumination to our entire code. We continue on. It is of our nature.

It is because humanity has never known the definition of impossible. There have always been those pioneers and supporting cast amongst us that have lived outside of the box and continuously pioneered the horizons as though they were boundary-less. Low and behold we continue to progress, building and opening up a greater and grander future for ourselves. It springs forth from our spirit, we do not give up. Whether we know it or not, we all have the movement for indefinite life extension premise, the MILE premise, within us. That premise that “we do not have to know we can get there to go there but that we do have to go there to get there.”

We grab the baton, on the ground work that our ancestors put down for us, with their blood coursing through our veins. All survivors blood is ours blood. They had to die for us to be here. They had to give us all that they did and then die so that we may have what we have. We dont have what we have because it magically appeared here. We have it because they toiled and died for us to have it. We can not pilfer it and waste the opportunity, we have to keep pioneering existence, we have to keep building, we have to keep pushing the boundaries, because that is the wage they earned. We are now moving on in to the transhumanism era at ever accelerating speeds because of them. They gave us the time and now the time is ours. Now is the time to grab the bulls by the horns. The dreams of our fathers rides on this, the dreams we have been gifted ride on this, our dreams ride on this. Humanity rides on this. If we get this right then it means indefinite life. The universe and all of existence is riding on this. Our ancestors knew that when they started building this bridge across time and existence, where we stand now today, the project is in our hands. Pick up the shovel and help us go this MILE, we owe it to them.

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Edited by brokenportal, 21 October 2011 - 01:01 AM.

KalaBeth's Photo KalaBeth 13 Aug 2009

Pardon the thread necromancy (or would that be "reanimation"?) here... but thank you.

I must confess, when looking at - or working on - a project and the thoughts come flooding in "are we really ready for this? Am I really ready for this?" - looking at how far we've come in making our lives better has been a great comfort. I recall reading once an old Greek lamenting the dawn of the age of the written word - people would no longer memorize the long epic poems such as the Iliad - their memory would whither to a fraction of what it once was.

And honestly, he was right. (Not that it can't be done - look at all the kids in madrases memorizing the Koran) - but it by and large isn't done. Because we don't have to. Most of us can't conceive of the acts of memory that gentleman performed. We are not the people we were even 2500 years ago - an eyeblink in even our own history.

I must confess, seeing that past makes it easier to goggle in joy at the uncertain future.

.... this is gonna be fun. :p

brokenportal's Photo brokenportal 15 Aug 2009

"are we really ready for this? Am I really ready for this?" -

Ready or not, here it comes. But rest assured, we are born and bred for this, we are evolved for this. All the trials and tribulations and tests and challenges that our ancestors have gone through has prepared us for this. It has built this. It is this. We are life extension. Just as surely as we are linguists, and fire starters, and farmers, and mill workers, technicians and transhumanists, we are indefinite life extensionists.

The nature of the human will has willed this. Can we do this? Well, Im not sure if thats the question at all, I dont think we could even stop it if we tried.

Life Extension, full steam ahead. The stars await.

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brokenportal's Photo brokenportal 06 Feb 2010

Does anybody else feel a similar sense of homage for what our ancestry has done for us and what it all means in this grand over all big picture scheme of things?

ascendedcobra's Photo ascendedcobra 08 Mar 2010

Does anybody else feel a similar sense of homage for what our ancestry has done for us and what it all means in this grand over all big picture scheme of things?

I feel just like you do. I have often thought about what our ancestors have gone through and my responsibility to keep the line going. Thinking someone from my line will make it all the way to be imortal. Now I am thinking I may even have a shot myself.

brokenportal's Photo brokenportal 08 Mar 2010

Does anybody else feel a similar sense of homage for what our ancestry has done for us and what it all means in this grand over all big picture scheme of things?

I feel just like you do. I have often thought about what our ancestors have gone through and my responsibility to keep the line going. Thinking someone from my line will make it all the way to be imortal. Now I am thinking I may even have a shot myself.

What Im saying is not so much that we should look at that and say we have a great shot now, but what I mean is more that we should look at that and let it make us, keep us, determined to fight. They won this chance for us with their work and toil, lets remember to not sit back and relax, but rather fight with the same spirit, at the same calibre as them, so that we may continue pushing forward and not let them down, give it all we've got and let their struggle really mean as much as it can.

I mean, if an ancient Mesopotamian farmer, and a renaissance famine time survivor, a covered wagon pioneer, and a lot like that could have the scoop on what is going on and come back for 10 minutes to give us their commentary, I think they would be proud to see us shooting for the stars, working to harness our souls and pioneer the universe, rather than maybe slowing down and sitting back in the cut of the technological revolution and eating processed hot pockets and watching tv on an internet phone and collecting some pictures of some berries we picked on a few hiking outings.

solbanger's Photo solbanger 08 Mar 2010

Does anybody else feel a similar sense of homage for what our ancestry has done for us and what it all means in this grand over all big picture scheme of things?

I feel just like you do. I have often thought about what our ancestors have gone through and my responsibility to keep the line going. Thinking someone from my line will make it all the way to be imortal. Now I am thinking I may even have a shot myself.

What Im saying is not so much that we should look at that and say we have a great shot now, but what I mean is more that we should look at that and let it make us, keep us, determined to fight. They won this chance for us with their work and toil, lets remember to not sit back and relax, but rather fight with the same spirit, at the same calibre as them, so that we may continue pushing forward and not let them down, give it all we've got and let their struggle really mean as much as it can.

I mean, if an ancient Mesopotamian farmer, and a renaissance famine time survivor, a covered wagon pioneer, and a lot like that could have the scoop on what is going on and come back for 10 minutes to give us their commentary, I think they would be proud to see us shooting for the stars, working to harness our souls and pioneer the universe, rather than maybe slowing down and sitting back in the cut of the technological revolution and eating processed hot pockets and watching tv on an internet phone and collecting some pictures of some berries we picked on a few hiking outings.

Funny I actually recall reading a turn of the century Russian philosopher who essentially fathomed that life and death was really just a matter of energy, and the amount of potential the society could harness in order to create the structure of human life. Since one of the main goals of humanity has been to overcome the inevitability of death then it stands to reason that future descendants would create the means to bring the dead back to life with this power. However the recently revived would also want to bring back the relatives that they knew, and they in turn would be fueled by their memories of their loved ones to bring even others back and so on and so forth causing a chain reaction of resurrection until we reach backwards through the whole human family tree... reviving everyone who has ever lived... Einstein, Lincoln, even villains such as Hitler going back to a time where humans barely had language to articulate their love for others. Also in this future realm the population of Earth could be occupied several times over with concurrent timelines, allowing horny humans to copulate as much as they want, create offspring with no worries of death (or care for that matter) but don't ask me how!

In short the Russian postulated that if resurrection at some point in the future became cheap as well as reasonably efficient then everyone who has ever lived will probably be brought back in this museum of souls so to speak. The human design to perpeptuate, foster loved ones and feel kinship is so strong that he speculated that it would be inevitable that humans would develop this augmentation to reality. He reasoned that most probably our future societies are observing the past right now. Recall this was postulated sometime before the 20's and quantum chicanery wasn't even a theory yet!

brokenportal's Photo brokenportal 13 Jul 2010

Well, there will be some generations that will long more strongly for the relatives tbey knew, but most generations will be born when indefinite life extension is here, and so far fewer of them will have long for their dead relatives because far fewer of them will be dead.