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Why antropic principle stoped to defend us.

turchin's Photo turchin 08 Feb 2010

Why antropic principle stoped to defend us. Observation selection and fragility of our environment.


The main idea of this article is not only that observation selection leads to underestimation of future rate of natural disasters, but that our environment is much more fragile to antropic influences (like overinflated toy balloon), also because of observation selection, and so we should much more carefully think about global warming and deep earth drilling.
The main idea of antropic principle (AP) is that our Universe has qualities that allow existence of the observers. In particular this means that global natural disasters that could prevent developing of intellectual life on the Earth never happened here. This is true only for the past but not for the future. So we cannot use information about frequency of global natural disasters in the past for extrapolation it to the future, except some special cases then we have additional information, as Circovic shows in his paper. Therefore, an observer could find that all the important parameters for his/her survival (sun, temperature, asteroid risk etc.) start altogether inexplicably and quickly deteriorating – and possibly we could already find the signs of this process. In a few words: The anthropic principle has stopped to ‘defend’ humanity and we should take responsibility for our survival. Moreover, as origination of intellectual life on the Earth is very rare event it means that some critical parameters may lay near their bounds of stability and small antropogenic influences could start catastrophic process in this century. Also we must live in the period with higher rate of catastrophes because small ones help evolution but this mean higher probability of global catastrophe. (Think about many small pieces of a broken comet and one large and check findings of Holocene Impact Group).

Introduction 2
1. Antropic principle. Effect of observation selection. Results of Bostrom and Tegmark 2
2. Natural catastrophes 11
3. Application of antropic principle to the analysis of frequency of natural catastrophes 15
4. Infringement of stability of the natural systems which are on the verge of balance, in connection with human activity 26
5. The conclusion 28
Appendix. Density of observers in the Universe, frequency of catastrophes and antropic principle. 30
The literature: 34