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What is the Singularity?

RighteousReason's Photo RighteousReason 12 Jan 2011

What is the Singularity?


1. Technological Singularity - http://en.wikipedia....cal_singularity
2. Three Major Singularity Schools - http://yudkowsky.net...ularity/schools
3. What is the Singularity? - http://singinst.org/...sthesingularity

Intelligence Explosion

4. The Power of Intelligence - http://yudkowsky.net/singularity/power
5. Seed AI - http://singinst.org/...OGI/seedAI.html
6. Cascades, Cycles, Insight... - http://lesswrong.com...cycles_insight/
7. ...Recursion, Magic - http://lesswrong.com...ecursion_magic/
8. Recursive Self-Improvement - http://lesswrong.com...elfimprovement/
9. Hard Takeoff - http://lesswrong.com...f/hard_takeoff/
10. Permitted Possibilities, & Locality - http://lesswrong.com...ities_locality/

Friendly AI

11. Cognitive Biases Potentially Affecting Judgment of Global Risks - http://www.singinst....tive-biases.pdf
12. The AI-Box Experiment - http://yudkowsky.net/singularity/aibox
13. Artificial Intelligence as a Positive and Negative Factor in Global Risk - http://www.singinst....igence-risk.pdf
14. Why We Need Friendly AI - http://www.preventin...ed-friendly-ai/
15. Coherent Extrapolated Volition - http://www.singinst....upload/CEV.html
-- this is a horrific example of grossly incompetent philosophy


16. What I Think, If Not Why - http://lesswrong.com...ink_if_not_why/
17. Why Work Toward the Singularity? - http://singinst.org/...dthesingularity
18. The Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence (SIAI) - http://singinst.org/
19. I do not suggest donating to these people. This is for informational purposes only.


20. Consolidation of Links on Friendly AI - http://www.accelerat...on-friendly-ai/
21. Writings about Friendly AI - http://www.singinst....ut-friendly-ai/
22. Reading - http://www.singinst.org/reading
23. Eliezer Yudkowsky - http://yudkowsky.net/

Cameron's Photo Cameron 17 Feb 2011

The transition from the world of decay to the world of renewal, from a world filled with death to a world filled with life, via the mastery of molecular machines and the key to the workings of the mind.

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Technoearthling's Photo Technoearthling 04 Mar 2011

Thanks for posting these links.
I think it is our duty to improve upon our condition rather than stand idly by and watch it all die.