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Is our Universe in a Brain? Or is a Brain?

jonano's Photo jonano 12 Apr 2005

Is our Universe in a Brain? Or is a Brain?

Infernity's Photo Infernity 12 Apr 2005

Well only if the circulatory of multiverses does exist... In that case our universe may be some a piece of energy on some quark in some atom in some molecule in some cell in some brain in some world in some universe in some multiverse in the *everything*...
Check this thread out. (My discussion with antilithium):
http://www.imminst.o...=little miss&s=
That's quite not possible to call it a brain though...


kevin's Photo kevin 12 Apr 2005

Is our universe a dynamic evolving information processing unit?

Absolutely.. [lol]

Mind's Photo Mind 12 Apr 2005

If you have ever wondered if we live in a simulation, you have probably thought about the universe being in a brain. Our brains model "miniature" universes all the time, just as our computers do.