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Nano quadrotors that grow food, replacing...

treonsverdery's Photo treonsverdery 21 Nov 2012

I think human being have vastly more pleasant things to do than grow food. also during the 20th century much immigration occured as a result of food based employment.

I viewed this video on nanoquadrotors, basically synchronized minicopters, then thought Those could be harvesting fruit or tomatoes or even grains. just use wireless beamed power like witricity so they skip needing batteries then have them fly around harvesting or planting

yet is it cheap enough to replace people. Think of cheap 29.99 microcopters available now. Then presume that a cheap quadrotor was actually $100, ten of these might pick ten cherry tomatoes per minute, thats faster than a human, yet is just $1000

thus nano quadrotors are cheaper than human labor

Imagine if every immigrant to the united states that did agricultural labor during the 20th century were were replaced with robots, then the same number of immigrants permitted with the condition they be smarter that 99 pct of the current population. Anytime a person saw an immigrant they would likely be seeing a person they expected more capable than they were who was actively improving the prospects of the country.

as a slightly bizarre critique of the Aryan Nations 1) they should promote robotic agriculture as well as develop it 2) Aryanism, which had thus bizarre notion that white warriors went around subjugating people during ancient times is obviously opposite to productive. importing people from other cultures to do work just dilutes cultures, so its time to replace compelled labor, or the even creepier "pride from being able to compel others" with robots along with isolationism.

Noting the number of radio controlled WWII aircraft I saw while reading up on microcopters I think there are numerous Aryan Nations people out there who could actually create these nonwhite immigrant replacing agricultural robots with their RC building experience.

Mind's Photo Mind 21 Nov 2012

For picking vegetables, ground based robots would be much better, anyway that is my opinion based upon decades of gardening experience. The quadrotors might find some other use - maybe delivering small items to city-dwellers in high rise buildings?