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Another Amateur seeking help w/ stack

Timeless_007's Photo Timeless_007 18 Feb 2013

Hello all, I am a new member to this forum however I've been following it for a couple months now.I finally decided to take the plunge and purchase some nootropics to start testing for myself.
A little bit about me.

I am a 19 year old college student, my studies aren't too intensive so my purpose for nootropics is more for personal growth and self-development although I'm definitely lacking in focus. I've been an avid weight lifter for the past 3-4 years and I'd say my lean-body mass is above average. I weigh about 163 and I'm currently on a cut (calorie deficit). You can say that I'm an amateur bodybuilder I guess if you want to better understand my lifestyle.

I just received my current purchase and opted to by a wide array of things so that I can test out what works best for me. Here's what I got.

Lions Mane
Fish Oil, Multi vitamin, creatine, glutamine (been taken all regularly for over a year now)
5-Htp (for sleep stack)
Gaba (for sleep stack )
Phenibut (for sleep stack)
Melatonin (Sleep stack)

I also bought some other supplements that I intended to use for pre-workout such as Argine, beta alanine, HCL, PEA & Schizandrol A

as well as a general health stack that includes Vitamin C, Milk thistle, Reservatrol, Schisandra & Shilajit.

Honestly, a lot of the things that I purchased were made in a rash, spur of the moment. I've researched most of the things I bought but the information is for the most part very vague when it comes to how to most effectively stack nootropics, as well as timing intake & cycling.

I should also mention that I am currently Intermittent Fasting, in relevant terms that means that I don't eat breakfast and my first meal is between 2-4 pm, depending on the day. My morning routine consist of coffee and thus far I've just been making my own concoctions however I feel that mixing Noopept, Pramiracetam and Piracetam (which is what I've done the first few days) will over load my receptors faster than usual. At the same time I've read that those with lean body mass typically can go for time periods without having to cycle although I haven't personally read any studies that verify this.

I would greatly appreciate any of advice in regards to how I should go about combining my stacks for maximum efficiency. My intention is to go all out and then cycle off all stimulants & nootropics when spring break comes around (in 3 weeks) then start the cycle all over again.

Edit: Please excuse the bad grammar. I am a fully competent individual, just for the record (:
Edited by Timeless_007, 18 February 2013 - 05:54 AM.

BigJohn's Photo BigJohn 19 Feb 2013

Make sure you take pramiracetam with a fat source such as peanut butter, since pramiracetam is fat soluble and it needs fat to be digested by the body. I have aniracetam in my stack so I do the same. What are your dosages?

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jadamgo's Photo jadamgo 19 Feb 2013

It's best to start with a simple stack that doesn't contain too much stuff, otherwise you can't tell which ingredient is causing which effect. Something like Piracetam + Choline + ALCAR once per morning, again at noon, and again in the late afternoon would be best.

The sleep stack is fine as is, except I'd really seriously suggest that you only use phenibut for emergencies because it has a massive tolerance problem. If you start using that stuff every night, or even a few times a week, you'll regret it. No more than a few times per month, and never 2 nights in a row.

After a few weeks, you can add pramiracetam once per morning and see how it affects you. You might consider a second dose at noon.

Or you could add Noopept, and see how that works. I wouldn't suggest adding both noopept and pramiracetam at the same time -- they're both pretty strong, and if any side effects occur, you need to know exactly which ingredient is causing it.

Timeless_007's Photo Timeless_007 20 Feb 2013

Thanks for the tips guys.
I always make sure to take a fat source (fish oil) or avocado when consuming my nootropics, regardless of if they're fat solluble or not.
Also, I read a lot of bad things about Phenibut before I took it and decided immediately that it's not something I would take regularly or even with my sleep stack, it just happened to come pre-purchased with the sleep stack that I bought. I'll probably save it for nights when I go out or whenever I'm feeling really anti-social.

I was really anxious when I got my stacks so I didn't bother gradually ease my way into anything, haha..I kind of just started taking everything. Not simultaneously, but I mixed & matched different things daily because I didn't want to start with Piracetam and then wait a week or so for it to kick in.

Right now I'm starting back at the basics and I'm probably going to try your recommendation of Piracetam + Choline + ALCAR but I think I'm going to add Lions Maine & 20mg of Noopept to that, only because I've mixed Pira + Noopept multiple times already with no negative side effects.

I have a question about tolerance and cycling. How do I gauge tolerance in particular and when would be the best time cycle off everything (and should I cycle off everything all at once?).

jadamgo's Photo jadamgo 20 Feb 2013

Most people around here don't actually measure their tolerance by any objective means, they just pre-emptively take days off their entire stack periodically (e.g. every Sunday off), or days off the strongest ingredients (like the racetams), or they take a few days off everything whenever they feel like things aren't working as well as usual. It's your call how you want to do it.

BigJohn's Photo BigJohn 21 Feb 2013

I have read that racetams actually get stronger over time because they build up in your system. Hence the loading effect that you get with racetams

Timeless_007's Photo Timeless_007 21 Feb 2013

I really appreciate all of the help/advice guys.

I'm going to go ahead and start including a daily/weekly log here on my stack and it's effects. The most help that I've received in regards to Nootropics has come from threads where members keep updated logs & summary's so I figured that'd be a great way for me to keep track for myself as well as contribute to the community.

Here is my current Morning stack.

Piracetam - 4800mg
MSG - 50mg (I read hyperspace's thread and while I realize he was a "fraud" in a sense, he was clearly on to something.)
Choline Bit- 500mg
ALCAR - 500 mg
Rhodiola 500mg
L-theaning + Caffeing (cup of coffee)
PEA-500 Extreme - 1pill - I highly doubt this does anything from my research but I bought it long ago and I just want to get rid of it.
1 fish oil pill
1 Multi - OptiMen
1 Calcium + vit D Tablet
100mg Rasberry Ketones (to suppress hunger. This works remarkably well and I highly recommend it for anybody interested in weight loss)

All on an empty stomach. It's also important to note that I fast until anywhere between 3-6pm on weekdays. I have not had any stomach problems with any of my mixtures the past week.

I think the most noticeable effect that I get is from the L-theanine+Coffee mixture. I don't want to over exaggerate and say it makes things euphoric but it definitely quiets down your thoughts. You don't feel any of the mental effects of the caffeine, it's almost as if they are numbed out but your body does feel energized, just highly relaxed at the same time. I think everybody should try this at least once or twice to see if they enjoy that particular effect. To me it seems like a great way to start the day.

I was previously taking 20mg of Noopept + 200mg of Longjack (Both combined in pill form) in the mornings as well however the increase in irritability lasted far too long. It wasn't unmanageable by any means but I did tend to get very irritated over the most most things and rather than focusing on productivity I'd find myself focusing on literally 100% completely irrelevant things and how they bother me. The irritability effect outlasted the "mood enhancing" effect of pretty much everything in my stack, which just isn't worth it, especially in the mornings.
Noopepts seems to be hit or misss for everyone, so I'm not sure where to fit it in to my daily schedule just yet. I may include 20mg with my pre-workout and then 20mg after (when I start studying+eating).

As of right now, I don't have any other input regarding the other noots. Focus seems to come and ago but it does seem like I feel more motivated to be productive throughout the day however this only materializes when I sum up the willpower (which is still hard to find) to sit down and get shit done.

I'm considering micro dosing Pramiracetam and eventually lowering my Primacetam doses while gradually increasing Pramiracetam. I'm not expecting this to have any significant effect but it's worth a shot.

I also have some Bacoba, Oxiracetam & Aniracetam incoming.

Is there anyway for me to change the title to include "Updated with daily log"?

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jadamgo's Photo jadamgo 22 Feb 2013

Yeah, this looks like a great start. Just make sure you take an afternoon dose of piracetam too, it doesn't have to be as large (you could do 2400mg), but it's best to keep the effect sustained throughout the day.