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Dexadrine Weaning - Side Effects Help Please

pmacdona51's Photo pmacdona51 04 Mar 2014

I was hoping that someone could shed some light on what/why I am getting some nasty effects as I titrate down my dexadrine dose. Since I went from my 30mg to 20mg per day (dexadrine xr) a week ago, i wake up every morning and about 5-10 minutes later I am hit with a combination of depression and major agitation, on top of extreme lethargy and brain fog. It seems to be getting worse and I would like to know why this is going on so I can look for some solutions. My GP doesn't seem to have an answer beyond 'just deal with it', but it can get so intense until I take my dose that my wife and daughter can't stand to be around me, and I end up wanting to run my head into a wall.

Any input on the why and or how to help this would be much appreciated. I was as high as 120mg of adderrall per day a few months back but with the help (I say that very loosly) of some opiates, I have managed to get down to this dose. I am planning on getting off this completely as I have suffered from major addiction issues for the past 3 years and have realized that any "abusable" medication, regardless of it's purpose, is a bad idea for me.

I have been messing around with a few nootropic stacks over the past year to try and help get me clean, and my current stack is as follows, plus 10mg of oxyneo per day taken every 4 hours (total of 50mg per day):

AM MIX 7:00am
L-Tyrosine 1000mg
ALCAR (powder) 1000mg
Inositol 4.5g
Creatine 5g
Aniracetam 500mg

CILTEP+Dexadrine 8:30am
Artichoke Ext. 1000mg
Forskilin 50mg
Vit B-6 50mg
ALA 300mg
Vitamin D 5000iu
Fish Oil 3000mg
Dexadrine XR 20mg

B-Complex 100mg
Bio-Magnesium 300mg
Fish Oil 3000mg
Folic Acid 1000mcg
NAC 500mg
SAMe 400 400mg
Uridine UMP 500mg
Vitamin E 400iu

PM STACK 9:30pm (2hrs before bed)
Pro Liver 1600mg
Bio-Magnesium 300mg
Vit B-6 50mg
Fish Oil 3000mg
Vitamin C 2000mg
5-HTP 200mg
Zinc 50mg

tritium's Photo tritium 05 Mar 2014

This seems like a normal effect for anyone titrating down Dexadrine, which is known to be neurotoxic to dopamine neurons. Your best bet is to completely stop and allow yourself to recover, which will most likely be the most miserable 6-12 months of your life.

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Max Headroom Incident's Photo Max Headroom Incident 06 Mar 2014

Depression and mood swings are common when quitting amphetamines. You could try substituting a milder stimulant like yerba mate or coca tea so the crash isn't as hard. If it gets too bad, consider tapering more slowly or staying at the same dose longer. The usual "healthy diet/exercise/sleep" triad is advisable here too.

Just know that the symptoms do go away with time and you won't be stuck like this forever! Your brain just needs time to adjust to the lack of an artificial dopamine rush :)
Edited by Max Headroom Incident, 06 March 2014 - 06:08 AM.