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Day after Day => World after World

Babychris's Photo Babychris 24 Sep 2014

Hey to all of you, this time I'm not begging for a particular help but more of a share for this feeling : Indeed as most of our members I take some supplements not that much relatively to others, but still 'I've tried through those last 2 years A LOT of supplements, far too much In my humble opinion. Now I have slowed down because it wasn't good for me. I didn't found much supps that could suit with my neurochemestry. And much more the effect were not consistent because my mind is too crazy haha.


So I want to know how do you react to supplement ? I mean that, frequently I can switch totally from a "mental world" to an other. By "totally" I'm certainly vastly exagerating but I feel lost, I can't improve anything since I never feel the same ... 


That's real shit, the worst is that I can't know which stuff is good for me or which is bad... damn I'm lost. Really today was a shitty day I had all day "palpitations" (I don't know if you what it mean, it's like feeling your heart pounding all over your body and quivering) and felt really shitty, This morning I was powerfull could speak with a lot of people. Came back at home and stayed half awaked half sleep all the day very shitty I hate this. This was not so usual lately; I'm currently taking Liquid Ashwagandha from herb pharm and added yesterday eleuthero from a french brand (quite poor) and I'm taking stablon. I will try to stop it today because it really helps : OK but it don't help with my obessionnal thought which are the biggest part of my general anxiety disorder and Social anxiety and certainly depression too. 


I'm thinking to try prozac in hope to feel this manic feeling back as I had all my youngness (I don't know if this one is correct) but I'm not sure, I'm a real fan of music and don't want to loose more libido since again a big part of my anxiety is related to woman. How would I go out with friends while being unable to have an erection so why speaking with girls? But to be honest whitout SSRI I can't speak to women for this reason, so It just can help and not make the thing worst... ? 


Don't know there must be a better solution but didn't found yet DIDN'T. Ask me If I was unclear somewhere somehow.. Thanks to you


drg's Photo drg 25 Sep 2014

There are several other antidepressants you can try that aren't SSRIs and may not give you sexual side effects.


Mirtazapine has lowest incidence of sexual side effects


Other options possible:




medievil's Photo medievil 27 Sep 2014

A low dose of a stomulant counteracts the sexual side effects.

Babychris's Photo Babychris 28 Sep 2014

That's funny I have just beggining to take a usual dose of daily 20mg of fluoxetine, and so far my libido has never been as high since I got depressed. I have read that this is from the action on the 5HT2A receptor and that should subside when the SSRI action with be stronger; I hope no... Maybe I will try one day on, one day off..
