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Magnesium Journey: Success.

explr9's Photo explr9 29 Oct 2014

I remember first reading about Magnesium 30 years ago. It seemed like a very important mineral. Defiences of magnesium corresponded with many of the complaints I was having. So I’d take it and notice nothing. Every 3 – 5 years I ‘d come back to this reasoning and try it again. What form? I don’t know-spin the dial. Same result: either nothing or loose bowel.


This year I finally got some testing thru a naturopath that included, for the first time, an indication of magnesium levels. Mine were very low. So I got a pound of Magnesium malate and took 2-3 x the daily recommended amount for a couple months. No loose bowel, but I didn't notice any benefit and when I retested, I was still low.


I went to my favorite adviser, google, and found an article on magnesium that really made sense to me. After so many confusing opinions about what form to take, this one finally clicked. Half way though the article, it said oral supplementation is not effective for restoring deep deficiency. This is because most forms of magnesium actually cause malabsorption –loose bowel – at anything close to the levels needed to restore a chronic deficient state.


Fortunately I was able to find a naturopathic clinic that did IV therapy and had magnesium sulfate “pushed” into my blood via slow injection. I finally got to feel what it was like to have a lot of magnesium in me… Great- relaxing, calming, focusing, etc. I did this a few more times at $100 a shot.


Then I tried magnesium glycinate orally at 400mg. Yes! Great night sleep, no bowel issues. I was finally able to experience the benefit of oral magnesium supplementation.


If you are really deficient in Ma, the right supplementation will feel great right away. It doesn’t take weeks or months. And it won’t cause loose bowels.


If you think your deficient, get tested. If its very deficient, start with a few rounds of IV therapy.  Then go on to Ma glycinate. If you can’t afford testing / IV therapy, start with Ma Glycinate. You can get it in bulk. If it doesn’t work, you should get tested, and do IV therapy if deficient.


What about other forms? 


I don’t know why malate did nothing for me. Its supposed to be absorbable, but Magnesium malate is mostly malate. You have to take 3-4x as much to get the equivalent amount of magnesium. Maybe my body didn’t like the malate?


Citrate: this is just not a solution for restoring deep deficiency. Its used for constipation at moderate doses. Maybe OK for maintenance at lower doses.


Magnesium Carbinate: the kind used in fizzy, relaxing tonics. These also cause bowel loosening, which is why they are relaxing. Probably OK for transient deficiencies.


Magnesium oxide: hardly absorbed at all.


Magnesium Threonate is expensive and probably best saved for exploring after general Ma restoration. I may eventually return to this once my labs show good overall levels. But even then, I'd take glycinate to RDA for baseline maintenance and add threonate for studying and focus.


Recently I have added calcium citrate to the magnesium glycinate in a 1-1 ratio.  Also added Lithium oratate 5mg, which seems to  be synergistic. 


Get the Magnesium right before adding other elements.

Edited by explr9, 29 October 2014 - 09:12 PM.