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autoimmune encephalitis

Omega 3 Snake Oil's Photo Omega 3 Snake Oil 21 May 2016

Hi all, I posted this in brain health but I think it should probably be here...

I have autoimmune level thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPO). I was on antibiotics to treat Lyme disease for several months. During that time I developed elevated liver enzymes, and eventually my Dr. told me to stop antibiotics until my levels get back to normal. This was last week.

Over the past month or so, I've had increasing neurological symptoms I thought were Lyme related. Now I'm worried I have some sort of autoimmune encephalitis/encephalopathy. This can occur as result of Hashimoto's thyroiditis, which I have.

I have some hydrocortisone that was rx'd to me by a naturopath for an adrenal issue. I hadn't taken it because I'm afraid of it making my Lyme and viral infections go crazy. Out of desperation I took some last Friday (5mg) which made me feel a bit better, then another 5mg Monday.

I took 5mg last Tuesday along with a tiny piece of cannabis oil (w/ THC) and a couple hours later I felt like all my symptoms were getting worse: headache, dizziness, dry nose/eyes/mouth, poor balance and depth perception, depression and anxiety.

Tuesday night I took a collagen supplement that includes a lot of arginine (roughly 2:1 arginine:lysine) and then my symptoms EXPLODED. I felt like I was dying, I got up in the middle of the night and my eyes were yellow and bloodshot, they also felt burning and tingling (like I was getting cold sores in my eyes).

I'm worried I have some sort of encephalitis, either autoimmune or viral (or both?). I talked to my ND the other day, he's prescribing me pregnenolone and low dose naltrexone. I'm worried this won't be enough. Seeing my GP this coming Tuesday, and my Lyme specialist in early June. Will be getting updated labs for liver function in a few days' time.

Any thoughts or insights would be appreciated.


Psilociraptor1's Photo Psilociraptor1 29 Jun 2016

I would stop that hydrocortisone ASAP. Immunosuppresants and lyme disease are likely contraindicated.


Anyways there are a few possibilities here... First, i believe arginine may support the replication of some viruses though i can't seem to find that information now. Second, it could potentially enhance nitric oxide production which is already often upregulated by lyme and coinfections. Ive also had cannabis oil make my lyme worse at times so be careful with that. Not always, but when i'm in a flare it seems to exaccerbate it.


Anyways, encephalopathy is a common symptom of lyme. I see no reason for you to assume its anything else at this point if you've already been diagnosed with lyme. Quitting antibiotics can result in relapse and sometimes these can leave you worse than you started. Hope your liver tests are good so you can get back to your treatment. Sorry you're going through this, lyme is absolutely hell. I've been afraid to start treatment for this very reason. I didn't have CNS symptoms until i fucked around with berberine


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Omega 3 Snake Oil's Photo Omega 3 Snake Oil 29 Jun 2016

I'm going to stick w/ herbals for now, not sure I want to risk it with the abx again. Also, I noticed some dysautonomia the one time I tried NSI-189. After that, I couldn't do anything that affected my brain without getting labored breathing and weakness, etc. So ALCAR, caffeine, anything high in calcium--all these things affected my brain after I tried NSI-189. I think it's a Lyme thing.
