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suggestion on nootropics

researcher2016's Photo researcher2016 18 Sep 2016

I ‘m new to stacking with the exotic substances like pircatam and creatine and so on.  So if someone more experienced can suggest a direction for me, I be thankful.


I used to have this instant coffee brand that works wonders – stimulating headaches, high creativity, mood, very vivid memory and so on.  But at some point their quality change and the brand taste very toxic.  Inexpensive too.  And also buzz can be adjusted and up by using more.  Doesn’t work the same way with other stuff.


Then I tried a lot of other natural nootropics thjat just haven’t worked as well – gurana, green tea(leaf/powder), gyurusa , different brands brewed/instant coffee, yerba mate and so on.


What I haven’t been able to figure out was why different brands of coffee were different in buzz and mixing different brands messes my head up.  Different brands were different in effect, they all seem to work differently for me, most not that well.  Anyone ever been there?


Currently I ‘m using a brewed coffee brand that work with a precise brewed time range – not ideal but does stimulate some headache. Form my experience with stimulant- the headaches have been a precursor to creativity , buzz, eurphoria and so on. Dunno if anyone have can relate to that.



Wanted to see if anyone can suggest some natural/artificial nootropic substance that work powerfully like my description.  Anyone got some personal breakthroughs? 



Looking for safer stuff(backed by some safety studies), I realize this is a complex field and very much is unknown about how the mind works.


jack black's Photo jack black 22 Sep 2016

have you searched?

this should give some ideas: http://www.longecity...-to-nootropics/


make sure to read all the pages, LOL!


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