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Torrent of Imminst Movie created

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 27 Jan 2006

Edit: This torrent has kind of died off, if you would like to download the movie, please go down to this post (link) for the instructions/links to download directly.

Hey guys,

I encoded the movie into a torrent-friendly format, then created a torrent of it. I am trying to upload the .torrent file to as many torrent sharing websites as I can find to try and get it downloaded by a lot of people.

Need some help from people, the more people that download a torrent, the better. It increases the share rate, because as soon as you have downloaded the first bit of the file, you automatically are sharing whatever you have downloaded. So the more people downloading/seeding (called a "swarm") the better.

Here is one spot where I uploaded the file:

And another one, in case that one is down at any point while you are looking at it:

For those who are unfamiliar with torrents, to use them you must have a client, (such as the official Bittorent client (by the inventor of .torrents), Azureus (what I use, but kind of more for experts), burst! (liked by a lot of people), or one of the many others out there) to download torrent files. It would be helpful to keep the file open and seeding for as long as possible to help out others after you have downloaded the whole thing.

Also, you can find a lot of cool stuff to download via .torrent files, so hopefully this helps people out more than just for this project!

Thanks guys!

Edited by liveforever22, 09 May 2006 - 06:14 AM.

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 27 Jan 2006

Sorry to post over myself, but I just wanted to add that I woke up this morning and there were 75 peers, so hopefully that means lots of new people will be seeing it. Included the book, and some references to imminst.org, mprize.org, etc., so if anyone sees the movie and wants more info, hopefully they will be able to find some more.

I am still the only one seeding the entire file, but hopefully some other people finish their downloads soon, and continue to seed after that so that more people can have a chance at it. Again, anyone downloading also shares, so if anyone wants to help out the process, they can download the file too. (as described in the previous post)


mrfesta's Photo mrfesta 29 Jan 2006

I'm a seeder. =)
Edited by mrfesta, 30 January 2006 - 08:20 AM.

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 31 Jan 2006

I think that this has been a very good outreach tool. I do not know the exact statistics, but several hundred people have downloaded the file so far. It is beginning to taper off (only about 20-25 people downloading at any one time now) which it usually does after a few days, but I think that it will keep providing new people downloading the video for at least several more months. No telling how many people are being exposed to something they never would have thought about.

Thanks mrfesta for helping me seed at the beginning, that was a big help to getting it off the ground more quickly!


mrfesta's Photo mrfesta 22 Feb 2006

Are people still downloading this? I haven't had the program open for about a week now to seed it. Seemed to have been slowing down a lot the last time I checked.

JonesGuy's Photo JonesGuy 22 Feb 2006

Just a couple questions ...

Is this the Imminst documentary about conquering death? Is it good enough to show to the public?

If I put the link in my sig (while posting on other forums), will people be able to click on the link and then watch the documentary? It's an outreach tool to increase exposure?

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 22 Feb 2006

Are people still downloading this? I haven't had the program open for about a week now to seed it. Seemed to have been slowing down a lot the last time I checked

I have been seeding it off and on, and there are sometimes a few people downloading it, and sometimes no one.

Just a couple questions ...

Is this the Imminst documentary about conquering death?  Is it good enough to show to the public?

If I put the link in my sig (while posting on other forums), will people be able to click on the link and then watch the documentary?  It's an outreach tool to increase exposure?

You can watch it here if you haven't seen it. Also, for your sig, you could put that as the link to follow, that way people wouldn't have to download it if they did not want to.


mrfesta's Photo mrfesta 27 Feb 2006

sounds good.

Somone is trying to download it from me now and it appears I'm the only one seeding...

They are at 43%. I will try to keep one of my computers as a dedicated seeder from now on. The other two are for Protein Folding =)

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 03 Mar 2006

I tried to seed it a little bit ago, and it didnt seem anyone was downloading. Ill try again later though.


Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 09 May 2006

Note: "Edit" section at bottom for getting video to play

Here are the direct links to download the movie as described below, if you do not want to mess with reading it (note: "Edit" section below these downloads to get them to work, if they don't already):
.flv (raw) version
.avi video version
.mp4 iPod version
.mp4 PSP version

Now that the torrent is not being seeded very much, it seems as though there have been some inquiries on how to download the video directly, so I am replying to this thread with those instructions, since this thread is linked from the movie page. I can create a seperate thread for this if anyone thinks that would be better, but for now here it goes:

There are a few ways to download the movie directly, here is the easiest one (imo). First, go to this site:

..which lets you directly download videos from a number of sites that don't usually allow you to do so (only lets you stream them). If you paste in the google videos link to the movie into the space provided:

..and then click one of the download links (I like .avi files usually, but whatever is best for you)

I tested it, and it worked for me, so hopefully this works well for you guys that need a direct download link. If you want to convert videos you download to a different format, it tells how in the "Help" section at the bottom.

-----------------------------------------IMPORTANT SECTION BELOW-------------------------------------------------
Edit: It has come to my attention that the .avi file does not play in Windows Media Player regularly. I had not noticed because I rarely ever use Windows Media Player (it kind of sucks in my opinion). In any event, here are the directions on 3 things you can do (you only have to do one, choose which you like best) to get the video to work on your machine:

First option is to download the K-Lite Video Pack mentioned at the bottom of the Help section of the website I gave initially:
Here is the direct link to the download page: http://www.free-code...ck_download.htm
Download the full version, and install it, and that should get you up and running with a compatible player.

Another option is what I used initially, which was something I already had on my computer called VLC player. It is an excellent player that I pretty much always use. Here is the download page for the Windows version of it:

A third option, is if you still really want to use Windows Media Player, you will need to follow the directions in the help page (same one as above) under the section, " How do I play videos I downloaded from YouTube?" (same instructions for Google Vids):
Basically, you have to download the raw .flv file, and then convert it using one of the programs they mention in the next section.

Hopefully this helps!
Edited by Live Forever, 07 June 2006 - 03:24 AM.