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Under methylated vs. Overmethylated

Science+Nature's Photo Science+Nature 06 Jan 2017

MTHFR Gene Polymorphisms Causes Undermethylation or Overmethylation

There are a number of theories regarding the causes of overmethylation as well as undermethylation. The most obvious cause is that of MTHFR genetic polymorphisms. If you possess a polymorphism of the MTHFR gene, this may be directly associated with poor methylation or highly efficient methylation. Fortunately you can detect whether you have a mutation of the MTHFR gene by getting a simple blood test.

MTHFR is an acronym for “Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase.” MTHFR is an enzyme and the MTHFR gene is necessary for the creation of the enzyme which regulates the methyl cycle. When the gene is considered abnormal, the methyl cycle may function abnormally. There are a variety of possible mutations that may occur to the MTHFR gene as well as its nucleotides.

If the gene’s nucleotide is abnormal, it’s called a SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism). With the MTHFR gene, there are a variety of nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that may occur, some are considered heterozygous (on one strand of DNA) while others can be homozygous (on both strands of DNA). Upon diagnosis, a professional will be able to explain whether you have homozygous or heterozygous MTHFR and the specific SNP location.


