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Prospect of Immortality/Man-Superman :: Et...

Bruce Klein's Photo Bruce Klein 04 Mar 2003

Robert Ettinger is considered the father of the modern cryonics movement. Both Ettinger books are available online for free. Both are excellent sources for immortlist thought. - BJK

Robert C.W. Ettinger
Founder of the Cryonics Inst. http://www.cryonics.org

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The Prospect of Immortality
This is the single most important book in the history of cryonics -- in fact, the book that launched the entire cryonics movement. Robert Ettinger lays out all the arguments, all the insights, all the ideas that have guided and shaped cryonics from its very inception.

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Just as Ettinger's first book founded cryonics, the second book arguably began the school of thought variously known as immortalism, venturism, or transhumanism -- the notion that through science and technology man will eventually be able to re-shape not only the world outside himself, but re-create man himself into ever-improving higher forms with ever-greater physical and intellectual strengths and capacities.

Bruce Klein's Photo Bruce Klein 28 Jan 2004

Happily, Robert has plans to publish agian...


A little about the author: (Robert Ettinger)

Although Youniverse must stand on its own merits, potential readers and publishers would like some advance reason to keep an open mind. (Confucius say, man with hole in head have open mind.) Maybe you’ll find some slight encouragement below.

My first book was The Prospect of Immortality—privately published version in 1962, first commercial edition by Doubleday in 1964, followed by several other editions including several foreign languages.

My second book was Man into Superman, first edition by St. Martin’s Press in 1972, followed by several other editions including several foreign languages.

I am generally recognized as the principal founder of the cryonics movement. (If you are unfamiliar with cryonics, please check out the web site of the Cryonics Institute, www.cryonics.org.) There has been an enormous amount of sporadic publicity over the years, and I have been interviewed countless times in all the media, including many appearances on national and international television. So I have at least some degree of name recognition.

I know a bit about life and death, having been near death at least five times, two of them as an infantry officer in World War Two. No, I was not afraid on any of those occasions. I am deathly afraid of several things, but death isn't one of them.

I founded the Cryonics Institute—Ben Best has now taken over as president--and its present patients include my mother Rhea, my first wife Elaine, my second wife Mae, and several good friends. My son David is its chief counsel, and his wife Connie (also an attorney) is a member of its Board of Directors.

Incidentally, when I am asked about the "situation" if both my wives and I are revived and rejuvenated, I usually refer to the old saying: "The rich have their problems and the poor have their problems, but the rich have a better class of problems." If we are all revived and rejuvenated, I would consider that a very high class problem.

Will Youniverse save or change the lives of its readers? Will it make money for its publisher? In my totally unbiased opinion, you bet.

More: http://www.youniverse.net/page5.html

faith_machine's Photo faith_machine 01 Feb 2004

I read Man Into Superman, and Prospect of Immortality. They both were very good books. Mr. Ettinger is a very kind man and I am grateful he is fighting to help stave off death for me, and for millions of others!