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GSE vs EGCG vs Olive leaf

Poll: GSE vs EGCG vs Olive leaf (16 member(s) have cast votes)

Best option?

  1. EGCG (11 votes [61.11%])

    Percentage of vote: 61.11%

  2. GSE (3 votes [16.67%])

    Percentage of vote: 16.67%

  3. OLE (2 votes [11.11%])

    Percentage of vote: 11.11%

  4. None, will add better option (2 votes [11.11%])

    Percentage of vote: 11.11%

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dazed1's Photo dazed1 06 Dec 2017

Hi, what would be the most effective, and the best option for long therm, and diabetes, atherosclerosis, nerve pain, IBS, raynauds, poor circulation, varicose veins/hemorrhoids and in terms of bang for buck? thanks.

Edited by dazed1, 06 December 2017 - 02:01 AM.

dazed1's Photo dazed1 07 Dec 2017

Any help?


dazed1's Photo dazed1 09 Dec 2017

around 150 reads and no answers?


pamojja's Photo pamojja 09 Dec 2017

around 150 reads and no answers?


Have you read the threat 'Reversing Arterial Plaque'?


If you did you would know that not one single herbal has been found to help with that alone. But here you come and announce wanting to conquer not only atherosclerosis - but diabetes, nerve pain, IBS, raynauds, poor circulation, varicose veins/hemorrhoids all at once with one single herb. It's impossible and everyone knows. A bit embarrassing.


dazed1's Photo dazed1 10 Dec 2017

1. In no post i said, i need something to cure me or anything, and not with single herb, i made a mistake of opening the thread here.


2. I talk to lower the bad symptoms, and feeling better - help with treating the conditions, not to cure them, i do not expect miracles.


3.You are wrong about not single herb helps with that, there are MANY herbs that help with all of that conditions - cloves, turmeric, rosemary, ginger, mexican oregano, cinnamon - all are potent treatments, if used as needed (at least 3x per day) and included with plant based diet.

Edited by dazed1, 10 December 2017 - 12:13 AM.

HaplogroupW's Photo HaplogroupW 06 Feb 2018

Consider extended fasting.


Nate-2004's Photo Nate-2004 08 Mar 2018

From my guide to conquering depression I write the following. However, I've yet to cite this portion of the document, though there is plenty of citations here to add on EGCG, just Google it or view Examine.com. Selfhacked also has several references.


  • Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) found in Green Tea and supplemental green tea extracts can can also help curb inflammation. Catechins like EGCG and those found in dark chocolate have a down regulatory effect on MAO-B, this is important because this can help improve levels of dopamine by inhibiting its breakdown in the brain. It can also positively affect the production of serotonin by improving the bioavailability of relevant precursors such as tryptophan and its downstream product, 5-HTP. Improving serotonin levels without inhibiting reuptake can bypass some of the problems and side effects of reuptake inhibitor medications (SSRIs) such as Prozac and Zoloft. Extracts are best absorbed on an empty stomach. EGCG is also known to reduce levels of an enzyme called “COMT”, which metabolises dopamine, breaking it down in your system.

    • Note: It may be important here to check SNP labeled as rs4680 in your 23 and Me raw data results as those with the A/A variant may have low levels of this enzyme already and will not want to inhibit this further. Regardless, A/A types do not absorb EGCG very well as it is compared to type G/G.


ceridwen's Photo ceridwen 08 Mar 2018

What about heterozygous?
What about heterozygous?
What about heterozygous?

dazed1's Photo dazed1 12 Nov 2018

EGCG is bad for the liver, or at least its risky, so i think ill focus on GSE, and OLE.


I ordered some bulk GSE, does anyone compared bulk vs high quality caps sold under big brand names? thanks.


Ken Mark's Photo Ken Mark 14 Jun 2019

Hi, what would be the most effective, and the best option for long therm, and diabetes, atherosclerosis, nerve pain, IBS, raynauds, poor circulation, varicose veins/hemorrhoids and in terms of bang for buck? thanks.

Amla, aka Indian Gooseberry, is better for Arterial health and Diabetes. Half teaspoon for 21 days brought back both LDL and Fasting Glucose from elevated to normal levels in clinical trials, according nutritionfacts.org.

Amla is main ingredient in Ayurvedic Supplement called chyawanprash, which is supposedly for reversing premature ageing. Amla powder is one of the most anti-oxidant rich foods, in top 5 I think.

Chyawanprash contains other 50-80 ingredients depending on according to which monograph it was prepared. I think modern supplement stacks is similar approach to chyawanprash.