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Blood Cells Could Hold Master Clock Behind...

Engadin's Photo Engadin 10 Feb 2019

International team finds blood cell DNA stays steady and defines cellular age


Blood cells could hold the key to aging, according to new research out of Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. In a study published in Aging Cell, researchers found human blood cells have an intrinsic clock that remains steady even after transplant. The researchers say the clock could control human aging and may underlie blood cancers.


Shigemi Matsuyama, DVM, PhD, cell biologist and associate professor of medicine at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, led an international team of researchers in studying the clock. The team measured cellular age in blood cells transplanted from healthy donors to leukemia patients, focusing on donor-recipient pairs of very different ages. 


“This study is related to the fountain of youth,” Matsuyama said. “We found young blood cells stay young in older people. There was no accelerated aging of young blood cells in an older human body.” Matsuyama’s team found the other direction was also true—blood cells from adult donors transferred to a child stay older. The cells retained their intrinsic age nearly two decades after transplant.


Source: https://casemed.case...news_category=8


Mind's Photo Mind 10 Feb 2019

This begs the question: If blood cells have an intrinsic "clock" and they "stay steady" throughout life, how do we end up with old blood cells in old people and young blood cells in young people?

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Engadin's Photo Engadin 10 Feb 2019

I guess it's all in this sentence: "Their inherent steadiness suggests blood cells could be the master clock of human aging, as they are not easily influenced by their environment, Matsuyama said". That's why they don't change their "intrinsic age" when interchanged between young and old humans. They indeed age individually through DNA methylation at their own rate, only mediated by their internal clock not the sorrounding environment including the very body. And then is when the 'age clock mechanism' becomes clear: "The study showed blood cells retain epigenetic patterns in DNA methylation—chemical groups attached to DNA—that can be used to calculate their age. Despite substantial age differences between donor and recipient (up to 49 years) :|o , the DNA methylation age of transplanted blood reflected the age of the donor, even after many years of exposure to the recipient’s body, wrote the authors. Said Matsuyama, “DNA functions as a timekeeper of our age.”"


In the end "the researchers provided the first experimental evidence that the aging clock of blood cells is cell-intrinsic, and not set by interactions with other cell types in the body." That seems to be the reason for this internal clock to be so valuable for estimating the biological age of every human, despite the rest of cells in his body and/or the traits of the environment in which it is living.


Astounding, to say the least, if I don't misunderstand it.


Gravitsapa's Photo Gravitsapa 11 Feb 2019

Does that mean that young blood transfusions is a promising method of rejuvenation?
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male_1978's Photo male_1978 11 Feb 2019

Does that mean that young blood transfusions is a promising method of rejuvenation?



Here is my pure speculation:


I guess that aging has a linear aspect inside cells (accumulating damage inside) and an exponential global aspect (wrong communication and harmful molecules, e.g. chronic inflammation). That would explain why aging seems to be slow between 20 and 35 and then speeds up late in life.


If you replace one part of the body by something new (young blood) i guess that also the rest of the body will age a little slower, because your young rejuvenated part will cause no more global harm.



There are two things that are special about blood of course:


- First, it is the easiest part of your body to replace.


- Second, blood cells might be less sensitive to molecules in the environment, since the have to be better adapted to a lot of stuff in the bloodflow anyway.


But as i said, that is all speculation, i am not even a medical doctor.



Is it  possible to create young blood in a mice model (somehow reprogramming old cells, then extending telomeres?) and then replace the old blood with the young?
