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Delay Of Social Outcome Response: Concerta...

MichaelFocus22's Photo MichaelFocus22 03 Jun 2019

1. I'm currently searching for other reported anecdotes with Concerta and the self-modulation of social responses? I suspect many of you have been having this same exact difficulty, I no longer have the robotic feeling per se but an overall general anxiety of some-type that seems to be hit or miss depending upon the situation. The problem simply, is that concerta will ALLOW  you to improve at the point of performance at least theoretically speaking and then the next moment, I'm having a situation where I get a DELAY Of Response socially, one it either costs me a lack of social reciprocation which before I could get effortlessly. Simply put, I'm sure you all have seen this situation where you  DO NOT get your same responses costing you social benefits and ability to dictate social situations. I have noticed 2 things, it seems as if FOOD or bad food seems to promote negative thinking and appears to make me more anxious and that medication seems to increase anxiety or hesitation which will manifest in lack of confidence. For example, I have a customer that just called me, where I they were offering me a 150$ Job for a rock-wall now, they were investigating in to other people. Meaning, they either have little faith in me and will find someone else. Now, you can say this anecdotal but this is nonsense, I can easily get what I want when I want with my speaking abilities.  Before, she was willing to give me a months worth of work with ease and I could get a referral. Now she is uncertain and is stating hesitation that she will only give a minimal referall now. So she appeared to be utterly willing to do what I wanted to giving my increasingly less despite a so-called point of performance increase.Intellectually, I know why this is happening but I appear incapable of modulating the social response to get what I want.  In another example, I have asked my professor and effectively lied to her to get what I want.  Before, I did this with a quiz and got a retake and she immediately responded. Now I'm  having a multiple day delay of response, meaning that their is uncertainty of getting what I want. Now whether this is right or wrong does not matter. The point is simply, stimulants appear to inhibit desired social responses meaning that you won't be able to effectively dictate your social situations. 


2. I have written about this numerous times whether from the zombie effect, to anxiety, to delay of social responses, the problem simply is that if you get ANY position that would require this ability to get what you want, you will not get a promotion or offers that would come naturally before. Every time I go off meds I can EASILY get whatever I want, on meds this is another story. People can sense this emotion and they feed into it causing you to LOSE out. Meanwhile, a neurotypical can do both at once. There are many factors that Dr.Barkley has NOT accounted for. For example, women with ADHD seem TO HOLD DOWN JOBS at a significantly higher rater then men. Women seem to be better responders to stimulant medication even though they are inattentive. Some men report increased social response and increase sales performance, while others do not. If the neurobiological disorder is the same condition then their should be a uniformity of response. From all, of my obsessive information collection and data gathering this does NOT appear to be the case,despite what Barkley is telling us. Theoretically, you should be PEROFORMING BETTER socially and NOT worse.  I propose this to the community, to see if we can find an effective remedy assuming that limbic system suppression disappears. I have effectively expended my knowledge and found no solution. Theoretically a solution, should exist in the middle it is the only way to account for these unpredictable stimulant responses. I implore the community to investigate collectively so we can have are cake and eat it like a neurotypical. If ADHD is like diabetes of the mind then it should be possible. If the situation perpetually exists that one must exchange low social net-class for short-term performance increase you will achieve a zero net gain precisely because social dichotomy determines prestige after performance is seen. It does not matter whether you wish to be rich or not, this means your making a significantly useless trade that could cost you tens of thousands of dollars, low social integration and inability to persuade to get what you want. This is the most important thing... There must exist someway to control either this side-effects or to negate them entirely...If the case is that you voluntary choose to ignore this,  you will find yourself with underachievement and low social-status with inability to dictate your desired social response because neurotypicals need emotions to reflect back. 


3.  I have 3 more examples that ADHD literature is incapable of explaining. Now you might say, that these are only anecdotes but according to my information hoarding their appears to be a commonality in social dictation and DESIRED RESULT.  At SJSU, I had more information, exercize, money, and everything but could NOT dictate my social situations. This is strictly on medication only and we know this as the zombie effect or suppression of the limbic system. Example 1, In accordance  to ACADEMIC IMPAIRMENT, immediately I worked on 3 different papers over the course of a month and got lower general scores in the range of 72%-85%.  I worked on these papers everyday consecutively and it appeared to be that they graded my papers harder.  Nothing I said on meds appeared to convince them on medication only. Off meds I submitted 2 other papers and easily got A's. This is a 25% jump in performance depending upon the context. I have 7 papers and my performance metric is disgustingly huge I will not mention it. Yet, their seems to be an inability or increasing propensity for higher social punishment or ignoring factor precisely because they are not getting their emotion reflection. I can think of no other reason. Despite having higher consistency and effort translated into a lower score. This is paradoxical and is impossible to explain...If you followed my other ADD thread I had this happen on a PODCAST and A PAPER I expended 20 hours on. Anything I normally do off meds I can get a solid score within a 5 hour metric. Again, we see a disparity of performance relative to return of investment. Example 2:  Delay- Of social Messaging Both In person And Online: This has fascinated me the most and I have tested this many times and it never fails. Now, I generally don't give a fuck about this but I care about the opportunity of RESPONSE  to get what I want.  How is it possible that a group of people online are capable of delaying-social response? This means that they are dictating the response or voluntarily choosing to respond when I go off medication online. Meaning I have a vastly highe response rate on social media 50% increase in likes and responsivity to groups of people. On meds this goes down drastically it's as if they know somehow that I'm different and they respond ACCORDINGLY. This means, you are NOT in control ANYMORE to get what you want sense their social response is diminished or minimal. This makes no sense, simply because they do not have the information accessibility to know I'm on meds , yet somehow they seem to know this. This is impossible? How can a group of people mirror responses  of delayed social outcome, despite not having met me and barely associated? This is unexplained and I have no cogent answer and is worth investigating into. Something deeper is going on here.. I'm just not sure what that is. The cost, is simply invitations to social events and being able to enjoy events accordingly. Example 3: I can speak of multiple times of events where social conversations do not appear  to go my way on medication depending upon the circumstance. Theoretically, one has inhibited emotions therefore less ability to reflect emotions meaning neurotypicals aren't getting their feed and you will not get what you want. I genuinely don't give a fuck abut the important part is being able to correctly control the mannerisms of what is going on. Now, if I talk to x girl I can get a fairly solid and consistent response and on meds this seems to be dulled heavily and the outcome is predictable.  Simply put, your socialization process and ability to perform in social contexts appears to be impaired costing you promotion, social status that medication affords at the point of performance.  These are a few examples I have and it's funny because the moment I went off meds they make up some bullshit excuses which is nonsensical. You can say, this is anecdotal but I have about 60 case examples of this. 



4.  Conclusion: The point is to illustrate that these social contexts, show that your ability to dictate social situations appears to be limited to the emotion response that neurotypicals require so you get what you want.  On a deeper aspect, we have many people responding with higher emotional modulation and other people with lesser modulation. We have girls who ARE on Meds like us guys  and hold jobs easily. We have situations, where we could easily get what we want then we are suddenly reactionary probably due to anxiety and emotion flatness from limbic system suppression from the re-uptake inhibitors of nonerephrine increasing cortical response generating anxiety with raised cortisol levels.  Remember, your problem is my problem. If your trading an X social ability for a y short-term improvement function you will not achieve a net gain because the systems of performance are based upon the basis of social context. Thus, we end up right back where we started which was nowhere. Conclusively, we know that going off meds is equally stupid because your abilities are sustainable because you are extrinsically motivated and not intrinsically. Thus, going off meds will lead to a degeneration of yourself because meds allow for you to sustain yourself.  If the proposal is, that their exists no solution to the suppression of the limbic system or high increase in emotional anxiety this means you and I will leave a mediocre unfulfilling life where you will be going through perpetual entry job to job going nowhere and achieving nothing. Under the assumption you choose the unmedicated route, if we choose the medicate route with the predicted response of high anxiety, you will equally find yourself not getting what you want and finding yourself in absurd situations and still largely lacking full social dictation factor negating your ability to perform as meaningless because you are considered a performance robot. Either way, you find yourself largely going nowhere and this is the problem. Lastly, their are many holes  between responders and non-responders of emotional accessibility and high anxiety, so their exists evidence of some-type of neurobiological regulation mechanism that negates this that may be unique or genetic metabolically but the point is that it exists on a chemical level on those select individuals. We have individuals with ADD and medicated who can do both are are vastly successful compared to the ADHD-PI. We have examples, of some men and women easily holding down positions with ease and others not so. Either,  are ADHD literature is incomplete or something different is going on. My proposal is simple, Does their exist a neurogenetic reuptake inhibitor or some neurogenetic modulator that unsuppresses the limbic system and allows for social dictation sustainably while allowing for the point of performance to continue in the PFC(Prefrontal Cortex)?  If possible, then you get to have your cake and EAT it. Then, you won't the weirdo in the corner. It should exist because of neurobiological responders who have something we don't have biologically. If they have something we don't have then it should be possible to replicate it in a lesser capacity. If not then, your fate will likely be the same as mine. Just remember the consequences of stimulant use and you should consider this proposal or you will live a largely unfulfilled life. I have little desire for this...I will continue investigating but the literature is fairly weak..  Whoever can Solve this problem, I will give you  a monetary reward under the assumption it actually works and is sustainable across all modulations. If solved, you will be able to live your dream life.


                    P.s: It also important to note, after 4 months of testing intermittent fasting appears to make my moderate to ADHD to Mild , which further contradicts the literature if it's in fact a purely neurobiological delay-maturation of the PFC. Again, this shows their are huge gaps in are understanding..Without eating only until the end of the day I can easily get huge amounts of work done with ease and my verbose language is comparable to stimulants when they did work. If I estimated a quotient of IQ increase, I go from 100 base to 110. 


                     /TLDR Proposal for ADHD/Concerta?/ Correctly dictating social situations to get what you want?/ What is your view? Evidence?

Edited by DrewMichael21, 03 June 2019 - 03:17 AM.