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Current Nootropic Stack for The Fountain

TheFountain's Photo TheFountain 09 Sep 2020



Maca (twice Daily)

Aniracetam (2-3 times daily)

Choline (2-3 times daily)

Liquid L-Carnitine 

Rhodiola Rosea (Twice daily)

Noopept (10 mgs twice daily)

N Acetyl L-Tyrosine 

Huperzine A (2-3 times a week)


Anything I might add here that would 


A-Not interfere with this and 

B-Enhance this already Righteous stack?






truboy's Photo truboy 10 Sep 2020

TheFountain hi,


I think your stack looks good.


Could you tell what's your diet looks like? What foods are your staples?


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TheFountain's Photo TheFountain 14 Sep 2020

TheFountain hi,


I think your stack looks good.


Could you tell what's your diet looks like? What foods are your staples?


I am on a low fat Vegan diet, a sort of Mofified version of the Esselstyn diet.


I eat a lot of green vegetables, and clean minimally processed protein sources. Not from soy.


Most of my plates of food consist of Vegetables, I would say 80% or more. 


I sure do think this contributes largely to mental efficacy.


truboy's Photo truboy 14 Sep 2020

I am on a low fat Vegan diet, a sort of Mofified version of the Esselstyn diet.


I eat a lot of green vegetables, and clean minimally processed protein sources. Not from soy.


Most of my plates of food consist of Vegetables, I would say 80% or more. 


I sure do think this contributes largely to mental efficacy.


Could you tell what foods most of you calories are coming from? Is it grains, or tubers (sweet potatoes/potatoes), or fruits?

I am trying to move to  vegan diet, but i had hard time getting calories in. I eat lots of kale, spinach, broccoli, but they are not that calorie dense.


One of the reasons i asked this question is cause i stumbled upon your post from 2009 when you said that oats make you sick.

I seem to get same reaction.

Edited by truboy, 14 September 2020 - 05:39 PM.

TheFountain's Photo TheFountain 15 Sep 2020

Could you tell what foods most of you calories are coming from? Is it grains, or tubers (sweet potatoes/potatoes), or fruits?

I am trying to move to  vegan diet, but i had hard time getting calories in. I eat lots of kale, spinach, broccoli, but they are not that calorie dense.


One of the reasons i asked this question is cause i stumbled upon your post from 2009 when you said that oats make you sick.

I seem to get same reaction.


Well, none of the above. I get most of my "Calories" if we can call them such, from green vegetables and some cruciferous vegetables also. 


I would actually lean toward calling them Micronutrients moreso. And this might even leave me at a "Calorie" deficit compared to many people who happily consume the SAD daily. 


I do eat Oats from time to time, but overnight fermented or otherwise Gluten free oats. 


I know the posts you are referencing, and I do believe that those are from a time when there was a lot of confused cross-over dietary experimentation, when I actually did not know what was coming from where.


I would say I know, or more appropriately put, my body knows, a lot more now than it did then. 


truboy's Photo truboy 18 Sep 2020

Well, none of the above. I get most of my "Calories" if we can call them such, from green vegetables and some cruciferous vegetables also. 


I would actually lean toward calling them Micronutrients moreso. And this might even leave me at a "Calorie" deficit compared to many people who happily consume the SAD daily. 


I do eat Oats from time to time, but overnight fermented or otherwise Gluten free oats. 


I know the posts you are referencing, and I do believe that those are from a time when there was a lot of confused cross-over dietary experimentation, when I actually did not know what was coming from where.


I would say I know, or more appropriately put, my body knows, a lot more now than it did then. 


Could you provide examples of green vegetables that you eat? (i get cruciferous ones...)


TheFountain's Photo TheFountain 23 Sep 2020

Could you provide examples of green vegetables that you eat? (i get cruciferous ones...)


Tons of Spinach, Arugula, Kale and Even collard greens. 


I cook them all right now because I have Braces for like another year. 


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TheFountain's Photo TheFountain 18 Dec 2020



Got ahold of some Piracetam which is "On hold" here in the USA due to someone mislabelling it or something. 


Took first dosage tonight. 
