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The Biggest Mistake You Can Make About Sup...

jroseland's Photo jroseland 08 Apr 2021

Let’s say you want to buy a brand new Lexus, at the auto dealership you don’t really need to worry that they are going to try to scam you and sell you a Kia that looks like a Lexus.
It’s the same thing with buying a new cell phone; you go to Best Buy to get a new Samsung smartphone or iPhone and you don’t really need to worry that they are going to sell you a cheap knockoff packaged to pass as the fanciest brand new smartphone.
Unfortunately, you can’t assume the same about the health supplements, anti-aging Nootropics, and organic superfoods that you purchase from vitamin stores or online sources (especially Amazon.com).
You take responsibility for your health; you eat right, you exercise, and you go to the trouble of researching the best supplements to take or biohacking tools to use to empower your mind and body along with preventing disease. You spend a not-insignificant chunk of your disposable income and free time staying healthy. Unfortunately, whether it’s...
Mitochondrial support like CoQ10 or ALCAR
Adaptogenic nutriceuticals like Rhodiola Rosea or Panax Ginseng
Essential nutrients like Magnesium or Vitamin D
Organic superfood powders like Tumeric or Chlorella
...you need to be wary of bad actors who are in the business of selling you what is at best mediocre, impure product and at worst dangerously toxic stuff falsely mislabeled.

TranscendingSingularity's Photo TranscendingSingularity 17 Apr 2021

Nicely said. But if you test your substances, buy from reputable sources, and check consumer lab services you should be fine, I believe.


Mind's Photo Mind 18 Apr 2021

I do give new upstart companies a try once-in-a-while, but the majority of supplements I purchase and use are from reputable long-term companies - companies where I know and/or have talked to the founder or CEO in the past - companies that do a lot of testing (QC) on a regular basis.


jroseland's Photo jroseland 11 Feb 2022

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