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Vitamin B17

boily's Photo boily 24 Jan 2007

I know apricot kernals, apple seeds and prune seeds taste terrible, but perhaps they are worth stomaching?

Here's a link about B17, there are many others with a google search!


shadowrun's Photo shadowrun 24 Jan 2007

Apple seeds have a small amount of poison in them
I think you'd need quite a bit to kill a human

...I learned this from watching GI. Joe - They killed a miles long blob monster by having it tear through and apple orchard and shooting it full of apples...Knowing is half the battle

caston's Photo caston 25 Jan 2007

I can remember hearing that.


shifter's Photo shifter 25 Jan 2007

One of the reasons that B17 was supposed to be effective in treating cancer is that the cynaide only gets released when in the presence of a tumour or cancer cell and is used up destroying it. I cant remember all the details, it may be on the laetrile site.

I have opened up the kernal of a few apricots and eating a couple at once. Bitter tasting but had no ill effects from it. Only done that once just incase its not good :)

If I had a cancer I would give it a go though of doing it regulary, but not in huge amounts.

I dont see a need for a perfectly healthy and fit person to eat them as part of a diet.

shadowrun's Photo shadowrun 25 Jan 2007

As a kid after I saw that G.I Joe episode...I started eating apple seeds

- I figured I could start prepping my body to be resistant to poisons... Like every other misguided 10 yr old, I figured I was going to be sooooo important when I grew up people would be trying to poison me left and right [mellow]

rapier's Photo rapier 11 Feb 2007

07/27/2005 my PSA had risen to 4.78 from 2.89 on 07/15/2003. This set into motion an enlarged prostate alert. Soon I was experiencing the usual greatly increased urgency. I was about to lose my home of 30 years and put more testing on the back burner. In June of 2006 a biopsy showed that I did have cancer with a Gleason of 6.

Surgery was recommended asap. I did a lot of reading and I decided on watchful waiting even though I am now only 60.

My 01/24/2007 PSA was 4.81 and no urgency events.

rapier's Photo rapier 04 May 2008

07/27/2005 my PSA had risen to 4.78 from 2.89 on 07/15/2003. This set into motion an enlarged prostate alert. Soon I was experiencing the usual greatly increased urgency. I was about to lose my home of 30 years and put more testing on the back burner. In June of 2006 a biopsy showed that I did have cancer with a Gleason of 6.

Surgery was recommended asap. I did a lot of reading and I decided on watchful waiting even though I am now only 60.

My 01/24/2007 PSA was 4.81 and no urgency events.

My 04/11/2008 09:29 SERUM PSA was 4.66 and no urgency events.

ajnast4r's Photo ajnast4r 04 May 2008

a lady i know swears her husbands cancer was cured by laetril injections & juicing.

im not sure if i would go around eating apricot kernels on a daily basis... unless im mistaken, laetril is supposed to be fairly toxic
Edited by ajnast4r, 04 May 2008 - 02:19 PM.

rapier's Photo rapier 04 May 2008

a lady i know swears her husbands cancer was cured by laetril injections & juicing.

im not sure if i would go around eating apricot kernels on a daily basis... unless im mistaken, laetril is supposed to be fairly toxic

Actually I've stopped for a few months. I stopped because I thought grinding them would be easier to ingest but it was a pain to measure and clean up and even more difficult to find something to mix it with. Salsa was OK but it got more distasteful and annoying than the seeds.

But I intend to start again to see if my PSA will drop. I was crunching 20 a day without any negative effect.

david ellis's Photo david ellis 04 May 2008

a lady i know swears her husbands cancer was cured by laetril injections & juicing.

im not sure if i would go around eating apricot kernels on a daily basis... unless im mistaken, laetril is supposed to be fairly toxic

Actually I've stopped for a few months. I stopped because I thought grinding them would be easier to ingest but it was a pain to measure and clean up and even more difficult to find something to mix it with. Salsa was OK but it got more distasteful and annoying than the seeds.

But I intend to start again to see if my PSA will drop. I was crunching 20 a day without any negative effect.

All the people I have heard of going to laetrile clinics in Mexico died. (Steve McQueen and others). Wikipedia makes interesting reading.

woly's Photo woly 05 May 2008

yeah is there any studies showing this ISNT a scam?

rapier's Photo rapier 05 May 2008

yeah is there any studies showing this ISNT a scam?

my PSA was 2.89 on 07/15/2003.
my PSA was 4.78 on 07/27/2005
Biopsy said Gleason of 6.
Surgery was recommended asap.

I did a lot of reading and I decided on watchful waiting even though I was only 60.

My PSA was 4.81 on 01/24/2007 and no urgency events.

My PSA was 4.66 on 04/11/2008 and no urgency events.

I can't be sure of anything but that my deciding against surgery was the right thing to do.

I do know that sugar is bad news.

That's my study.

lucid's Photo lucid 05 May 2008

There was a whole long documentary on this. After watching it I was initially enthused but did my research and as most things which sound to good to be true; It was more or less a scam.

Here is a good read:
Some excerpts:

Animal studies of laetrile have used rodents,[1-12] dogs,[13,14] Reviewed in [15] rabbits, Reviewed in [15] and a cat.[13] Early work led to the hypothesis that enzymes were necessary to release cyanide from amygdalin. When high levels of these enzymes were present, symptoms of cyanide poisoning were more pronounced.[1] Reviewed in [15] In 2 studies sponsored by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and published in 1975, various rodent cancers (osteogenic sarcoma, melanoma, carcinosarcoma, lung carcinoma, and leukemia) were transplanted into rats and mice.[2,3] In both studies, the animals were treated with intraperitoneal injections of amygdalin, with or without the enzyme beta-glucosidase. None of the solid tumors or leukemias investigated responded to amygdalin at any dose tested. No statistically significant increase in animal survival was observed in any of the treatment groups. Similar results were obtained in another study using human breast and colon cancer cells implanted into mice (xenograft models).[12] Amygdalin at every dose level tested produced no response either as a single agent or in combination with beta-glucosidase. It was discovered that animals experienced more side effects when beta-glucosidase was given concurrently (at the same time) with amygdalin, however, than with amygdalin alone.[2,3]

They do go on to talk about more modern techniques where laetrile is given intravenously in combination with various enzymes or pharmaceuticals.
An excerpt:

When this coculture was treated with amygdalin and the antibody-enzyme complex, the bladder cancer cells were killed selectively. In view of the mechanisms proposed above, this result is not surprising, since the bladder cancer cells and the brain tumor cells in this coculture formed homogeneous colonies (colonies that contained exclusively bladder cancer cells or brain tumor cells). Conceivably, selective killing of some types of human cancer cells might be achievable through application of this method; however, these positive results must be confirmed independently


woly's Photo woly 05 May 2008

yeah is there any studies showing this ISNT a scam?

my PSA was 2.89 on 07/15/2003.
my PSA was 4.78 on 07/27/2005
Biopsy said Gleason of 6.
Surgery was recommended asap.

I did a lot of reading and I decided on watchful waiting even though I was only 60.

My PSA was 4.81 on 01/24/2007 and no urgency events.

My PSA was 4.66 on 04/11/2008 and no urgency events.

I can't be sure of anything but that my deciding against surgery was the right thing to do.

I do know that sugar is bad news.

That's my study anecdote.

fixed. this forum tries to hold it self to a higher standard. for proper discussion, proper evidence should be provided.

rapier's Photo rapier 09 Sep 2008

yeah is there any studies showing this ISNT a scam?

my PSA was 2.89 on 07/15/2003.
my PSA was 4.78 on 07/27/2005
Biopsy said Gleason of 6.
Surgery was recommended asap.

I did a lot of reading and I decided on watchful waiting even though I was only 60.

My PSA was 4.81 on 01/24/2007 and no urgency events.

My PSA was 4.66 on 04/11/2008 and no urgency events.

I can't be sure of anything but that my deciding against surgery was the right thing to do.

I do know that sugar is bad news.

That's my study anecdote.

fixed. this forum tries to hold it self to a higher standard. for proper discussion, proper evidence should be provided.

Anecdotal, maybe so. But the new male hysterectomy was avoided, my PSA is stable and possibly getting lower and I no longer have symptoms of prostate cancer. And most importantly I don't have to contend with the negative aftereffects that often accompany prostate surgery.

I chewed/ate about 16 apricot seeds a day for about 2 years. I stopped in February 2008. Since February I have kept my diet low on sugar but less good food and more fried foods. My blood tests at my October 2008 appointment should provide more evidence of my travails with prostate cancer.

eon's Photo eon 24 Dec 2014

I think bitter almonds and bitter apricot kernels have some cyanide, even the sweet apricot kernels have a little bit. I was looking into buying some to see how they taste like. I'd start with the sweet apricot kernel first. Not sure I've seen any bitter almonds being sold. I don't have cancer but have been trying different nuts. I've just tried some pine nuts for the first time in my life!  :-D


How's everyone? What's the news regarding amygdalin (B17) aka also found in bitter apricot kernels?

Edited by eon, 24 December 2014 - 01:38 PM.

Dolph's Photo Dolph 26 Dec 2014

How is it that people retarded enough to become anti-vaxxers also fall for every other childish scam out there, including "vitamin" B17? It's like a roadside accident, I just can't stop watching this insanity...


zen's Photo zen 16 Oct 2017



a lady i know swears her husbands cancer was cured by laetril injections & juicing.

im not sure if i would go around eating apricot kernels on a daily basis... unless im mistaken, laetril is supposed to be fairly toxic

Actually I've stopped for a few months. I stopped because I thought grinding them would be easier to ingest but it was a pain to measure and clean up and even more difficult to find something to mix it with. Salsa was OK but it got more distasteful and annoying than the seeds.

But I intend to start again to see if my PSA will drop. I was crunching 20 a day without any negative effect.


All the people I have heard of going to laetrile clinics in Mexico died. (Steve McQueen and others). Wikipedia makes interesting reading.


AFAIK Steve McQueen death was because of the surgery complications (pulmonary embolism) not the laetrile - https://thetruthabou...-mcqueen-death/

This also makes an interesting reading: https://articles.mer...h-cover-up.aspx

