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Channel 4 Documentary - Methuselah Foundation

dnamechanic's Photo dnamechanic 05 Feb 2007

Here is the full video of the Channel 4 Documentary "Do You Want To Live Forever?" which profiles Aubrey de Grey, Ph.D.


Original first message by dnamechanic:

Does anyone have video of the UK Channel 4 Documentary that was broadcast on Feb 3?


Investigating the revolutionary life-extension ideas of Dr AUBREY de GREY, immortalist and biogerontologist extraordinary, architect of the SENS programme to defeat old age and conquer death within his own lifetime
Windfall Films for Channel 4 /76mins  TX 3 February 2007

"If only all documentaries were this intellectually and emotionally involving" Time Out
"Oh boy! Wait till you see this one! Extraordinary, droll and thought-provoking" The Times
"They're never half-hearted at Channel 4, are they? Evening Standard
"Genuinely fascinating documentary" Daily Mail
"Channel 4 almost redeems itself with Do You Want to Live Forever?" Financial Times
"Fascinating... Intriguing" Daily Mirror

Edit by Live Forever: I added the video file to this initial post for increased viewability.
Edited by Live Forever, 17 August 2007 - 07:06 PM.

zoolander's Photo zoolander 05 Feb 2007

speak to Kevin perrott. Announce who you are i.e academic/researcher and I'm sure he will do what he can to help you out

His member profile

Matt's Photo Matt 05 Feb 2007

I have this on DVD, it was brilliant! Millions watch channel 4, as its the one of the 5 main channels if you don't have digital TV. So SENS, Mprize, Calorie Restriction, Cryonics and aubrey de grey and his ideas certainly got exposure. At the end it left me even more sympathetic to aubreys mission to 'cure aging'. It seems like hes working incredibly hard, it must be tiring. He needs more people to speak with him rather than critisise his project. I hope that it was percieved by the general public well...

Ghostrider's Photo Ghostrider 06 Feb 2007

Matt, can you post the video on YouTube?

JonesGuy's Photo JonesGuy 06 Feb 2007

video.google is superior, from a usability standpoint.

Ghostrider's Photo Ghostrider 06 Feb 2007

Video.google is pretty good too...I thought both services merged after Google purchased YouTube...

Someone just post the video if possible.

air90's Photo air90 20 Feb 2007

Ya please do, really love to see it.

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 20 Feb 2007

I'd like to see it as well.

air90's Photo air90 23 Feb 2007

Anyone have an update on where else to watch this??

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 17 Aug 2007


I just uploaded the video to Google videos and added it to the first message in this thread. Happy viewing.

Matt's Photo Matt 17 Aug 2007

Little out of sync when I watch it...

I did have it recorded on DVD but lost it a while back.

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 17 Aug 2007

Little out of sync when I watch it...

I did have it recorded on DVD but lost it a while back.

Hmmm. Not out of sync at all for me. I tested it at several points and they all are working properly. Since Google uses that flash player or whatever it is (along with YouTube and all those kinds of sites), sometimes you have to click refresh if something occurs to throw it out of sync. I know I have had to do that before. (plus let it buffer enough if you have a slow connection) Anyway, it seems to be working fine for me.

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 17 Aug 2007

By the way, I have the original file. It is about 700 MB .avi file, encoded with the XViD codec. If anyone wants it, I could send it to you or burn it to a cd and mail it if you have a slow connection or something.

Liquidus's Photo Liquidus 17 Aug 2007

By the way, I have the original file. It is about 700 MB .avi file, encoded with the XViD codec. If anyone wants it, I could send it to you or burn it to a cd and mail it if you have a slow connection or something.

I would love to see it. I had asked Dr. de Grey whether it would be available anytime soon (at that time, I wasn't aware of this thread). He told me he'd like to release it as a documentary for sale.

I would love to have the digital copy of this film. I plan on using (putting it on DVD) it to show friends and relatives of the current prospects being presented by science and innovation.

Look at *documentaries* like Fahrenheit 9/11, SuperSize Me, Sicko, etc... I'm not going to begin to compare them to Dr. de Grey's documentary, but the point to be extracted is that in this day and age, documentaries seem to really persuade people, or at least expose them to things they may not normally know. While Dr. de Grey's is based on scientific models, it holds much, much more validity than a Michael Moore documentary, yet hopefully with the same success.

LF: I'll pm you if you want to arrange a transfer sometime.

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 17 Aug 2007

LF: I'll pm you if you want to arrange a transfer sometime.

Yeah, that would probably be easiest. I can send it to you via AIM or something if you have that. Otherwise I can just send it via one of those things that allows you to upload it temporarily for email, but those things take forever sometimes.

Liquidus's Photo Liquidus 17 Aug 2007

I'm watching the documentary now, and I must admit, it's much, much, much better than I had anticipated.

I don't care what anyone says, that Channel 4 knows what they're doing. I watched the Dawkins thing and it was awesome as well.

Matt's Photo Matt 17 Aug 2007

Channel 4 are having another documentary made also, which will be about aging, calorie restriction etc etc... I was going to opt to be interviewed for it.

Liquidus's Photo Liquidus 17 Aug 2007

Channel 4 are having another documentary made also, which will be about aging, calorie restriction etc etc...  I was going to opt to be interviewed for it.

When is this documentary going to be available? The more of these I watch, the more amazed I am, and the more I want to learn.

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 18 Aug 2007

What was the name of the beer that Aubrey mentioned a couple times? I couldn't quite catch what he was saying. Once is at about 3:50, and another one (a different one I think) is at about 16:05 or so. The first sounds like it starts with an A and the second sounds like it starts with a T, but I could be mistaken about that.

Aegist's Photo Aegist 18 Aug 2007

BTW, great work LF. Thanks for editing and uploading it.

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 18 Aug 2007


Aaah, yes. I bet that is it. You know I got to be sampling the beer that Aubrey drinks. [thumb]

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 18 Aug 2007

From about 52:45 lasting for about 30 seconds, there is a slightly familiar banner in the background. :))

zoolander's Photo zoolander 18 Aug 2007


Abbott's Ale

zoolander's Photo zoolander 18 Aug 2007

3 pints of beer before lunch? That's close to 1.5 liters

zoolander's Photo zoolander 18 Aug 2007

and what's this about Aubrey no longer being with Cambridge because he was playing himself off as a professor when he was just a computer tech?

Luna's Photo Luna 18 Aug 2007

They made Aubrey look abit funny.. especially with the boat :)

zoolander's Photo zoolander 18 Aug 2007

there were some very colorful characters around Aubrey

Luna's Photo Luna 18 Aug 2007

Aubrey de Savior! :)
Sorry Aubrey, had to quote that :)

dnamechanic's Photo dnamechanic 18 Aug 2007

Thank you very much, Live Forever.

I would guess that it was quite a task to put all those segments together so seamlessly.

This is a good documentary in many ways. Uniquely, it provides a brief behind the scenes look at a few people involved in Life Extension. The documentary overall is very positive. Some LE naysayers were given a chance to say, but were not given a 'long-leash'.

This is probably the best LE video I have seen that is aimed at a general audience.

Thanks again Live Forever for making it possible for all to view this wonderful production.