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New Study: SIRT2 is the utlimate fat-burner

tintinet's Photo tintinet 20 Sep 2007

I certainly noticed appetite suppression, especially in the early weeks of high dose t-resv. (0.5 to 3 grams/day). I still think it has that effect, but seems to be less profound lately.

marcopolo's Photo marcopolo 20 Sep 2007

Yesterday I took my first relatively high dose(430mg, I weigh 83kg, so that is just over 5mg/kg for my body weight). I actually noticed an increase in appetite, at least for that day. Also noticed a slight increase in energy/mood but that could just as well be a placebo effect. I was surprised that my appetite increased considerably from normal, and I feel hungry again today after just dosing on it.

tintinet's Photo tintinet 20 Sep 2007

Perhaps the appetite suppression and mood effects are predominantly due to emodin or other substance in lower purity extracts?

maxwatt's Photo maxwatt 20 Sep 2007

On 98% extract, appetite initially increased for me. After several months, it diminished below my pre-resveratrol baseline. Hypothesis: the putative mitochondrial enhancement requires more fuel, as healthy tissue (muscle?) is added. When a new equilibrium state is reached, appetite drops to a maintenance level

health_nutty's Photo health_nutty 20 Sep 2007

Perhaps the appetite suppression and mood effects are predominantly due to emodin or other substance in lower purity extracts?

I'm willing to bet this is the case.

marcopolo's Photo marcopolo 21 Sep 2007

I do notice the emodin when I take the less pure form, which is one of the reasons I am now taking the higher quality stuff. One of my first thoughts about my appetite increase is that I was surprised how hungry I felt without exercising.

vitaminboss's Photo vitaminboss 10 Nov 2007

here is what they say-

Amount per serving:
Polygonum cuspidatum extract: 307 mg * [standardized to 98% purity, providing 300 mg transresveratrol (Glycon)].

It is Relentless Improvements brand, mostly because they were the only low emodin content product that will even be in stock in the next couple of weeks that I could find.
BTW I have a question for the Resveratrol distributors that frequent this board. Why is it that I cannot find high quality large dose resveratrol capsules at the local health food store? I have to order them online. The highest dosage I could find in the store(Sacramento area) is Nature's Way 37.5mg resveratrol, and that is with high emodin which I don't do well with.

Marcopolo, the Trans-Resveratrol GLYCON is NOT the trans-resveratrol used in the Harvard study. Its other name is Trans-Piceid. It will NOT activate the Sirt1 gene.

ilanso's Photo ilanso 27 Nov 2007

Re: Fat burning http://www.imminst.o...o...st&p=195837

Looks like synergy with soy may halve the micromolar threshold necessary for assisted fat suicide (to still about 10 times higher than it's been attained in humans at 5g/day):


Source: Journal of Nutrition
December 2007, Volume 137, Pages 2668-2673
"Resveratrol Potentiates Genistein's Antiadipogenic and Proapoptotic Effects in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes"
Authors: Srujana Rayalam, M.A. Della-Fera, J.-Y. Yang, H.J. Park, S. Ambati and C.A. Baile

"These results indicate that genistein and resveratrol in combination produce enhanced effects on inhibiting adipogenesis (formation of fat cells)," wrote the authors, led by Srujana Rayalam.

"Thus, the combination of genistein and resveratrol is more potent in exerting anti-obesity effects than the individual compounds," they added.

Rayalam and co-workers exposed pre-adipocytes and mature adipocytes to 50 and 100 micromole per litre doses of genistein and resveratrol individually or in combination.

They report that both compounds reduced cell viability in both cell types in a dose-dependent manner.

In addition to enhanced inhibition of the cells by the combination of genistein and resveratrol, compared to the individual compounds, the teaming up of the compounds induced apoptosis (programmed cell death) of the fat cells by 242 per cent, compared to control. The individual compounds at their highest dose both increased apoptosis by only 46 per cent.

The researchers also report that, at a dose of 25 micromoles per litre, the individual compounds reduced the accumulation of lipids by 30 and 20 per cent, respectively. In combination at the same respective doses, lipid accumulation was decreased by 77.9 per cent, they said.

A mechanistic study was performed by Rayalam and co-workers to explain the observations. They report that the combination of genistein and resveratrol produced a down-regulation of specific proteins associated with the development of fat cells, most notably the adipocyte-specific protein PPAR. PPAR-gamma is a hormone receptor which reportedly plays a key role in the control of expression and differentiation of adipocyte genes.

No such effects were observed for the individual compounds.


inawe's Photo inawe 27 Nov 2007

Interesting paper PMID:18029481 reporting on an in vitro work.
Usual supplements have of the order of 10 mg of genistein per serving. First question is how much genistein one would have to take to reach 25-100 µmol/L ?
Second, genistein is a phytoestrogen with estrogenic activity. What harmful side effects taking that much genistein can leasd to?

missminni's Photo missminni 27 Nov 2007

Re: appetite
Started high dose res about a week ago.
1.2 g a day. I weigh 120.
I noticed my appetite increased too.
Hope that will eventually subside.
otherwise, all good stuff.


tintinet's Photo tintinet 28 Nov 2007

Re: appetite
Started high dose res about a week ago.
1.2 g a day. I weigh 120.
I noticed my appetite increased too.
Hope that will eventually subside.
otherwise, all good stuff.

Interesting. I usually find it decreases my appetite.

But the mood elevation you mentioned on another thread is a very common experience, at least initially, and, it seems, more often associated with lower purity plant extract forms of resveratrol.

ilanso's Photo ilanso 28 Nov 2007

genistein is a phytoestrogen with estrogenic activity. What harmful side effects taking that much genistein can leasd to?

resv is anti-estrogenic; see thread around:
estradiol and resv.
so it seems like R & G are a good marriage in more ways than one.
Another interesting hot-and-cold link involving genistein, inflammation, DMSO and resv. injections is: