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Freedom40's supplement regime

freedom40's Photo freedom40 28 Oct 2007

I'm open to any and all suggestions!

Male, 35 years old, 5'11", 185lbs, 10% body fat.

Upon rising:

Acetyl-L-Carnitine (Carlson Labs) 1500 mg

L-Tyrosine (Now) 1000 mg

Vitamin B12 sublingual (AOR) 5 mg

EGCG Max (AOR) 1 capsule

With breakfast:

Multi basics-3 (AOR) 1 capsule

Chlorella (Sequel Naturals) 1000 mg

Cod liver oil (Carlson Labs) 1 teaspoon

Betaine HCI w/pepsin (NOW) 40 grain

Magnesium citrate (Natural Factors) 300 mg

Grape seed extract (Organika) 100 mg

L-Theanine (AOR) 225 mg

Vitamin C + Bioflavanoids (AOR) 3000 mg

Epicor (Doctor's Best) 500 mg

Vinpocetine (AOR) 15 mg

Chromium picolinate (NOW) 200 mcg

Bilberry/Grapeskin (AOR) 1 capsule

Vitamin E complex (AOR) 400 IU

Resveratrol (Life extension) 100 mg

R+(SR) (AOR) 150 mg

Co-enzyme Q10 (AOR) 100 mg

Lunch time:

Multi basics-3 (AOR) 1 capsule

Chlorella (Sequel naturals) 1000 mg

Calcium citrate (Natural Factors) 700 mg

Zinc (AOR) 17 mg

Lycopene (AOR) 20 mg

Betaine HCI w/pepsin (NOW) 40 grain

Vitamin C + Bioflavanoids (AOR) 3000 mg


Amino Blend (Carlson Labs) 3 gm

Rhodiola (AOR) 150 mg


Amino Blend (Carlson Labs) 3 gm

Dinner time:

Multi basics-3 (AOR) 1 capsule

Chlorella (Sequel Naturals) 1000 mg

Betaine HCI w/pepsin (NOW) 40 grain

Vitamin C + Bioflavanoids (AOR) 3000 mg

R+(SR) (AOR) 150 mg

Grape seed extract (Organika) 100 mg

Bilberry/Grapeskin (AOR) 1 capsule

Resveratrol (Life extension) 100 mg

Cod liver oil (Carlson Labs) 1 teaspoon

Before bed:

L-tryptophan (NOW) 2 gm

Magnesium citrate (Natural Factors) 300 mg

L-Theanine (AOR) 225 mg

Future Consideration:

Amla (AOR)

Digestive Enzymes (Life Extension)

Creatine Monohydrate (CreaPure)

Beta Alanine (Ultimate Nutrition)

L-Carnosine (AOR)


freedom40's Photo freedom40 28 Oct 2007

I forgot to add my goals:

1. Free of all disease.

2. Maximize my genetic potential both physically and mentally.

3. Live indefinitely.

EmbraceUnity's Photo EmbraceUnity 28 Oct 2007

All of that looks great except I had never heard of Amla before. Everything else though is top notch. I would recommend an additional 1000 IU or more of Vitamin D. I would also recommend Pomegranate.

niner's Photo niner 28 Oct 2007

I'd add something to control glycation. You have carnosine in under future consideration. That's good. In addition I'd consider benfotiamine and pyridoxamine. (Both are in AOR Age Amadori). 100mg is a pretty low dose of resveratrol by the standards of many ImmInst posters.

DukeNukem's Photo DukeNukem 29 Oct 2007

Basic but good program. There's quite a few things you could consider adding, and especially melatonin one hour before bed. Melatonin is an underrated anti-aging supplement that has it's best anti-aging effects when taken sooner in life, like investing in a retirement account.

Since I have it handy, here's a very recent email I sent to someone who was looking to get started on a very basic, yet powerful program:


Top seven supps:

o Ortho-Core (take 6 per day)

o Resveratrol (1 daily)
(This is the most potent brand on the market. I know the owner of Relentless Improvement, super solid guy. Absolutely purity is his mission.)

o Vitamin D3 -- 5000mg (1 daily)

o Vitamin C (3 daily, morning, 3pm, bedtime)
(Note that this includes dihydroquercetin, which extends the usually short half-life of C.)

o Pomegranate and SOD formulation (2 daily, together, or separately morning, bedtime)
(Super potent vascular protection, and protection again mitochondria DNA damage.)

o Green tea (1 daily)

o Fish oil (3 daily)

This regimen is as solid as they come, as far as a basic program. It doesn't cover nootropics, though, which are supps that specifically protect the brain from oxidative damage (keep in mind, the brain produces 20% of the body's metabolic waste and free radicals, due to it's high energy needs). If you're interested in a few of these, let me know.

woly's Photo woly 29 Oct 2007

wow if i took that much theanine at breakfast id fall right back to sleep :)

maybe add a bit more lipoic acid and take it 30ish minutes before you take the ALCAR. the going theory says the lipoic acid helps mop up any potential free radicals that may result from ALCARs role in the mitochondria.

freedom40's Photo freedom40 29 Oct 2007

Hey guys, thanks for the suggestions!

I forgot about pomegranate, I've had my eye on that after reading some positive studies for preventing prostate cancer.

I am taking 200 mg of resveratrol per day, should I take more?

Duke, I'm getting 800 IU from CLO and 1000 IU from the multi basics-3 of vitamin D, do you think I need more?

I tried 3 mg of melatonin for one week previously, but it made me dizzy during the day so I stopped. I find
that the combo of L-Tryptophan, magnesium and L-Theanine helps me to sleep well.

Woly, the reason I take L-Theanine at breakfast is to deal with some anxiety issues I was experiencing.

In terms of anti-glycation what gives more bang for the buck, AGE Amarodi of L-Carnosine?

mitkat's Photo mitkat 29 Oct 2007

Hey guys, thanks for the suggestions!

I forgot about pomegranate, I've had my eye on that after reading some positive studies for preventing prostate cancer.

I am taking 200 mg of resveratrol per day, should I take more?

Duke, I'm getting 800 IU from CLO and 1000 IU from the multi basics-3 of vitamin D, do you think I need more?

I tried 3 mg of melatonin for one week previously, but it made me dizzy during the day so I stopped. I find
that the combo of L-Tryptophan, magnesium and L-Theanine helps me to sleep well.

Woly, the reason I take L-Theanine at breakfast is to deal with some anxiety issues I was experiencing.

In terms of anti-glycation what gives more bang for the buck, AGE Amarodi of L-Carnosine?

Hey Freedom40,

I've been taking approx. 3000 IU Vitamin D a day...you could do with more than what you are taking.

Were you taking the melatonin during the day? Or you mean it's mere consumption made you dizzy during the day..? Melatonin is best taken 1/2 - 1 hour before bed

The AGE-Amadori is a good blend of ingredients and has some very high quality B's - worth taking in my regard. I take low amounts of carnosine personally.

Good regimen!

freedom40's Photo freedom40 29 Oct 2007

Hey Mitkat,

Yeah, I was taking the melatonin at night and waking up the next day dizzy. I might give it
another go at 1 mg instead of the 3 mg.

Winter is fast approaching here in the great white north, so I'll probably up
my vitamin D intake.


DukeNukem's Photo DukeNukem 29 Oct 2007

>>> Winter is fast approaching here in the great white north, so I'll probably up
my vitamin D intake. <<<

I recommend 5000 i.u min. I take 8-10,000 daily. However, even at 2-3000 daily, you're doing better than 99.99% of the population, and providing yourself exception benefits.

freedom40's Photo freedom40 29 Oct 2007

Wow Duke, 8-10,000 IU of vitamin D! Do you have any concerns with toxicity at these levels?

Is that in the summer time as well?

freedom40's Photo freedom40 29 Oct 2007

What are all your thoughts on adding N-A-C in the daily range of 500-1000 mg?

woly's Photo woly 30 Oct 2007

alot of people have gone off NAC lately since a recent negative study (search around for it). I used to take 3mg of melatonin and found myself kinda hazy throughout the next day too, i started taking 300mcg and i wake up fine. i dont know about age amodari but benfotiamine by itself is easily the best value glycation supplement. and yeah i think anywhere between 1000-5000iu vitd would be an excellent addition.

EmbraceUnity's Photo EmbraceUnity 30 Oct 2007

Some other good ones are

Extreme Dark Chocolate (Endangered Species brand is by far the best, including the most expensive brands)

It is a superb antioxidant, soothing stimulant, and overall happiness-promoting substance

Turmeric Extract (curcumin)


freedom40's Photo freedom40 30 Oct 2007

Yeah, I've been reading about a study that used dark chocolate with CFS patients and it actually helped to alleviate some of their fatigue.

DukeNukem's Photo DukeNukem 04 Nov 2007

>>> Wow Duke, 8-10,000 IU of vitamin D! Do you have any concerns with toxicity at these levels?

Is that in the summer time as well? <<<

Read the post I just made about the Scientific American article. On days when I think I'll get sun exposure, I will cut me dose in half, but for the most part I'm inside all day.

hq0002's Photo hq0002 05 Nov 2007

It doesn't cover nootropics, though, which are supps that specifically protect the brain from oxidative damage (keep in mind, the brain produces 20% of the body's metabolic waste and free radicals, due to it's high energy needs).  If you're interested in a few of these, let me know.

Duke, if you get a chance could you recommend good nootropics for a first timer to this area of supplementation. thanks.

freedom40's Photo freedom40 05 Nov 2007

Right, I forgot to ask about that as well. Duke when you get a chance, can you fill us in on a good nootropic regime?

woly's Photo woly 06 Nov 2007

may i ask why you take high dose b12?

freedom40's Photo freedom40 06 Nov 2007

Hi Woly,

I take it to improve methylation. I am also considering adding TMG as well.

DukeNukem's Photo DukeNukem 07 Nov 2007

[quote]Duke, if you get a chance could you recommend good nootropics for a first timer to this area of supplementation. thanks.[/quote]
There's been many good threads on this.

I take quite a few, including...

o blueberry extract
o melatonin
o acetylcholine (and the arginate form, too)
o galantamine
o piracetam
o deprenyl
o ashwagandha
o creatine
o vinpocetine
o bacopa
o CDP-choline

Anyway, that's just off the top of my head.[quote]

krillin's Photo krillin 07 Nov 2007

Hi Woly,

I take it to improve methylation. I am also considering adding TMG as well.

You might be able to economize by cutting back to 1 mg. That's enough for me to peg the B12 test: it just said > 2000 pg/ml.

snikeris's Photo snikeris 14 Aug 2008

Basic but good program. There's quite a few things you could consider adding, and especially melatonin one hour before bed. Melatonin is an underrated anti-aging supplement that has it's best anti-aging effects when taken sooner in life, like investing in a retirement account.

Since I have it handy, here's a very recent email I sent to someone who was looking to get started on a very basic, yet powerful program:


Top seven supps:

o Ortho-Core (take 6 per day)

o Resveratrol (1 daily)
(This is the most potent brand on the market. I know the owner of Relentless Improvement, super solid guy. Absolutely purity is his mission.)

o Vitamin D3 -- 5000mg (1 daily)

o Vitamin C (3 daily, morning, 3pm, bedtime)
(Note that this includes dihydroquercetin, which extends the usually short half-life of C.)

o Pomegranate and SOD formulation (2 daily, together, or separately morning, bedtime)
(Super potent vascular protection, and protection again mitochondria DNA damage.)

o Green tea (1 daily)

o Fish oil (3 daily)

This regimen is as solid as they come, as far as a basic program. It doesn't cover nootropics, though, which are supps that specifically protect the brain from oxidative damage (keep in mind, the brain produces 20% of the body's metabolic waste and free radicals, due to it's high energy needs). If you're interested in a few of these, let me know.


Would you make any changes to this list now, almost a year later?

DukeNukem's Photo DukeNukem 23 Aug 2008

Basic but good program. There's quite a few things you could consider adding, and especially melatonin one hour before bed. Melatonin is an underrated anti-aging supplement that has it's best anti-aging effects when taken sooner in life, like investing in a retirement account.

Since I have it handy, here's a very recent email I sent to someone who was looking to get started on a very basic, yet powerful program:


Top seven supps:

o Ortho-Core (take 6 per day)

o Resveratrol (1 daily)
(This is the most potent brand on the market. I know the owner of Relentless Improvement, super solid guy. Absolutely purity is his mission.)

o Vitamin D3 -- 5000mg (1 daily)

o Vitamin C (3 daily, morning, 3pm, bedtime)
(Note that this includes dihydroquercetin, which extends the usually short half-life of C.)

o Pomegranate and SOD formulation (2 daily, together, or separately morning, bedtime)
(Super potent vascular protection, and protection again mitochondria DNA damage.)

o Green tea (1 daily)

o Fish oil (3 daily)

This regimen is as solid as they come, as far as a basic program. It doesn't cover nootropics, though, which are supps that specifically protect the brain from oxidative damage (keep in mind, the brain produces 20% of the body's metabolic waste and free radicals, due to it's high energy needs). If you're interested in a few of these, let me know.


Would you make any changes to this list now, almost a year later?

No. This is still an extremely solid base program.

snikeris's Photo snikeris 24 Aug 2008

o Vitamin D3 -- 5000mg (1 daily)

I assume you mean 5000 IU here. This coupled with the 1000 IU from ortho-core...

Don't you think that is a lot of D to be recommending without a blood test?