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Personal Relationships An Obstical Toward...

zoolander's Photo zoolander 30 Nov 2007

This is compounded by my shyness. I never go out, I stay in and study.

The upside is, I'll have a brilliant career.

I never go out + stay in and study does not necessarily = brilliant career.

Brilliant careers are often built on going out and networking. Socialising with people. Negotiating. Influencing.

The future though will be comprised of the children that were born. Some of these will be from males that went out getting girls/women pregant

BOOM!. I just had an epiphany. No I didn't. Caston WTF? Where did you get that quote? Miss Teen USA South Carolina riight


Sure as hell don't exclude yourself. As much as people try and get your down being young puts you in the best position to get women.

I'm actually just recovering from an STI. I've made very good progress and shortly I should be able to frollic and sleep around again with all the other people who never stopped!

First of all how does being young put you in the best position to get women? hang on...don't answer that. That's a very generalized and perhaps narrow-minded statement don't you think. Caston I am twice the age of Adam and, ego aside, am quite the ladies man. It's my age and experience that makes me this ladies man not how young and battered I am by my peers.

Second, caston is the STI or STD that refer to Human Pap Virus? If so then you may be recovering from the manifestations of that virus i.e gential warts, but you will still have the virus. So then how will you be any different to your friends that didn't stop sleeping around? If you want to be responsible then the only thing that comes to mind to me is that you tell the women, or sheep, you are about to sleep with that you have an infectious sexually transmitted disease. Truth of the matter of though is that if they have been sleeping around then they will most likely have HPV as well

What's all this talk about sheep? I thought you lived in Perth and not New Zealand.

To Adam,

You're an intelligent man. Use that intelligence to help you find a little common ground with the people around you. If the people around you are not transhumanists it may be because they have not even heard of the movement before. If your passionate about transhumanism then don't to be scared to show this. You may just have to sell it to people first. The best way to do this in conversation is to romanticize the idea. Share with them what you believe the future holds.

I do understand that you are perhaps a little more introverted than me and hence would not find this easy to do. One step at a time though matey. That's if you want to do it though.

AdamSummerfield's Photo AdamSummerfield 30 Nov 2007


Sure as hell don't exclude yourself.
At some point when I feel I ready I will go up to a nice woman I feel attracted to and talk to her and make a move on her without any thought of consequence or worrying about my job, free time, car, bank account or even my orientation. If I see a woman I like I should just talk to her. I shouldn't worry if she thinks i'm weird because I already know I am!


I appreciate the encouragement, especially since this is my first time sharing my feelings this deeply with anyone other than Adam (Biopunk). But it really isn't as simple as that. It isn't a matter of choice. This is something I've had my whole teenage life (not so much when I was a child/ since I became a philosopher).
I've been very slowly "on the mend" since August. In late July I went to Summer School at Univeristy of York for two weeks, with 300 other 'high achievers'. We were all kept on campus and tightly regulated by the Residential Assistants (undergrad/postgrad volunteers) and in the evenings, after class we had social events. Quickly, the staff realised who I was. I had the deputy manager come visit me while I sat reading, and all the staff spoke to me in the same way. Always maintaining eye contact, speaking in a soothing, calm manner; a bit nervous and carefully inserting a light joke into the... You might call it a conversation - since whenever I was spoken to it was about whether I was "okay".
They started making special arrangements for me without asking me... Not that I minded, it helped actually, I just wanted to be on my own like always. They asked me if I wanted to stay at University the whole two weeks, I said yes, I was learning a lot from my mentors (I studied biology).
Then my parents arrived, at the end of the course... And they were asked to come and speak with the staff while I waited in the main hall. So, then my parents paid attention to the fact that I'd never been out with friends (except to Adam's house) or 'into town' with anyone besides myself, my family or Adam...
They asked me if I want to try therapy, I said no. Instead I'm reading books by the Dalai Lama, I think if I keep it up, I should be able to talk to people informally. Otherwise my interaction remains completely formal.

It isn't the case of just bumping into a nice woman and settling down. I can't make any conversation unless it is academically, scientifically or philosophically related.

Thank you,
- Adam

AdamSummerfield's Photo AdamSummerfield 30 Nov 2007

This is compounded by my shyness. I never go out, I stay in and study.

The upside is, I'll have a brilliant career.

I never go out + stay in and study does not necessarily = brilliant career.

Brilliant careers are often built on going out and networking. Socialising with people. Negotiating. Influencing.

Yes. This is one of my main worries and it's why I'm trying to increase my self-confidence.

To Adam,

You're an intelligent man. Use that intelligence to help you find a little common ground with the people around you. If the people around you are not transhumanists it may be because they have not even heard of the movement before. If your passionate about transhumanism then don't to be scared to show this. You may just have to sell it to people first. The best way to do this in conversation is to romanticize the idea. Share with them what you believe the future holds.

I do understand that you are perhaps a little more introverted than me and hence would not find this easy to do. One step at a time though matey. That's if you want to do it though.

You're too kind.

You are right, but it's still hard to speak to people. I certainly am gaining the ability to talk to people about transhumanism since I have given a presentation about Aubrey de Grey to my pastoral group, and on particle physics to the Chesterfield Astronomical Society... It's just talking one-on-one that's hard.
The only way I'd ever be interested in a female is if she was as interested in science/life/philosophy as me... And that's my worry.
Step by step is definately my current situation.

- Adam

caston's Photo caston 01 Dec 2007


What if you find a really nice woman that has her own interests. They may not match yours but she is interested in you. Do you think you would be interested in her?
Edited by caston, 01 December 2007 - 04:42 PM.

gashinshotan's Photo gashinshotan 01 Dec 2007


What if you find a really nice woman that has her own interests. They may not match yours but she is interested in you. Do you think you would be interested in her?

If you don't want to get with a girl just to get laid, you're a latent homo.

MP11's Photo MP11 01 Dec 2007


What if you find a really nice woman that has her own interests. They may not match yours but she is interested in you. Do you think you would be interested in her?

If you don't want to get with a girl just to get laid, you're a latent homo.

I'm gonna have to disagree with that.

zoolander's Photo zoolander 02 Dec 2007

If you don't want to get with a girl just to get laid, you're a latent homo

Posted Image

That's got to be one of the stupidest comments that I have read for a long time. IMO, I thing that this thread has really gone done hill with the sort of comments that both Gashinshotan and caston have been making. You are talking about developing relationships with other people but from what I have read so far it appears that you are both homophobes and think nothing of women apart from using them as a piece of meat to satisfy your own selfish lustful fantasies. You are both your own worst enemies. It's no wonder you find it hard to form meaningful relationships. Have a little respect for yourself and the people that you interact with.

The best thing both of you can do right now is to take a little advice from a decent grounded bloke like me.

missminni's Photo missminni 02 Dec 2007

Excuse me guys, but to hear young guys like you be so painfully insecure and afraid of girls and relationships is profoundly sad.
So sad you are missing out on so much fun. There's plenty of time, especially if your into life extension, to be a hermit,
when you are older and have lived a full life that you might want to contemplate in retrospect, unfettered by a
nagging partner asking what are you thinking.
But at your age
you should be out there falling in love, getting your heart broken and falling in love again.
It's not the end all and be all, but it sure is the beginning.
I understand you might be shy and awkward with women. If I were a guy, I would be too. All the pressure seems
to be on the guy to make the moves, and that's hard, putting yourself on the line for rejection. I can sympathize.
So why don't you try an online dating service where you can meet girls based on your compatibility?
Girls who share your interests and goals. Look at it like an experiment, if that makes it more familiar and you more comfortable
doing it. But get yourself out there in the flow of life and have some experiences outside of your own heads. You won't regret it.
You will only regret if you don't.

gashinshotan's Photo gashinshotan 02 Dec 2007

If you don't want to get with a girl just to get laid, you're a latent homo

Posted Image

That's got to be one of the stupidest comments that I have read for a long time. IMO, I thing that this thread has really gone done hill with the sort of comments that both Gashinshotan and caston have been making. You are talking about developing relationships with other people but from what I have read so far it appears that you are both homophobes and think nothing of women apart from using them as a piece of meat to satisfy your own selfish lustful fantasies. You are both your own worst enemies. It's no wonder you find it hard to form meaningful relationships. Have a little respect for yourself and the people that you interact with.

The best thing both of you can do right now is to take a little advice from a decent grounded bloke like me.

Come on now - I didn't turn this post toward this direction, that 17 yo kid did. The topic was originally about the worth of personal relationships in comparison to personal goals and life extension.

Excuse me guys, but to hear young guys like you be so painfully insecure and afraid of girls and relationships is profoundly sad.
So sad you are missing out on so much fun. There's plenty of time, especially if your into life extension, to be a hermit,
when you are older and have lived a full life that you might want to contemplate in retrospect, unfettered by a
nagging partner asking what are you thinking.
But at your age
you should be out there falling in love, getting your heart broken and falling in love again.
It's not the end all and be all, but it sure is the beginning.
I understand you might be shy and awkward with women. If I were a guy, I would be too. All the pressure seems
to be on the guy to make the moves, and that's hard, putting yourself on the line for rejection. I can sympathize.
So why don't you try an online dating service where you can meet girls based on your compatibility?
Girls who share your interests and goals. Look at it like an experiment, if that makes it more familiar and you more comfortable
doing it. But get yourself out there in the flow of life and have some experiences outside of your own heads. You won't regret it.
You will only regret if you don't.

I've fallen in love and every time I realized it was a HUGE waste of time and emotion. Most girls are self-centered, manipulative, and demanding while giving little in return. Not only this, but most girls are fickle and boring, and most of my flings have ended because I couldn't stand their desires to stay at a standstill in their lives - buying clothes, being all cutesy, gossip.... love is a disease with men getting the short end of the stick. This is why I choose not to pursue any more relationships even if I feel a strong attraction toward a woman - I know that it is biological and irrational and that every woman has her price.

wydell's Photo wydell 02 Dec 2007

Did anyone see the movie Into the Wild? I was not so moved and disturbed for a long time. I think that there was a relevant message at the end of the movie related to this discussion, but I do not want to give away the ending for those that have not seen it. I recommend that that the folks wondering about the significance of personal relationships see that movie.

missminni's Photo missminni 02 Dec 2007

good luck to you all.
Edited by missminni, 02 December 2007 - 07:39 PM.

eldar's Photo eldar 02 Dec 2007

The original topic was quite interesting, but now this has deteriorated into another one of those "how to get women" threads.
So I think it would be nice and all if we could try and keep it a little more on topic.

Regarding the original topic, I have to say that lately I've been thinking along the same lines. I'm not going to say that one should completely isolate oneself, but many relationships do seem to be, at least on some level, a waste of time. Add to that, that as an immortalist/transhumanist, it is extremely hard to find people who hold even remotely similar views about what is important and what is not. Even many people who seem otherwise intelligent, seem to limit their use of intelligence only to the minimum required, e.g. college course work. That said, in the the lack of interesting/useful topics, socializing loses much of it's attraction.

Of course this is just my own experience, and I cannot say what it is like to be among people that have similar interests and world views. But for someone who has not found anything really worthy of discussion, socializing is starting to seem merely a waste of time and something that I do not look forward to that much anymore. It is too much a chore to try and be interested in the trivial matters many people seem to be interested conversing about.

In addition even if one had people around himself to converse about the the so called important issues, going through these over and over again would probably not make the issues themselves any better. So even in this scenario I could see myself assigning socializing to quite a low level of importance. Instead I see my time better spent actually advancing towards my goals and solving the issues I see as important.

gashinshotan's Photo gashinshotan 02 Dec 2007

The original topic was quite interesting, but now this has deteriorated into another one of those "how to get women" threads.
So I think it would be nice and all if we could try and keep it a little more on topic.

Regarding the original topic, I have to say that lately I've been thinking along the same lines. I'm not going to say that one should completely isolate oneself, but many relationships do seem to be, at least on some level, a waste of time. Add to that, that as an immortalist/transhumanist, it is extremely hard to find people who hold even remotely similar views about what is important and what is not. Even many people who seem otherwise intelligent, seem to limit their use of intelligence only to the minimum required, e.g. college course work. That said, in the the lack of interesting/useful topics, socializing loses much of it's attraction.

Of course this is just my own experience, and I cannot say what it is like to be among people that have similar interests and world views. But for someone who has not found anything really worthy of discussion, socializing is starting to seem merely a waste of time and something that I do not look forward to that much anymore. It is too much a chore to try and be interested in the trivial matters many people seem to be interested conversing about.

In addition even if one had people around himself to converse about the the so called important issues, going through these over and over again would probably not make the issues themselves any better. So even in this scenario I could see myself assigning socializing to quite a low level of importance. Instead I see my time better spent actually advancing towards my goals and solving the issues I see as important.

Yes. Let's get back on the topic. Your arguments against personal relationships were just what I was looking for. Now we just need some good arguments for relationships.

Shepard's Photo Shepard 02 Dec 2007

Now we just need some good arguments for relationships.

This either/or idea is flawed. You should be asking yourself who would be the best people to seek out and form relationships with. How can you argue against the strategic value of relationships with valuable people?

Edit: And I think the above outlook (seeing other primarily as ways to improve your own situation) is a very poor way to go through life. But even someone that cared only about power and had little regard for others has to acknowledge the value contained in relationships.
Edited by shepard, 02 December 2007 - 08:32 PM.

zoolander's Photo zoolander 02 Dec 2007

an immortalist/transhumanist, it is extremely hard to find people who hold even remotely similar views about what is important and what is not. Even many people who seem otherwise intelligent, seem to limit their use of intelligence only to the minimum required, e.g. college course work. That said, in the the lack of interesting/useful topics, socializing loses much of it's attraction.

As I mentioned previously, romantisize the topic. Don't even mention the term transhumanism. You could perhaps pass it off initially as something you read as opposed to something you live your life by. An easy way to romantisize the topic is to talk about the wonders of human interfacing where you can tap into anothers emotions. Or even discuss 2nd life (the virtual game) and various wonders that are occuring in 2nd life. For example, did you know that the Vatican has employeed 6 priest to preach the scriptures in 2nd life?

Talking about your beliefs in general terms without a label may make it easier for others to relate. For example, if I was talking to someone about the Buddha dharma it is quite easy to just discuss this by using examples of everyday life. If I start using the term/label buddha dharma then this may alienate some people because they relate to Buddhism as a religion, which is isn't, with all sorts of tantric daily practices and customs i.e shaved head and so on. It's not that at all. So you have to have to connect to people on the level where they perceive reality. Find their level of reality and work on them from there. You have to be careful not to push it.

Of course this is just my own experience, and I cannot say what it is like to be among people that have similar interests and world views. But for someone who has not found anything really worthy of discussion, socializing is starting to seem merely a waste of time and something that I do not look forward to that much anymore. It is too much a chore to try and be interested in the trivial matters many people seem to be interested conversing about.

In addition even if one had people around himself to converse about the the so called important issues, going through these over and over again would probably not make the issues themselves any better. So even in this scenario I could see myself assigning socializing to quite a low level of importance. Instead I see my time better spent actually advancing towards my goals and solving the issues I see as important.

How about just talking about the other person when you first meet. People that are honestly interested in what you have to say are quite attractive to alot of people. I think that this is so because from my experiance the large majority of people like to talk about their interests but are not the best of listeners. From my experiance there appears to be a lot more talkers out there than listeners. Get someones interests by being a good listener. You may just find similarities. Then after they have talked for a while and ask you what your interests are it's time for you to talk. Any descent person will give you time to speak, especially if they have just spilt their guts to you.

Finally, don't under estimate how open minded people can be. Even if they are not interested in what you are interested they still may be able to play a significant role in your life as a friend/lover.

zoolander's Photo zoolander 02 Dec 2007

This either/or idea is flawed. You should be asking yourself who would be the best people to seek out and form relationships with. How can you argue against the strategic value of relationships with valuable people?

Edit: And I think the above outlook (seeing other primarily as ways to improve your own situation) is a very poor way to go through life. But even someone that cared only about power and had little regard for others has to acknowledge the value contained in relationships.

Oh God dam it Shepard. I go and explain my views on the matter in long winded paragraphs and you go and summarize exactly what I've been trying to say in a few short sentences. Bastard! I couldn't agree more with what you just said. It's spot on

gashinshotan's Photo gashinshotan 02 Dec 2007

Now we just need some good arguments for relationships.

This either/or idea is flawed. You should be asking yourself who would be the best people to seek out and form relationships with. How can you argue against the strategic value of relationships with valuable people?

Edit: And I think the above outlook (seeing other primarily as ways to improve your own situation) is a very poor way to go through life. But even someone that cared only about power and had little regard for others has to acknowledge the value contained in relationships.

There is a difference between personal relationships and people you use and discard to accomplish your goals.

Shepard's Photo Shepard 03 Dec 2007

There is a difference between personal relationships and people you use and discard to accomplish your goals.

You think the issue is really that black and white?

Earlier, you said:

"I still have a lot of friends and can get girls; it's just that my friends have always held me back while girls have always been a costly mistake financially, emotionally, and health-wise (going out to eat makes you fat and having a girl makes you lazy)."

This reflects negatively on you, not the relationships between you and other people. Learn to handle yourself to where your state isn't negatively affected by others.

gashinshotan's Photo gashinshotan 03 Dec 2007

There is a difference between personal relationships and people you use and discard to accomplish your goals.

You think the issue is really that black and white?

Earlier, you said:

"I still have a lot of friends and can get girls; it's just that my friends have always held me back while girls have always been a costly mistake financially, emotionally, and health-wise (going out to eat makes you fat and having a girl makes you lazy)."

This reflects negatively on you, not the relationships between you and other people. Learn to handle yourself to where your state isn't negatively affected by others.

But why even deal with it at all? The lack of bad influences is better faced when they aren't present.

wydell's Photo wydell 03 Dec 2007

I hear what you are saying, but you can find people that have positive effects on you.

I think there are people who are different from you but who have a lot to offer in terms of advice and conversation beyond transhumanism. There is more to life than that stuff. You can and should be choosey about your personal relationships, but your friends don't have to be like you. None of my friends or family are exactly like me. I am into exercise and nutritition way more than any of them. Hanging out with them does not cause me to eat unhealthy or be lazy. You should be able to find some things in common with others if you like movies, books, or sports. And when a bad influence presents itself, be stronger than it. Some bad influences you should avoid all together. Would I hang out with people who drink and drive or who take drugs around me? No. Use common sense.


But why even deal with it at all? The lack of bad influences is better faced when they aren't present.

zoolander's Photo zoolander 03 Dec 2007

Gashinshotan-san you raku disciprine! Disciprine come from within

gashinshotan's Photo gashinshotan 03 Dec 2007

Gashinshotan-san you raku disciprine! Disciprine come from within

In most cases this isn't true.

REGIMEN's Photo REGIMEN 03 Dec 2007

But why even deal with it at all? The lack of bad influences is better faced when they aren't present.

First, everyone could have saved themselves a lot of time if they had read all of my posts; I got it all. Really, now.
Now, to deal with the quote here: relationships are about value and power. What is it that each person can offer (value) and then how does this embodiment of value situate you amongst others (power). So, essentially, you are a pussy-whipped buffoon being subjugated by peons because you haven't the persona capable (yet?) of influencing the filthy apes with your less voluptuously sensorial worldview(transhumanist, right?). Become a Man that commands attention by being respectable if not powerful. INFLUENCE people if you must be around them and junk them for new peers if not. Toy with people's minds; get them to do what you want to see how far your can get and because practice makes... perfect. The list of social games available at 30 is much shorter than at 20 because people tire of entertaining bullshit or have just "gotten smart" to being used and made an amusement out of. Do it now while you still can. You might turn a few or wake them up a bit while you're at it which is all you should ever expect. Also, gather a few select people that are "better than those before" and when you're with them stop taking yourself so seriously.

But for gad's sake now, drop the "save the world with Immortality science faster by curtaining out the world and dumping all of your supplements budget into the Methuselah Mouse Project, because sex, friends, family, and selfish chemical betterment is a waste in comparison to the potential fruits of such a venture!" I know you didn't say anything of the sort but I have a hunch that your need for "productivity" is tied to such developments.
Who is that idiot that started the "don't buy supps, feed the MethMouse!" meme here? He should answer to this kid and tell him that church burned down while in construction. Another thing too aimed at the "17 year old kid" (gashinshotan...you're about 19, right kid?): if your "beliefs" are limiting your life for the worse then you my friend are being -religious- in your transhumanist convictions which I'm sure is now burning its negative connotations into your palms(religion is an ugly word here in these halls amongst all the utterances of "double-blind placebo-controlled" and telomeres). Until Transhumanism really has the necessary scientific foundations available in objective reality you're just holding it against everyone that they don't "deeply cherish" and "cultivate hope" for the ideas of a phantasmic, science-*fiction* based micro-philosophy. Involve yourself with this year's model, not drooling over the concept model of Reality-2057.
Edited by liplex, 03 December 2007 - 09:59 AM.

gashinshotan's Photo gashinshotan 03 Dec 2007

But why even deal with it at all? The lack of bad influences is better faced when they aren't present.

First, everyone could have saved themselves a lot of time if they had read all of my posts; I got it all. Really, now.
Now, to deal with the quote here: relationships are about value and power. What is it that each person can offer (value) and then how does this embodiment of value situate you amongst others (power). So, essentially, you are a pussy-whipped buffoon being subjugated by peons because you haven't the persona capable (yet?) of influencing the filthy apes with your less voluptuously sensorial worldview(transhumanist, right?). Become a Man that commands attention by being respectable if not powerful. INFLUENCE people if you must be around them and junk them for new peers if not. Toy with people's minds; get them to do what you want to see how far your can get and because practice makes... perfect. The list of social games available at 30 is much shorter than at 20 because people tire of entertaining bullshit or have just "gotten smart" to being used and made an amusement out of. Do it now while you still can. You might turn a few or wake them up a bit while you're at it which is all you should ever expect. Also, gather a few select people that are "better than those before" and when you're with them stop taking yourself so seriously.

But for gad's sake now, drop the "save the world with Immortality science faster by curtaining out the world and dumping all of your supplements budget into the Methuselah Mouse Project, because sex, friends, family, and selfish chemical betterment is a waste in comparison to the potential fruits of such a venture!" I know you didn't say anything of the sort but I have a hunch that your need for "productivity" is tied to such developments.
Who is that idiot that started the "don't buy supps, feed the MethMouse!" meme here? He should answer to this kid and tell him that church burned down while in construction. Another thing too aimed at the "17 year old kid" (gashinshotan...you're about 19, right kid?): if your "beliefs" are limiting your life for the worse then you my friend are being -religious- in your transhumanist convictions which I'm sure is now burning its negative connotations into your palms(religion is an ugly word here in these halls amongst all the utterances of "double-blind placebo-controlled" and telomeres). Until Transhumanism really has the necessary scientific foundations available in objective reality you're just holding it against everyone that they don't "deeply cherish" and "cultivate hope" for the ideas of a phantasmic, science-*fiction* based micro-philosophy. Involve yourself with this year's model, not drooling over the concept model of Reality-2057.

And where would I get the time to experiment like this? I do have to memorize literally thousands of pages just to make it into medical school while also gaining clinical experience and achieving my own personal goal of running a marathon and reading all the books I've wanted to read. Most of the relationships I would make at my age, 21, would be temporary, unproductive, boring, dramatic, and overall useless toward achieving my professional goal of becoming a physician while simultaneously developing my body and my mind to achieve life extension. This is the context in which I asked the question - not as someone who chooses to reject social interactions out of some grandiose transhumanist beliefs.

eldar's Photo eldar 03 Dec 2007

This either/or idea is flawed. You should be asking yourself who would be the best people to seek out and form relationships with. How can you argue against the strategic value of relationships with valuable people?

The level of strategic value somewhat depends on your profession, but generally I agree with the above statement.

As I mentioned previously, romantisize the topic. Don't even mention the term transhumanism. You could perhaps pass it off initially as something you read as opposed to something you live your life by. An easy way to romantisize the topic is to talk about the wonders of human interfacing where you can tap into anothers emotions. Or even discuss 2nd life (the virtual game) and various wonders that are occuring in 2nd life. For example, did you know that the Vatican has employeed 6 priest to preach the scriptures in 2nd life?

Well, this is something I have actually done once or twice, but found it to be a waste of time. Getting the occasional "Fascinating" or "Cool" comment, after which the conversation turns back to the trivial issues, isn't really worth it. But yes, with the right people the above mentioned method might do some good.

How about just talking about the other person when you first meet. People that are honestly interested in what you have to say are quite attractive to alot of people. I think that this is so because from my experiance the large majority of people like to talk about their interests but are not the best of listeners. From my experiance there appears to be a lot more talkers out there than listeners. Get someones interests by being a good listener. You may just find similarities. Then after they have talked for a while and ask you what your interests are it's time for you to talk. Any descent person will give you time to speak, especially if they have just spilt their guts to you.

Finally, don't under estimate how open minded people can be. Even if they are not interested in what you are interested they still may be able to play a significant role in your life as a friend/lover.

Maybe I somehow gave the impression to the contrary, but I actually have no problems forming new relationships. I just don't find many to be interesting enough to maintain or pursue any further.
You're spot on with the listening aspect. People do like to talk about themselves, a lot. So to many, someone who has the patience to listen to their long winded ramblings and maintain at least some level of interest in it, is generally liked.
Edited by ceth, 03 December 2007 - 10:29 AM.

eldar's Photo eldar 03 Dec 2007

But why even deal with it at all? The lack of bad influences is better faced when they aren't present.

First, everyone could have saved themselves a lot of time if they had read all of my posts; I got it all. Really, now.
Now, to deal with the quote here: relationships are about value and power. What is it that each person can offer (value) and then how does this embodiment of value situate you amongst others (power). So, essentially, you are a pussy-whipped buffoon being subjugated by peons because you haven't the persona capable (yet?) of influencing the filthy apes with your less voluptuously sensorial worldview(transhumanist, right?). Become a Man that commands attention by being respectable if not powerful. INFLUENCE people if you must be around them and junk them for new peers if not. Toy with people's minds; get them to do what you want to see how far your can get and because practice makes... perfect. The list of social games available at 30 is much shorter than at 20 because people tire of entertaining bullshit or have just "gotten smart" to being used and made an amusement out of. Do it now while you still can. You might turn a few or wake them up a bit while you're at it which is all you should ever expect. Also, gather a few select people that are "better than those before" and when you're with them stop taking yourself so seriously.

But for gad's sake now, drop the "save the world with Immortality science faster by curtaining out the world and dumping all of your supplements budget into the Methuselah Mouse Project, because sex, friends, family, and selfish chemical betterment is a waste in comparison to the potential fruits of such a venture!" I know you didn't say anything of the sort but I have a hunch that your need for "productivity" is tied to such developments.
Who is that idiot that started the "don't buy supps, feed the MethMouse!" meme here? He should answer to this kid and tell him that church burned down while in construction. Another thing too aimed at the "17 year old kid" (gashinshotan...you're about 19, right kid?): if your "beliefs" are limiting your life for the worse then you my friend are being -religious- in your transhumanist convictions which I'm sure is now burning its negative connotations into your palms(religion is an ugly word here in these halls amongst all the utterances of "double-blind placebo-controlled" and telomeres). Until Transhumanism really has the necessary scientific foundations available in objective reality you're just holding it against everyone that they don't "deeply cherish" and "cultivate hope" for the ideas of a phantasmic, science-*fiction* based micro-philosophy. Involve yourself with this year's model, not drooling over the concept model of Reality-2057.

And where would I get the time to experiment like this? I do have to memorize literally thousands of pages just to make it into medical school while also gaining clinical experience and achieving my own personal goal of running a marathon and reading all the books I've wanted to read. Most of the relationships I would make at my age, 21, would be temporary, unproductive, boring, dramatic, and overall useless toward achieving my professional goal of becoming a physician while simultaneously developing my body and my mind to achieve life extension. This is the context in which I asked the question - not as someone who chooses to reject social interactions out of some grandiose transhumanist beliefs.

This pretty much sums up my thoughts also. Just replace the physician with something else.
It all really comes down to time. There just doesn't seem to be enough of it to do all the things that must be done, while maintaining a vibrant social life as well.

missminni's Photo missminni 03 Dec 2007

Personal Relationships An Obstical Toward Personal Perfection?

Do any of you brilliant intellectuals here notice that obstacle is mis-spelled?
I think your biggest obstacle to personal perfection is your own smugness and
overblown idea of self importance.
You all need some life experience instead of sitting behind a keyboard and
typing about it.
And some spelling lessons would help.

caston's Photo caston 03 Dec 2007

Pwned ;)

eldar's Photo eldar 03 Dec 2007

Personal Relationships An Obstical Toward Personal Perfection?

Do any of you brilliant intellectuals here notice that obstacle is mis-spelled?
I think your biggest obstacle to personal perfection is your own smugness and
overblown idea of self importance.
You all need some life experience instead of sitting behind a keyboard and
typing about it.
And some spelling lessons would help.

Nice one, about the spelling :thumb:

gashinshotan's Photo gashinshotan 04 Dec 2007

Personal Relationships An Obstical Toward Personal Perfection?

Do any of you brilliant intellectuals here notice that obstacle is mis-spelled?
I think your biggest obstacle to personal perfection is your own smugness and
overblown idea of self importance.
You all need some life experience instead of sitting behind a keyboard and
typing about it.
And some spelling lessons would help.

wow. One word misspelled and now everything I posted is voided.
Edited by shepard, 04 December 2007 - 12:52 AM.