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Chat With Michael Rose Sunday December 9th...

Mind's Photo Mind 04 Dec 2007

Posted Image

Another in the recent line-up of great guests, Dr. Michael Rose will be joining Imminst for the Sunday Night Chat this Sunday December 9th at 6:30pm CST U.S. (0030 GMT). Dr. Rose is famous for his work discovering biological immortality in fruit flies. For a primer check here for his 2005 Imminst conference presentation or look here for a discussion of SENS-E.

Chat Room: http://www.imminst.org/chat

Sun December 9th
4:30 Pacific
5:30 Mountain
6:30 Central
7:30 Eastern
[timezone help]

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 04 Dec 2007

Should be a good one. Thanks, Mind.

curious_sle's Photo curious_sle 04 Dec 2007

Amazing lineup these first sunday chats! Congratulations to the organizers. I devour the chat logs (great chat with Jay Olshansky btw). Keep up the great work.

Brainbox's Photo Brainbox 04 Dec 2007

Wow, great, you did it again :thumb:

The earlier start time did produce to many complaints to apply again, e.g. in an alternating fashion?

Mind's Photo Mind 04 Dec 2007

I have asked the last couple of guests about the earlier start time (I give them the first choice 3:30 vs. 6:30pm). They said the later start time worked best for them. So in the future I will continue to strive for some earlier start times, but the guest will have the final say.

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 04 Dec 2007

I have asked the last couple of guests about the earlier start time (I give them the first choice 3:30 vs. 6:30pm). They said the later start time worked best for them. So in the future I will continue to strive for some earlier start times, but the guest will have the final say.

That is probably the best way to do it. The guests are nice enough to spend their time to answer our questions, so allowing them to pick the time that works best for them is only right I think.

Brainbox's Photo Brainbox 04 Dec 2007

Yep, agreed, didn't look at it that way yet, but very sensible indeed!

Karomesis's Photo Karomesis 06 Dec 2007

Great job Mind :thumb:

I'll definitely be at this one.

niner's Photo niner 06 Dec 2007

Amazing lineup these first sunday chats! Congratulations to the organizers. I devour the chat logs (great chat with Jay Olshansky btw). Keep up the great work.

Yeah, I have to second this. It was especially cool that Aubrey was there (in the sjayo chat). I could only read the log, since the time doesn't work for me, but it's great that these things are happening. My hat's off to Mind; good job, man!
Edited by niner, 06 December 2007 - 02:29 AM.

Mind's Photo Mind 06 Dec 2007

Has anyone read Dr. Rose's book, The Long Tomorrow

Shepard's Photo Shepard 06 Dec 2007

Has anyone read Dr. Rose's book, The Long Tomorrow

I've got it and Darwin's Spectre sitting beside me to flip back through before the chat. Hopefully finals will allow me some time to go through them.

Bruce Klein's Photo Bruce Klein 06 Dec 2007

Thanks, Reason... for the FightAging! post.

resveratrol's Photo resveratrol 09 Dec 2007

Sadly, I won't be able to attend.

If you'd be so kind, please be sure to grill Dr. Rose on some of the more controversial statements he made in his SENS Conference lecture, since I won't be able to do so in person!
Edited by resveratrol, 09 December 2007 - 01:20 AM.

DJS's Photo DJS 10 Dec 2007

The chat should be starting in about 20 minutes.

Karomesis's Photo Karomesis 10 Dec 2007

Can someone please help me? I've never used vista before and it's not allowing the activex install to chat.

Traclo's Photo Traclo 10 Dec 2007

The guest showed up. AFTER the host was gone, and half of the people had also left. So I tried to play host and ask as many question as I could. Now is there someone who knows how to get a transcript of this discussion for the purposes of posting?

He also said that he would do any follow up questions and gave an email : mrrose at uci.edu
Edited by Live Forever, 10 December 2007 - 05:19 AM.
removed @ sign to prevent spam bots from getting email

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 10 Dec 2007

So there was no moderator for this one? I thought Technosophy and/or Bruce was going to be the moderator. Sorry I missed it, I had a Christmas party to go to.

eldar's Photo eldar 10 Dec 2007

Now is there someone who knows how to get a transcript of this discussion for the purposes of posting?

It requires that someone in the chat room was using irc and had logging turned on.

DJS's Photo DJS 10 Dec 2007

So there was no moderator for this one? I thought Technosophy and/or Bruce was going to be the moderator. Sorry I missed it, I had a Christmas party to go to.

I was ready and waiting. After 45 minutes I considered it a no-show and logged off to get done with a pile of work staring me in the face.

These sorts of things are bound to happen. I'm sure that Michael Rose can stop by again for a sunday chat some other time.

Mind's Photo Mind 14 Dec 2007

Dr. Rose might return for a more in depth chat in 2008. Hopefully, technical problems will be resolved the next time around.

lynx's Photo lynx 01 Apr 2008

Is there any chance that Dr. Rose will be chatting in 2008?

Mind's Photo Mind 01 Apr 2008

I recently contacted Dr. Rose and he agreed to a future guest appearance on the Sunday Evening Update. He wishes to wait until his "Making SENSE" paper appears in Rejuvenation Research, so everyone will have a chance to review his current thinking on the subject of engineering an end to aging.