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NOOBotropic regimen: critiques, input, and...

oxycontin's Photo oxycontin 19 Jan 2008

First time poster here- I've been lurking on these boards for some time... Wow, there's a wealth of information and personality here on the forums. I'm glad to be a part ;)

I'm really looking to start a life-long regimen with the focus of general brain/mind health and improvement. I'm a college student in Information Technology; therefore, I really don't have much of an expendable income. That said, cost-effectiveness is -very- important to me. My planned regimen consists of the following four things for starters, and a I'd love to hear any critiques, input, and advice you all may have:

Fish oil @ 3-a-day: http://www.vitacost....HA-240-Softgels (240 caps/$21.99)
B-100 @ 1-a-day: http://www.vitacost....n-B-100-Complex (300 caps/$14.29)
Coenzyme B-Complex @ 2-a-day: http://www.vitacost....n-B-100-Complexhttp://www.vitacost....nzyme-B-Complex (60 caps/$6.77) - Thanks edward
Piracetam @ 3x800mg-a-day: http://www.bulknutri...products_id=912 (700 grams/$22.99)
Choline Citrate @ 1g-a-day: http://www.bulknutri...roducts_id=1555 (500 grams/$16.50)

I do have a few questions of my own as well, also.

Is a B-100 vitamin sufficient to see each vitamin's respective benefits? Or am I just wasting money? Should I supplement it with an additional single b-vitamin?
As for the choline citrate, what is the effective dosage that I should be taking in order to achieve synergistic effects with the piracetam?

Thank you much for hearing me out, and I look forward to your responses :-)
Edited by oxycontin, 19 January 2008 - 07:55 AM.

edward's Photo edward 19 Jan 2008

Personally as far as B Complexes are concerned I like Country Life's Coenzyme B-Complex as it has some of the best forms of these vitamins. No niacinamide (has been shown to signifigantly inhibit a key gene SIRT1 that promotes life extension) and better forms of most of the Bs. My multi Supernutrition USA Perfect Blend Iron Free has enough B vitamins though I add additional ones that I feel are beneficial to me (benfotiamine, methyl b-12, folic acid and TMG which is not a B vitamin but works closely with a few of them). If I were to switch to a better multi (AOR Ortho Core) which I have been considering, I would get the Country Life Coenzyme B-Complex to boost the B vitamin levels of Ortho Core which for me personally are low.

here from Iherb (you could also get your fish oil from them and combine the package to save shipping)

or if you want to go with vitacost

I would consider adding a few more things if you can afford them, but what you have so far is good. Some Resveratrol and Grape Seed extract. A good starter product would be Country Life's Resveratrol which is a good bang for the buck as it has grape seed and pine bark in it. http://www.iherb.com...c...d=7394&at=0
At 2 caps a day your monthly cost will only be $12. Though later on you might want to increase this dosage.

Finally some sort of decent multivitamin. For my requirments (no niacinamide) there are really only two brands that offer complete products: Supernutrition USA and the Imminst Favorite AOR. You could get AOR multi basics pretty cheap. Its a 3 a day formula and you would probably be ok taking 2 a day to save a little money. http://www.nationaln...il.aspx?ID=2567

Or you could skip the b vitamin and just take a multi with enough Bs in them already. http://www.iherb.com...c...d=3217&at=0 granted this formula is not as good as AORs but with the added B vitamins you don't need anything else and taking 2 or 3 a day instead of 4 would save you a lot of money.

Just some ideas.

oxycontin's Photo oxycontin 19 Jan 2008

Thanks for the quick reply edward!

I'm definitely switching out the NSI B-100s for your recommended Country Life Coenzyme Bs. It seems like it's one of the only commercial B complex supplements that doesn't contain niacinamide. Thank you for the heads up ;)

Now as for the multis, I've always been a little hesitant about them. For some reason, multi-vitamins in general have always made me feel sluggish and drowsy. So I figure I'll just stick to Bs for now and work my way up. And yeesh, those prices! You'd almost think someone was trying to hold the average joe down or something ;-)

I guess I'm going to hold off of my purchases for at least a little bit, hopefully I'll get some more feedback. Thanks again!
Edited by oxycontin, 19 January 2008 - 07:56 AM.