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Obama May Not Be Aloud To Be President


luv2increase's Photo luv2increase 08 Oct 2008

Obama is in a real predicament. He has yet failed to submit his birth certificate to the Federal Elections Committee. The one he has shown elsewhere has been proven a fake. See the video. It is very interesting and informative.


RighteousReason's Photo RighteousReason 08 Oct 2008

It turns out that his birth certificate is not being released for some reason from Hawaii. In the US only citizens born in the country are allowed to run for president.

By the way you have a horrible typo in the topic title.

Obama Not A Natural Born Citizen
On August, 21, 2008, Prominent lawyer, Hillary supporter, former Pennsylvania Democratic Party official and former Pennsylvania Deputy Attorney General Philip J. Berg, filed a suit in Federal court in Philadelphia alleging that, because of several factual situations, Obama is not a “natural born citizen” as the Constitution requires all candidates for President to be (see http://obamacrimes.com/) and he uses as proof, among other things, the testimony of Obama’s paternal grandmother, a half-brother and half sister who say they witnessed that Obama was born, not in Hawaii as Obama claims, but in Kenya.

Most of these allegations could instantly be proven false if Obama were to produce the original, long form copy of his Hawaiian birth certificate for examination. Obama has consistently refused to do this and, instead, Obama’s campaign website and his online supporters have offered images of a shorter Hawaiian “certificate of live birth,” that many questioned documents experts say is a forgery and, doesn’t definitively answer the question anyway.

Now, in legal motions filed in Federal court by attorneys for Obama and the DNC this past Monday, October 6th, Obama and the DNC request that any “discovery” in this case, i.e. the actual production and examination of Obama’s original Hawaiian birth certificate, which Berg alleges does not exist because Obama was born in Kenya, be deferred until other legal issues are settled, in effect, postponing production of the birth certificate in question until after the November 4th Election.

This is truly a “Constitutional Crisis” and a Crisis for our Legal System and one that the MSM—deep, deep in the tank for Obama--wants no part in telling us exists, much less covering; you would think that the MSM would at least cover this story to debunk it and for a few laughs but, had I not gone to Berg’s website, I would not have known of this latest legal move, which was invisible because not reported by the MSM. The fact that Obama will not just produce this document—a thing easily done and likely to win him many political points, while at the same time, damaging his political enemies--to settle the issue, and the fact that Obama and the DNC are willing to spend money on delaying production of this original birth certificate, tells me that Obama doesn’t have one, because it doesn’t exist and if it doesn’t exist, Obama is disqualified from running for the Presidency, his campaign collapses and Obama, Democrats in general and the Democratic Party are thoroughly discredited and forever indelibly stained by this monumental fraud on the American people and our country’s democracy; thus, the stakes for Obama, for Democrats, for the Democratic Party and, most importantly, for our democratic form of government, could not be higher. I am sure there is much frantic activity behind the scenes and that the pressure on the Federal judge hearing this case is enormous.

Can you think of any sane reason why Obama would not pull out his original birth certificate for examination and immediately settle this bothersome, costly and “distracting” suit and this controversy? I can’t.

Obama and the DNC, aided by the silence of the MSM, want to keep this Federal suit, these developments, as unknown and quiet as possible, wants the action to be over before we even know that it happened; I suppose the likes of Greta Van Susteren wants to cover the monumentally important story of OJ’s new trial and tribulations, instead.

Obama and the DNC are hoping that if Obama wins in November, Obama’s Presidency will be a faite accompli, no one will have the guts or will want to go through the monumental Constitutional Crisis and Crisis in our Legal System that would ensue if attempts were made to remove a Constitutionally disqualified President-designate Obama from his position. The potential for riots in the streets by Obama’s outraged black supporters (always a threat of implied violence useful to Democrats) is only one of the many dire scenarios one can easily conjure up. Democrats control Congress and all the chairmen of key committees that would be involved in such a Constitutional Crisis are hard-core Democrats. The Democrats probably figure that once they win, they can try every trick in the book, they will fix this problem somehow and evade blame, play dumb, throw up a confusing barrage of conflicting information, point fingers and say they didn’t realize there was a “Crisis,” and can count on most people to not want to “make waves,” “rock the boat,” or to want to be part of such a potentially cataclysmic upheaval endangering the peace and tranquility and the very fabric of our democracy--so, one way or the other--the Democrats will smooth things over and make this suit go away, to enter the Bermuda Triangle of unsolved and endlessly disputed controversies like the disappearance of Judge Crater, Chappaquiddick and the Kennedy Assassination.

So, the time to act is now, before the Election and the necessary awareness leading to calls for such action is what Obama and the DNC are trying to prevent, with their legal maneuvering and the MSM is also trying to prevent by their silence on this suit and this issue.

from MichaelSavage.com
Edited by Savage, 09 October 2008 - 12:06 AM.

luv2increase's Photo luv2increase 09 Oct 2008

By the way you have a horrible typo in the topic title.

LOL Yeah, I meant allowed. I get a little carried away.

Anyways, I went and downloaded the birth certificate from the Fight the Smears website. Here: http://fightthesmear...irthcertificate

I opened up the image in Gimp 2.0 and examined it. The other Adobe experts say this is really the birth certificate of his sister.

Anyways, I noticed that the Font of his name on the birth certificate "Barack Hussein Obama II" and the date "August 4, 1961" are different than any of the other text on the document. This is an obvious fraud. Anyone else can download this off the Obama website and see for themselves. I wish I knew how to do the filter stuff to see everything else. I might need photoshop to do that.

It is so weird that he hasn't submitted it yet for validation. It is an obvious sign of guilt.

Shepard's Photo Shepard 09 Oct 2008

LOL Yeah, I meant allowed. I get a little carried away.

Is that the route of your problem?

luv2increase's Photo luv2increase 09 Oct 2008

Is that the route of your problem?

If you want to contribute anything relevant to my thread, that is fine. If not, then just not say anything at all. I don't enjoy trollers. Thank you! :)

luv2increase's Photo luv2increase 09 Oct 2008

Anyone, I ask you to download the image off Barack's website and enlarge the image. Notice the 2007 that is in reverse that is faded out in the middle of the document and also the "B" in the "OBAMA" in Barack's and the "B" in "OBAMA" in his dad's name.
Edited by luv2increase, 09 October 2008 - 12:32 AM.

Connor MacLeod's Photo Connor MacLeod 09 Oct 2008

LOL Yeah, I meant allowed. I get a little carried away.

Is that the route of your problem?


Zenob's Photo Zenob 09 Oct 2008

LOL Yeah, I meant allowed. I get a little carried away.

Is that the route of your problem?


He's almost like having a court jester isn't he? ;-)

luv2increase's Photo luv2increase 09 Oct 2008

LOL Yeah, I meant allowed. I get a little carried away.

Is that the route of your problem?


He's almost like having a court jester isn't he? ;-)

I don't think you guys understand why shepard wrote that. :)

luv2increase's Photo luv2increase 09 Oct 2008

LOL. I think it is funny how this thread is getting negative stars... If anyone deserves negative stars, it should be Obama for holding out in giving up his birth certificate. Hey, don't be mad at me for just letting people in on what's going on right now. It isn't my fault Obama may not be eligible to be President.

This may be the most important thread out of all the election threads.

The reasons being are because:

1. Many people and organizations may have donated money in vain.
2. Many people and organizations may have contributed many volunteer campaign work hours in vain.
3. This may be the craziest election in the US history due to this citizen and birth certificate problem.
4. All the Presidential debates may have been in vain.
5. All the election news coverage may have been in vain.
6. All the rallies may have been in vain.
7. Someone better like Hillary Clinton may have been able to defeat McCain
8. Who knows what all impacts this will have if it turns out to be true.
9. Obama may end up being the most hated person in the world if this is true.
10. If Obama isn't forced to give up his birth certificate before the election, and he wins the Presidency, there will end up being a super long court battle to change the rules to allow anyone to be President who isn't natural born citizen. Obama's attorneys will say the American people have spoken, and we can't turn them down because of some old, outdated constitutional law. "Your Honors, we can't allow this election to be in vain. All the hearts of the American people will be shattered. All that money spent in vain. All the man hours, for what, nothing?" This may be something like his attorneys will say to allow him to still be President.
Edited by luv2increase, 09 October 2008 - 01:52 AM.

maxwatt's Photo maxwatt 09 Oct 2008

This is one of those Urban Legends. See Snopes' write-up on it: http://www.snopes.co...ama/citizen.asp

Lazarus Long's Photo Lazarus Long 09 Oct 2008

More importantly these character assassination claims are totally irrelevant and nonsense. All it demonstrates is how little most people know of our own laws and the Constitution.

Try reading the 14th Amendment since that is where all the governing law lies.


If you're going to be involved in government in the United States, citizenship is a must. To be a Senator or Representative, you must be a citizen of the United States. To be President, not only must you be a citizen, but you must also be natural-born. Aside from participation in government, citizenship is an honor bestowed upon people by the citizenry of the United States when a non-citizen passes the required tests and submits to an oath.

Natural-born citizen

Who is a natural-born citizen? Who, in other words, is a citizen at birth, such that that person can be a President someday?

The 14th Amendment defines citizenship this way: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside." But even this does not get specific enough. As usual, the Constitution provides the framework for the law, but it is the law that fills in the gaps.

Currently, Title 8 of the U.S. Code fills in those gaps. Section 1401 defines the following as people who are "citizens of the United States at birth:"

* Anyone born inside the United States
* Any Indian or Eskimo born in the United States, provided being a citizen of the U.S. does not impair the person's status as a citizen of the tribe
* Any one born outside the United States, both of whose parents are citizens of the U.S., as long as one parent has lived in the U.S.
* Any one born outside the United States, if one parent is a citizen and lived in the U.S. for at least one year and the other parent is a U.S. national
* Any one born in a U.S. possession, if one parent is a citizen and lived in the U.S. for at least one year
* Any one found in the U.S. under the age of five, whose parentage cannot be determined, as long as proof of non-citizenship is not provided by age 21
* Any one born outside the United States, if one parent is an alien and as long as the other parent is a citizen of the U.S. who lived in the U.S. for at least five years (with military and diplomatic service included in this time)
* A final, historical condition: a person born before 5/24/1934 of an alien father and a U.S. citizen mother who has lived in the U.S.

Is anyone now arguing that his mother is not a citizen who has lived inside the US for more than 5 years?

luv2increase's Photo luv2increase 09 Oct 2008

This is one of those Urban Legends. See Snopes' write-up on it: http://www.snopes.co...ama/citizen.asp

Urban Legends? How so?

The article you linked to was last updated August 24, 2008. If you notice the bold paragraph below, the writer did not know or probably even think that the birth certificate is fake. At that time (August 24, 2008), it wasn't known. In light of recent evidence of his family members saying he was born in Kenya, the obviously fake birth certificate, and the fact that Obama is withholding from giving the birth certificate over to the Federal Elections Committee is proof enough that he wasn't even born in Hawaii.

Ask yourself this, "why wouldn't you just give the birth certificate over? What is the big deal that you would rather pay lawyers thousands of dollars to fight the giving over of the birth certificate? What is the big deal; every Presidential nominee does it? It would take 2 seconds to hand it over, and it doesn't cost anything. Why oh why wouldn't he just hand it over to them? Why are they trying to postpone handing it over until after the election? I mean they have it online; what is the difference?". I hope you see my point. It is utterly silly not to just hand it over.


The Fourteenth Amendment states that "all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States." Since Hawaii is part of the United States, even if Barack Obama's parents were both non-U.S. citizens who hadn't even set foot in the country until just before he was born, he'd still qualify as a natural-born citizen.

Some have claimed that Barack Obama's Hawaiian birthplace doesn't qualify him as a natural-born citizen because Hawaii was not yet a state when he was born. This claim is wrong: Hawaii was admitted as the 50th state almost two years before Barack Obama's birth there 1959 for statehood vs. 4 August 1961 for Obama's birthdate).

Some outdated versions of this item conclude by stating that "It should be demanded that Obama produce his 1961 Hawaiian birth certificate," but in fact his campaign made an image of that available on the Internet back in mid-2008.

In August 2008, Philadelphia attorney filed suit in U.S. District Court challenging Barack Obama's eligibility for the presidency on the grounds that Obama was actually born in Kenya (not Hawaii) and/or subsequently gave up his U.S. citizenship and thus does not qualify as a native-born citizen of the U.S. Lawsuits over candidates' eligibility are not uncommon: similar lawsuits (none of them successful), for example, have been filed challenging the citizenship status of John McCain (who was born in the Panama Canal Zone), challenging the Wyoming residency status of Dick Cheney (who was born in Wyoming but moved to Texas), and challenging the citizenship status of 1964 Republican presidential nominee Barry Goldwater (who was born in Arizona before that territory was admitted as a state).


luv2increase's Photo luv2increase 09 Oct 2008


This is the smoking gun proof that the birth certificate on his site and factcheck are both phony!

suspire's Photo suspire 09 Oct 2008

LOL Yeah, I meant allowed. I get a little carried away.

Is that the route of your problem?

You rock, Shepard. :)

And yes, luvydovey, I get why he said it. :)

P.S.: Luv, the reason all your posts get negative stars, including this one, is because most of us generally think you're both insane and a right wing fringe nut who often takes racist/ethnocentric/extremist positions that give the rest of the community a bad name. And generally, when you put something like PROOF in your posts/titles, there is absolutely one thing we can all be certain about (if you're discussing politics, at least): Your "proof" comes from a fairytale land called Honahlee.
Edited by suspire, 09 October 2008 - 05:12 AM.

luv2increase's Photo luv2increase 09 Oct 2008

And yes, luvydovey, I get why he said it. :)

Ok then. Let's hear it. Let's hear the reason.

suspire's Photo suspire 09 Oct 2008

And yes, luvydovey, I get why he said it. :)

Ok then. Let's hear it. Let's hear the reason.

Um, 'cause you faked a quote of his in another thread and you confused "route" with "root".

Did I really need to embarass you further, pointing out the depths you've fallen in order to try and win arguments with an audience who absolutely, positively thinks you are crazy and will not listen to any nonsense you spout out?

luv2increase's Photo luv2increase 09 Oct 2008

Um, 'cause you faked a quote of his in another thread and you confused "route" with "root".

Correct. YET, wouldn't you think there would have been more serious repercussions if I did in fact falsify a supposed quote by a moderator? :)

nonsense you spout out?

Ok suspire, you are trolling in my thread again attacking my character, and I don't appreciate it. You are hurting my feelings. If I spew out nonsense, then prove it. Show me right now, here in this thread, what is so nonsense about anything said. I am sick and tired of you and inawe with your non-stop ad-hominem attacks when you can never falsify anything I say.

suspire's Photo suspire 09 Oct 2008

Um, 'cause you faked a quote of his in another thread and you confused "route" with "root".

Correct. YET, wouldn't you think there would have been more serious repercussions if I did in fact falsify a supposed quote by a moderator? :)

nonsense you spout out?

Ok suspire, you are trolling in my thread again attacking my character, and I don't appreciate it. You are hurting my feelings. If I spew out nonsense, then prove it. Show me right now, here in this thread, what is so nonsense about anything said. I am sick and tired of you and inawe with your non-stop ad-hominem attacks when you can never falsify anything I say.

There are three things I've noticed about shepard in the infrequent times I've visited these forums over the years: 1) He's smarter than most posters. 2) He's funnier than almost all posters. 3) He's more chilled out than anyone in the community. In this case, options three holds sway--I just don't think he cares enough to make a big deal about it. Of course, maybe it's option 2 and he was just joking about it, but considering the quote I think you faked, I really hope it is option 3, because it sounded (including the mistaken use of route vs. root) like something you'd say/do.

I didn't realize calling an idiot an idiot was trolling: I think you're terrible for the forums and terrible for the transhuman/immortalist community. You fulfill most of the negative stereotypes outsiders think about us--fringe nutballs who sit around and spout utter craziness and who take extremist positions, detatched from all reality. Really, all we need is you and three more nutjobs to sit around in diapers, masturbating with peanut-butter and we'd be set for Jonestown or some such. But no, you get no slack from me--not when you spout such hatred against Obama--all based in lies (it'd be one thing if you debated/discussed credible issues) or worse, in hatred (he's a muslim, he's a terrorist, he's not an American citizen, Asians are stealing all our jobs, etc). But your spread of lies, hate-filled lies and deceptions is monstrous, in my opinion, and if you feel the need to continue with them, I feel the need, from time to time, to just point blank call you out for what you are.

Seriously, I cannot figure out what you are doing on these forums. I think this place may be more appropriate for your mindset.

And I don't need to "falsify anything" you say(unlike your fake shepard quote, a bit of a Freudian slip there?)--the lack of veracity of your comments stand for themselves. Do get back to me when you can string a coherent sentence together.

P.S.: Considering 99.9% of your posts/threads are a form of trolling, I am not sure how mocking you for them would constitute anything but a public service.
Edited by suspire, 09 October 2008 - 05:19 AM.

luv2increase's Photo luv2increase 09 Oct 2008

There are three things I've noticed about shepard in the infrequent times I've visited these forums over the years: 1) He's smarter than most posters. 2) He's funnier than almost all posters. 3) He's more chilled out than anyone in the community. In this case, options three holds sway--I just don't think he cares enough to make a big deal about it. Of course, maybe it's option 2 and he was just joking about it, but considering the quote I think you faked, I really hope it is option 3, because it sounded (including the mistaken use of route vs. root) like something you'd say/do.

I didn't realize calling an idiot an idiot was trolling: I think you're terrible for the forums and terrible for the transhuman/immortalist community. You fulfill most of the negative stereotypes outsiders think about us--fringe nutballs who sit around and spout utter craziness and who take extremist positions, detatched from all reality. Really, all we need is you and three more nutjobs to sit around in diapers, masturbating with peanut-butter and we'd be set for Jonestown or some such. But no, you get no slack from me--not when you spout such hatred against Obama--all based in lies (it'd be one thing if you debated/discussed credible issues) or worse, in hatred (he's a muslim, he's a terrorist, he's not an American citizen, Asians are stealing all our jobs, etc). But your spread of lies, hate-filled lies and deceptions is monstrous, in my opinion, and if you feel the need to continue with them, I feel the need, from time to time, to just point blank call you out for what you are.

Seriously, I cannot figure out what you are doing on these forums. I think this place may be more appropriate for your mindset.

And I don't need to "falsify anything" you say(unlike your fake shepard quote, a bit of a Freudian slip there?)--the lack of veracity of your comments stand for themselves. Do get back to me when you can string a coherent sentence together.

P.S.: Considering 99.9% of your posts/threads are a form of trolling, I am not sure how mocking you for them would constitute anything but a public service.

Ok, thanks for trolling my forums with your non-stop ad-hominem attacks of me. You never even pointed to anything in specific; just non-stop negative spewing on my thread. I like the way you dodged the questions I had for you. You completely beat around the bush. Hey, I think you should get a job in politics.

Moderators, you all need to get off your *sses and freakin do something about suspire. You all give a ad-hominem post yesterday about violations and rules, yet are too scared to even follow or executive what you said.

The is the umpienth time suspire has butted in on my thread. What at all did what she write in any of her posts yet have to do with Obama's birth certificate? Did she not aim ad-hominem attacks at me instead? Ask yourselves this.
Edited by luv2increase, 09 October 2008 - 12:58 PM.

maxwatt's Photo maxwatt 09 Oct 2008

You need your birth certificate or a certified copy to get a passport. Obama has a passport, he visited Europe and Iraq last summer. Whatever he provided to the US government passed muster, and I would take their judgement over some wing-nut looking at scanned images and photographs on the internet.

luv2increase's Photo luv2increase 09 Oct 2008

You need your birth certificate or a certified copy to get a passport. Obama has a passport, he visited Europe and Iraq last summer. Whatever he provided to the US government passed muster, and I would take their judgement over some wing-nut looking at scanned images and photographs on the internet.

The one he has listed on his site has been proving through technology to be a fake. Also, this does not answer the question as to why he'd rather spends multiple thousands of dollars to avoid having to turn his birth certificate in to the Federal Elections Committee? We all like to think in a sound logical, rational manner here; does Obama and his lawyer's actions meet this criteria? Does it not make logical sense to just turn it in?

suspire's Photo suspire 09 Oct 2008

There are three things I've noticed about shepard in the infrequent times I've visited these forums over the years: 1) He's smarter than most posters. 2) He's funnier than almost all posters. 3) He's more chilled out than anyone in the community. In this case, options three holds sway--I just don't think he cares enough to make a big deal about it. Of course, maybe it's option 2 and he was just joking about it, but considering the quote I think you faked, I really hope it is option 3, because it sounded (including the mistaken use of route vs. root) like something you'd say/do.

I didn't realize calling an idiot an idiot was trolling: I think you're terrible for the forums and terrible for the transhuman/immortalist community. You fulfill most of the negative stereotypes outsiders think about us--fringe nutballs who sit around and spout utter craziness and who take extremist positions, detatched from all reality. Really, all we need is you and three more nutjobs to sit around in diapers, masturbating with peanut-butter and we'd be set for Jonestown or some such. But no, you get no slack from me--not when you spout such hatred against Obama--all based in lies (it'd be one thing if you debated/discussed credible issues) or worse, in hatred (he's a muslim, he's a terrorist, he's not an American citizen, Asians are stealing all our jobs, etc). But your spread of lies, hate-filled lies and deceptions is monstrous, in my opinion, and if you feel the need to continue with them, I feel the need, from time to time, to just point blank call you out for what you are.

Seriously, I cannot figure out what you are doing on these forums. I think this place may be more appropriate for your mindset.

And I don't need to "falsify anything" you say(unlike your fake shepard quote, a bit of a Freudian slip there?)--the lack of veracity of your comments stand for themselves. Do get back to me when you can string a coherent sentence together.

P.S.: Considering 99.9% of your posts/threads are a form of trolling, I am not sure how mocking you for them would constitute anything but a public service.

Ok, thanks for trolling my forums with your non-stop ad-hominem attacks of me. You never even pointed to anything in specific; just non-stop negative spewing on my thread. I like the way you dodged the questions I had for you. You completely beat around the bush. Hey, I think you should get a job in politics.

Moderators, you all need to get off your *sses and freakin do something about suspire. You all give a ad-hominem post yesterday about violations and rules, yet are too scared to even follow or executive what you said.

The is the umpienth time suspire has butted in on my thread. What at all did what she write in any of her posts yet have to do with Obama's birth certificate? Did she not aim ad-hominem attacks at me instead? Ask yourselves this.

I think you need to realize a few things, since you keep doing it: 1) These aren't your forums/threads. You create a thread, but anyone can post on it. If you don't want people "butting in on your thread", then sit at home and write on a piece of paper your various fantasies. 2) You aren't going to guilt the moderators into doing your bidding. I've observed, on multiple occasions, your tendency to try and guilt/force a moderator to do your bidding by comments like "I cannot believe a moderator would behave like this" or "You shouldn't be so biased as a moderator". As if the entire forum is so stupid as not to understand your incredibly weak attempts at manipulation. 3) You unleash a slew of ad hominem attacks yourself and often dodge the question/issue on various threads--mine included. On points of substance. Then you post your newest crack-job thread "Obama=Osama=Terrorist" or "Obama Was Born on Mars" or some other absolute nonsense that has no place being in a Politics and Law Forum: Last time I checked, this forum isn't for extreme ring wing conspiracy theories. It isn't that you're discussing/debating issues of substance; you are posting out and out lies. And then you ask us to disprove them--it is nearly impossible to disprove something that does not exist. Others disproved your lies on this thread already, and maxwatt just did again, but I am sure you will come back with something like "Obama fooled the U.S. government with forgeries!" or some such. And that just cements my position that you aren't actually contributing to the Politics and Law forum--you are a detriment to the entire community and should be banned as a troller who does nothing but come in here and post like some raving lunatic.

You post and debate on real issues, issues that are pertinent and actually have facts behind them, and I'll stop claiming you're a waste of space. But debating with you on issues like "Obama is a terrorist" or "Asians are evil" is to lend you unearned legitimacy.
Edited by suspire, 09 October 2008 - 01:23 PM.

luv2increase's Photo luv2increase 09 Oct 2008

I think you need to realize a few things, since you keep doing it: 1) These aren't your forums/threads. You create a thread, but anyone can post on it. If you don't want people "butting in on your thread", then sit at home and write on a piece of paper your various fantasies. 2) You aren't going to guilt the moderators into doing your bidding. I've observed, on multiple occasions, your tendency to try and guilt/force a moderator to do your bidding by comments like "I cannot believe a moderator would behave like this" or "You shouldn't be so biased as a moderator". As if the entire forum is so stupid as not to understand your incredibly weak attempts at manipulation. 3) You unleash a slew of ad hominem attacks yourself and often dodge the question/issue on various threads--mine included. On points of substance. Then you post your newest crack-job thread "Obama=Osama=Terrorist" or "Obama Was Born on Mars" or some other absolute nonsense that has no place being in a Politics and Law Forum: Last time I checked, this forum isn't for extreme ring wing conspiracy theories. It isn't that you're discussing/debating issues of substance; you are posting out and out lies. And then you ask us to disprove them--it is nearly impossible to disprove something that does not exist. Others disproved your lies on this thread already, and maxwatt just did again, but I am sure you will come back with something like "Obama fooled the U.S. government with forgeries!" or some such. And that just cements my position that you aren't actually contributing to the Politics and Law forum--you are a detriment to the entire community and should be banned as a troller who does nothing but come in here and post like some raving lunatic.

You post and debate on real issues, issues that are pertinent and actually have facts behind them, and I'll stop claiming you're a waste of space. But debating with you on issues like "Obama is a terrorist" or "Asians are evil" is to lend you unearned legitimacy.

This is my thread in case you haven't realized. For now on, PM me what you have to say. That is much more professional and doesn't fill up space on these threads with arguing and bickering.

Thank you.
Edited by luv2increase, 09 October 2008 - 09:41 PM.

inawe's Photo inawe 09 Oct 2008

John McCain was born in Panama. Nobody is claiming that this would disqualify him from running for president. To do so would be a sign of
extreme pettiness. McCain supporters however, don't have such qualms about distracting the public with Obama's birth questions.
Edited by inawe, 09 October 2008 - 07:12 PM.

sthira's Photo sthira 09 Oct 2008

This is my thread in case you haven't realized. For now on, PM me what you have to say. That is much more professional and doesn't fill up space on these threads with arguing and bickering.

Thank you.

It's such a nice fall day, and the kickball idea looks awesome. Kickball may lead to increased longevity, although I can't reference studies. Kickball doesn't start until December http://www.chandlera...aspx?pageid=184 but I'm sure you get the idea.

luv2increase's Photo luv2increase 09 Oct 2008

John McCain was born in Panama. Nobody is claiming that this would disqualify him from running for president. To do so would be a sign of
extreme pettiness. McCain supporters however, don't have such qualms about distracting the public with Obama's birth questions.

There is a big difference from being born in the Panama Canal Zone than being born in Kenya.

biknut's Photo biknut 09 Oct 2008

LOL Yeah, I meant allowed. I get a little carried away.

Is that the route of your problem?

You rock, Shepard. :)

And yes, luvydovey, I get why he said it. :)

P.S.: Luv, the reason all your posts get negative stars, including this one, is because most of us generally think you're both insane and a right wing fringe nut who often takes racist/ethnocentric/extremist positions that give the rest of the community a bad name. And generally, when you put something like PROOF in your posts/titles, there is absolutely one thing we can all be certain about (if you're discussing politics, at least): Your "proof" comes from a fairytale land called Honahlee.

Excuse me but doesn't this constitute an ad-hominem attack? Why is this allowed?

inmostleaf's Photo inmostleaf 09 Oct 2008

I think an exorcism needs to be done on luv2increase. I have a feeling time vindicated with Adam Kamil and took over luv2's soul.

Zenob's Photo Zenob 09 Oct 2008

Excuse me but doesn't this constitute an ad-hominem attack? Why is this allowed?

Sometimes the truth can be ugly. :)