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Paradigms in Computer Science

modelcadet's Photo modelcadet 12 Jan 2009

Ray talks about shifting paradigms. One of the positive feedback loops involved in shifting paradigms is the increasing data about new paradigms. What are your thoughts?

Posted Image

We're done with what I'd call the third interfacing revolution, and in the terrible twos of the fourth interfacing revolution, what I'll call, for lack of a better term, the Sensualist Revolution.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Sensualism or Sensationalism is a philosophical doctrine of the theory of knowledge, according to which sensations and perception are basic and most important form of true cognition. It may oppose abstract ideas. The basic principle of sensualism is "there is not anything in mind, which hasn't been in the sensations."

We're looking at more and more direct interface with the mind, in such techs as multitouch, mobility, Gesturing, etc. The next paradigm in interfacing I'd call the Transcendental Revolution, where we design interfaces we don't necessarily need to actively interface with... We're starting to see some of this already, with breakthrough work by body hacking "artists" like Kevin Warwick and Quinn Norton. For the longest time I've wanted to set up an open source community for interfacing applications (with links to open instructionals on how to build the interface, or where to buy it (maybe)). I think it's all well and good to be able to feel magnetic fields and taste the rainbow, but I want to be able to feel my computer's CPU load or it's battery life. Or maybe download some other sensations. [if nothing like this exists, will someone (with enough money or extra domain space) help me start it up?]

Memory: We're getting the memristor soon, which will be swell (also because, if I'm correct, it may help with the von Neumann bottleneck. As will quantum memory.

Logic: Lithographic techniques are so boned. Quantum is in. So is multi-coring and distributed computing. If quantum internet is not some bojangler, I have reason to believe that Ray's prediction about a paradigmatic centralization of logic systems.

Control: (I don't really know anything about this... haha)
Edited by modelcadet, 12 January 2009 - 04:50 PM.

JohnDoe1234's Photo JohnDoe1234 12 Jan 2009

I have a friend who is building a galvanic skin response (GSR) interface for his computer and other electronic equipment, and I must say I am very optimistic about the types of interfaces we are beginning to see. Especially those built into us!

If you need hosting space I can't really help with hosting a community, but I have some extra space if you need a place to host individual files (I could let ya have up to 5GB if you need).

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