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A topic for collecting your favorite Micha...

brokenportal's Photo brokenportal 28 Jun 2009

Ive posted three main Jackson songs about changing the world in topics in this forum. This topic is reserved for everybody to post their miscellaneous favorite Jackson songs if they want to.

I think Jackson would have been a great proponent for the life extension cause. Its to bad we couldnt have gotten him on board in time. He could have been frozen and he could have done a lot to advocate this cause. I think he would have. Many here have said that we should get through to him over the years. Lets use this as a motivator to start excelling toward things like this. One great way is through the new imminst VIP Outreach team that has formed.

brokenportal's Photo brokenportal 28 Jun 2009

This song is awesome.
Edited by brokenportal, 28 June 2009 - 11:04 PM.

brokenportal's Photo brokenportal 28 Jun 2009

I knew these songs were good, but I hadnt realized till now just how much I took them for granted. These songs are freaking awesome. Many of them are still ahead of their time if you ask me.

Dang I cant wait to get a project going for songs for the cause.
Edited by brokenportal, 07 July 2009 - 08:21 PM.

brokenportal's Photo brokenportal 07 Jul 2009

The Jackson memorial today was freaking amazing. As Larry King said, it seemed like the height of emotion. I really feel alive and I can really sense a lot more today what it means to be alive, to be a human with these peculiar amazing capabilities in this day and age. That was the best show Ive ever seen. That was the biggest memorial service Ive ever seen. I bet it will go in the guiness book of world records.

The history, the height of entertainment, the humanity of it all, the world coming together, the parallels, the tribute to life in general, the tribute to humanity, the raw display of care, what it means in iconic ways, the music, the emotions, the sentimentality, the reminiscence, the impact of the songs in so many ways, what it means for the world, that show hit hard in a lot of ways on a lot of levels. It felt like the parade of parades. It makes me want more of life, more eager to live, really ready to not stop until I get enough. Hopefully we will all get to keep going, absorbing the great ride of life and existence until we get enough.
Edited by brokenportal, 07 July 2009 - 08:26 PM.

JediMasterLucia's Photo JediMasterLucia 07 Jul 2009

this is one of my favorites:

Edited by JediMasterLucia, 07 July 2009 - 09:11 PM.