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Ejaculation --->> depressed immune...

1kgcoffee's Photo 1kgcoffee 18 Jul 2009

I've noticed this for years. Shortly after ejaculating, my immune system becomes depressed and I start to catch a sore throat. Sometimes it sticks, sometimes not. Since getting a chipped molar, the effect is even more noticeable. I'm more prone to infection in that tooth and can literally feel the left tonsil starting to swell after ejaculating. It's only ever a problem after ejaculation

Another thing is that for a few days afterwards, I'm less intelligent, less coordinated, have a slower reaction time and feel tired in general. I understand this can be attributed to abnormally high levels of prolactin, but is there another piece of story missing? Could it have something to do with dopamine too?

Does anyone here understand what's going on? Can anyone relate? Any solutions?

--massive thanks in advance
Edited by 1kgcoffee, 18 July 2009 - 09:27 AM.

synaesthetic's Photo synaesthetic 18 Jul 2009

You lose alot of zinc when you ejaculate.
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1kgcoffee's Photo 1kgcoffee 18 Jul 2009

You lose alot of zinc when you ejaculate.

I've thought about this one, but I supplement with zinc 2 or 3 times a week. And could that explain the near immediate effects?

kismet's Photo kismet 18 Jul 2009

Sorry, I'm getting ever so slightly pissed off by the dozens of pointless (!) masturbation threads (why do people always open a new one anyway, why not continue where we left?). I believe what you describe sounds like a psychosomatic condition (i.e. it's in your mind, a sort of nocebo).
But if anyone feels like continuing this discussion with more than baseless speculation and on a more scientific level, provide serious references. If not I beg a mod to close this useless topic (or merge it with the millions of other such threads). I find it is extremely irresponsible to repeat the same, old, tired myths again and again. No one will be helped that way.

Only two posts in one thread and we're already at 2 myths:
-) prolactin rise is minuscle and transient, almost 0% change in AUC over 24hours.
-) the loss in zinc is minimal at best, probably similar to sweating, but then again, no one feels depressed from sweating...
Edited by kismet, 18 July 2009 - 12:19 PM.

JLL's Photo JLL 18 Jul 2009

Dopamine, a neurotransmitter, influences the immune system.

Dopamine (DA) is a monoamine neurotransmitter of both central and peripheral nervous system. Its role in the neural-immune communication has been discussed in the present review. Results reveal that in vivo damage or stimulation of specific central dopaminergic system suppresses or enhances functional activities of the immune effector cells. The possible influences of other immunomodulators of the brain by altering brain DA may be the underlying mechanism. Direct effects of DA on the immune effector cells are also contradictory, it is suppressive in vitro, while in pharmacological doses, it is mostly stimulatory in vivo. The possible mechanisms have been discussed. Lastly, future areas of relevance on DA and immunity have been highlighted to advance our knowledge regarding DA as an immune regulator.


B_Jim's Photo B_Jim 18 Jul 2009

Hi 1kgcoffee, I have it too. We call it Post-Orgasmic Illness Syndrome (Pois). In the past I had symptoms during 3/4 days after ejaculation with close symptoms.

JLL : thank you very very much! We try to find a solution to explain Pois.
To my knowledge, nobody make the link between dopamine and immune system before you. Dopamine for cognitive symptoms and effect on immune system to explain flu-like symptoms. Amazing.
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1kgcoffee's Photo 1kgcoffee 18 Jul 2009

This problem has been going on for years, and any help - including baseless speculation - is helpful. Perhaps it is psychosomatic, but how can one test that? I was never raised to feel guilty about sex or masturbation, so it seems unlikely. If you want to stick around and play devils advocate that's cool and helpful, but please don't try to get my thread closed.

Thanks, I'm looking into that.

Thanks! I found this thread, and you seem to be in it:

Heliotrope's Photo Heliotrope 18 Jul 2009

Hi 1kgcoffee, I have it too. We call it Post-Orgasmic Illness Syndrome (Pois). In the past I had symptoms during 3/4 days after ejaculation with close symptoms.

I wonder if the act of shooting semen is serious enough to warrant the "Post-Orgasmic Illness Syndrome (Pois)" , a complete disorder just from masturbation etc?

there should be no ill effects or decreasing IQ/ cognitive ability if once 3/4 days or maybe 3 times a day even.

StrangeAeons's Photo StrangeAeons 19 Jul 2009

at one point I got my prolactin checked because occassionally I would exeprience a certain degree of exacerbated depressive symptoms for a few hours after orgasm. It turned out to be elevated (but not pathologically high. In retrospect this is not so much coincidental as possibly a common-response variable of a sort.

In other words:
the OP has already posted having depressive symptoms in another thread; that doesn't mean I'm writing the whole thing off as psychosomatic, but it's conceivable that in certain forms of mood disorder, something as mild as a transient increase in prolactin (or perhaps a sudden change in endorphin, oxytocin, or any other of a host of chemical processes related to orgasm) might be sufficient to swing the already-dysfunctional brain into a more compromising state. This is still conjecture, though, and I honestly think that treatment should consist of treating the mood disorder.

B_Jim's Photo B_Jim 20 Jul 2009

Heliotrope : It's possible there are some secondary disorders (like adenoma). We just try to have a serious talk about post ejaculation disorders. Some guys have real hypotestosteronemia (dispite science is not clear about effect of ejaculation on testosteronemia), others are closer to cases reported by dr Waldinger with flu-like reaction... It's not easy to find solution for each case. We try...

n25philly's Photo n25philly 20 Jul 2009

I've noticed this for years. Shortly after ejaculating, my immune system becomes depressed and I start to catch a sore throat. Sometimes it sticks, sometimes not. Since getting a chipped molar, the effect is even more noticeable. I'm more prone to infection in that tooth and can literally feel the left tonsil starting to swell after ejaculating. It's only ever a problem after ejaculation

Another thing is that for a few days afterwards, I'm less intelligent, less coordinated, have a slower reaction time and feel tired in general. I understand this can be attributed to abnormally high levels of prolactin, but is there another piece of story missing? Could it have something to do with dopamine too?

Does anyone here understand what's going on? Can anyone relate? Any solutions?

--massive thanks in advance

sore throat after ejaculating? Then don't swallow...

synaesthetic's Photo synaesthetic 20 Jul 2009

I have a good friend who is generally knowledgeable about nutrition who told me that men lose a great deal of zinc when they ejaculate, I have also heard that taking zinc increases the amount of semen so it made sense to me that one loses alot of zinc... but I should have double checked my information. In the future I will find references before I post something as fact. My apologies for posting dis-information.

1kgcoffee's Photo 1kgcoffee 25 Jul 2009

Thanks for the responses.

Another symptom I forgot to mention - my cheeks become noticeably hollow afterwards and face sallow. This is like the opposite of 'moon face' that steroid users tend to get.

StrangeAeons's Photo StrangeAeons 25 Jul 2009

again, I think this is psychiatric but that the ejaculation might be a legitimate physiological trigger that exacerbates certain symptoms. For instance, "flat affect" is a characteristic of depression, and affect has a lot to do with tension and tone in the facial muscles. This is something I know about first hand, regardless of what causes it.

Heliotrope's Photo Heliotrope 27 Jul 2009

wonder what's optimum ejaculating frequency. Is it better to leave old semen in or let it out

solbanger's Photo solbanger 27 Jul 2009

Thanks for the responses.

Another symptom I forgot to mention - my cheeks become noticeably hollow afterwards and face sallow. This is like the opposite of 'moon face' that steroid users tend to get.

I heard that's how Michael Jackson prepared for Thriller.
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1kgcoffee's Photo 1kgcoffee 28 Jul 2009

again, I think this is psychiatric but that the ejaculation might be a legitimate physiological trigger that exacerbates certain symptoms. For instance, "flat affect" is a characteristic of depression, and affect has a lot to do with tension and tone in the facial muscles. This is something I know about first hand, regardless of what causes it.

Thanks StrangeAeons, I doubted the depression theory but this has me thinking otherwise, now.